Why is the Middle East and Africa such beautiful technological wonders while Europe and America are such dilapidated shitholes?
Why is the Middle East and Africa such beautiful technological wonders while Europe and America are such dilapidated...
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Could be because blizzard doesn't want to show those countries off as how they really are in their game.
Plus it's the future, so you KNOW all those shit hole countries are gonna magically be 1st world by 2050 or whenever the fuck.
because gorilla city is supposed to be advanced
The Middle East IS advanced, though, even today.
And so is northern Africa.
What parts of America and Europe are dilapidated shitholes? Eichenwalde doesn't count because it's a small castle that was forgotten to the ravages of time after the war. Hollywood looks fine, Kings Row looks fine.
>Kings Row
Because of all of the white servants
the only "shitty" areas are route 66, and that's suppose to be a evil biker gang hideout, and even then its just a generic canyon with a flaming train wreckage, and king's row is suppose to be a seedy back-alley part of england anyways
i do wish they had more iconic areas (like they fucking advertised) like major established cities instead of some random spots
I-I MEAN 2020!!!
We see advanced western civilizations all the time. Why not mix it up in a fictional game to see something unique for a change
Overwatch seems like it's trying really hard to pander to and glorify all the nations represented within the game.
They have to make them all look flawless.
General expectations are for those undeveloped countries to become first-world utopias in the "near future." Also it's predicated on feeling good, not actual evidence.
Brazilian map in a futuristic favela when?
The Muslims won in the end
>new Mumbai map
>technological advances have reached 1998 levels
>shit still on streets
>toilets are used to hold health packs instead of poop since they're sterile due to lack of use
not the future, more like alternate reality
because its a fictional world with no religion so of course all the shitholes are now lovely *tips fedora*
Well, that's hardly surprising anymore.
Especially considering the gay controversy thing as well.
>futuristic favela
Can that be implemented in the same patch as a futuristic designated shitting street?
>female characters are ambushed by pajeets in absence of male characters in immediate area
Because they wanted to trigger you in a game about purple big but snipers and talking gorillas
>middle east is a utopia
>Germany in literal ruins
>everyone is gay
they won
Most shitholes are that way mainly due to cultural influences encouraging their inhabitants to be retarded, selfish and filthy.
See mainland China, India and most of Africa.
>Jesus statue in India starts leaking holy water
>villagers start drinking water and washing in it
>guy finds out its water from clogged drainage pipes
>gets death threats for blasphemy
India is amazing
That's India retard
Leave this sub alone, Sup Forums.
I can't decide if mainland China or India is worse.
India is definitely more filthy and subhuman, but the chinks act like street-shitting monkies even when they're millionaires.
Eichenwalde destoryed
I hate to be that guy, but theres a point where you can't deny when something is really bad...
India has such a bad issue with public defecation that the goverment PAYS people to shit in goverment funded toilets. Kids are so used to shitting in public that they prefer that.
I can't find it now, but there was some promotional video for it where someone said it had cutting-edge modern graphics
I laughed
Such blatant Iranian propoganda
All the africans migrated to Europe
All the Europeans migrated to Africa
case closed
>Sup Forums
>"everyone I don't like is a jew"
>Sup Forums
>"everyone I don't like is a Sup Forumstard"
Alot of scientific and technological discoveries were made in the Middle-east before the dark ages even. It was the Mongol Invasion that wiped out alot of findings, where some of the brilliant minds of the middle-east went to Europe to seek refuge. Where those findings eventually resurfaced after the Dark Ages.
Alot of the uninformed like to pin the blame on Religion, and while religion partly had to do with suppressing knowledge and information, had the mongol invasion not happened, the middle-east would definitely be up there in this day and age.
Of course, I don't expect Sup Forums to believe any of this.
What is this?
Is this a new meme?
Fun Fact: if you treat Africa as one nation it has better living standards and economic indicators than India
it's a reddit reference
because US media brainwashed idiots to think their country is better?
You must be new around here.
shut the fuck up achmed idiot
Is this a VS map or something?
I never get it in quickplay.
Nope never as long as blacks run Africa it will always be a dump like any place they run.
>Constant rebellions and dictatorships
>new meme
I remember seeing that a year ago, so no.
Because Omnics are tools of the jew built to destroy the white race. Jews are the ones in the middle of Sombra's web revealed in her backstory video. They control everything just like they do in real life.
Holy shit go away and kill yourself
Who cares about economy? The blacks make the living conditions of Africa hell on earth.
What about King's Row, Mexico, Greece, Japan, China, Hollywood and Russia? They're perfectly fine and technologically advanced.
America isn't a dillaptidated shithole in Overwatch. Hollywood is perfectly fine and Route 66 is supposed to be in the muddle of buttfuck nowhere, and might I add there is a futuristic train running right though the map. The map in Germany is also an abandoned place, as the result of a war.
also, Egypt is a shithole in the game
>Saudi Arabia
>not advanced
The omnics provided them tireless productivity, and the west turned them down because 'dey took er jorbs'
Quiet Muhammed
Yeah? 2CP KOTH map, you can play it on an arcade server 24\7 atm
Ever seen dubai?
I thought they hated Christianism there.
Well, OP's map is placed in Iraq.
shut the fuck up
Literally all of Eastern Europe with the exceptions of Hungary and the Czech Republic.
Undeveloped now so when the positive future that will never happen happens the Middle East and Africa reaped the most from it
It's like how here in NYC we aren't looking particularly futuristic compared to say, Dubai in 2017 because most NYC development happened int he turn of the last century
Dubai is only successful because of the Westerners.
They actually don't enforce any Muslim rules in Dubai since too many Westerners live there. It would be counter productive to the city's profits to go against its Western population.
if anything they will stoop even lower than third world
like how all the Christian countries went to shit?
Actually, most of those were pre-islamic Persian and Hindu findings, brought together under a school of thought that is today considered heresy in the middle east.
Even before the mongol invasion, the middle east was having sectarian battles and as we can see today the ones that considered rational thought lost. The place would still suck, even without the invasion, simply because the local religious leaders declared knowledge and the pursuit thereof to be heretical
>poor fag who has never been or heard of dubai
Look up dubai sometime
Why is no one pointing out the African map was built by Omnics?
Also the Arab Gulf States are rich due to oil, the rest of the Middle East is poor however since forever
This! Also read the lore.
>Numbani is one of the few places where omnics and humans live as equals. This collaboration has led to the creation of one of the world's greatest and most technologically advanced cities in the short time since its establishment after the end of the Omnic Crisis.
the US and western europe are what is known as a "mature economy"
Black people are smarter and stronger than all other races. It's only a matter of time before we rise up.
>What parts of America are dilapidated shitholes?
Most of them?
The mongols didn't destory crap they embraced any culture and religion , if you fucked with them they would wipe the floor with you , your children and your neighbour.
The muslims caused the Dark age by killing the well established trade of the mediterranean, by economical standard it was a 500-600 year recesion as the economies recovered due to a lack of trade while the muslims world flurished.
During which the European nations started to developt the underdevelopted north using Roman/Greek/Phoencians(mediterranean) economical principles , it took awhile but the North sea came to life , trade in the english channel and inland Germany/France/Spain.
As these parts developted and caught up the Arabs , Ottomans shit so much on the trade abusing causing slowly lowering productivity and only being succesful because of continuessly expanding.
Once that expansion stoped the nations fell apart , as muslims do not promote economical growth , but they promote obieence and direct/indirect slavery.
As a muslim you are a slave to GOD , your religios leaders and the calif , your women is your slave and you either do as you are told or you die.
There is no freedom in Islam , thus little to no growth.
The only growth comes from conquring other nations and calling it your own.
The european countries that flurished during the dark age were the small cities states of italy like venice, genoa who had made trade deals with arab nations allowing them to be independent and control trade.
And thridly anything you believe to actually be done by Muslims was actually done like goy said , by persians, armenians, byzatinum, greeks, romans, mesoponanians, hindus, buddist, tengries, and many others that lived in the middle east.
Islam kills freedom , Islam kills history so people do ask questions of what was once there, leaving just blind omogenous people.
Everyone else hates the omnics, but those areas embrace them. It's all because of the omnics.
>mongol didn't destroy crap
Have you played on on Temple of Anubis? Looks just like fucking market from Alladin.