
Just finished playing this.
After ending D i Thought this game couldn't surprise me anymore, clearly i was wrong.
Are the sequels as fucked up as this? I want more

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2 is a big piece of shit, look up Caim's scenes on youtube and never look back.
3 is fun, play that one.

what about Nier,since it's connected to ending E, should i play it too?

Yeah Nier is good too. Not as fucked up as DoD 1 but you'll probably enjoy them.

I see, i'll try them then.
>Not as fucked up as DoD 1
does this mean no more giant babies?

I read the plot on the DoD wiki. Pretty weird stuff

Looked up gameplay on youtube and it looked awful. Is it true that it was designed to be un-fun because Caim is 'insane' but I didn't get that from the wiki plot


>playing video games for the story

he is really fucking bonkers

Well, maybe you should try playing the game to find out.

I played drkengard 1 when I was younger and only remember good things. Is it worth rebuying it?

its not the story, its the experience.
only implied, read grimoire nier after beating the game

>its not the story, its the experience.
>the rationalizations of weaboos
I'm laughing

all we want is nier replicant

I like it, but beware, gameplay is tedious

oh yeah, it's all true.
i'm trudging through the game right now, and i'm going fucking crazy mate.

Why not? I get entertained.

have this (you)

Nier is my favorite in the series but it's the least fucked up.
Don't touch 2.

dod1 is really one hell of an experience, and the story isn't even that good.
not in term of story telling anyway, it's just fucking bunkers.
also, the game isnt really weebs

Why is four such a bitch

Or just watch Clemps videos about it.



>not realizing that video games are movies that you interact with

post the mind numbing soundtrack

For DoD 2,alternatively you can read The Dark Id's LP.

Stop shilling your vids in every thread

But yeah, no one should have to play DoD2


Here's the whole Drakengard 1 OST compiled by a kind user.


And here's Nier's OST by the same kind user.

great, thanks anons