I'm quitting my job at EB Games tomorrow. How should I do it?

I'm quitting my job at EB Games tomorrow. How should I do it?

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My asking to meet with your manager, explaining the situation, and putting in your two weeks so as to not burn any bridges in your future endeavors.

Like a normal person so you can get a reference

What are you leaving EB for? JB Hi Fi?


Don't be a cunt.


Shoot up the place lmao. It'll be hilarious XD

Bring a baseball bat and smash the fuck out the game kiosks while listening metallica.

Now really, just do it like a normal person, don't be a faggot.


This. You want to maintain a working reference for at least a few years.

I'm quitting my job as Power Plant Operator.
How should I do it?

I'm tired of working shift and want to go back to school.

My coworkers really like me I don't know how to do it.

Get a pigeon and let it go in the store. Bonus points if more than one pigeon.

I don't know about anywhere else in the world but in Aus it's actually illegal to give a bad reference.


slightly open the plastic of all the new games so people will bitch that you're selling used copies as new

What's the fucking point then?

There literally is none, i've thought about ways I could give bad references to shitcunts but the only way to do so is to ignore calls.

Bosses can easily just say "no, I don't think that would be appropriate" if they don't think you're good enough to warrant getting a reference or letter of recommendation.

And don't listen to people who say "just list them anyway!". One of my old Uni lecturers used to work as a regional manager for Kodak in Canberra, and he told me that he got rung up a few times by people who had been outright fired (Including one guy who was stealing from the company and later ended up on fraud charges) and just listed him anyway in the hope that their potential employer wouldn't actually contact them.

You can say you wouldn't hire them again without giving a bad reference.

Just putting it out there, it was seasonal and the manager treated me like shit the whole time I was there and had ridiculous expectations for me. I wouldn't get a good reference no matter what I did at this point

I'm a leaf

I guess so, I'm just paranoid about getting a call from Fair Work Commission and having through a bunch of bullshit. Lucky no one that has actually been a shitcunt has gotten a job where they needed a reference.

I was expecting grimey.

>the manager treated me like shit the whole time I was there and had ridiculous expectations for me.

also, just quit normally i reckon. no one gives a fuck. if you wanna go out with a bang maybe incorrectly price a bunch of shit and get some friends to come in and chuck up a stink about not being able to buy shit at the listed price? i dunno.

In Aus, there's some unwritten rules people use.

If all you state is that a cunt you fired worked for you in the past and just leave it as that, nothing else. That's like, the worst reference you can give a cunt. Small companies don't follow the rule, that's why some cunts can get a tonne of jobs, but never hold em' down.

Tonnes of references, and that's all what some intern people in HR are looking for.

You go in for a high end job though, with HR cunts who have been in the business for years. They know what's up.

Source. One of them HR cunts.

In USA it's against the law. Slander or something. If the employee was bad the most they will say is He/She was indeed an employee of (company name).

Though if you get that you know they were a shitty employee. Also almost know calls for references.

I wouldn't actually pull anything shitty since I'd see them at my other job this was a shitpost, I am actually quitting but I never had any intention of doing it anyways other than normal

Manager wanted me to be able to take care of the store on my own after only being there for about a month (with only one or two, 3 hour shifts a week). She also did shit like ask me if I had a mental condition (which is illegal where I live), never bothered to pay attention to my training and just assumed my assistant manager told me everything (even though he didn't and didn't even notice I wasn't wearing a name tag). I was also accused of "making stuff up" when I said stuff like "Final Fantasy XV and the Last Guardian have the same Metacritic", "some games on the Wii require special controllers" and "you don't need PS Plus to buy stuff from the playstation store". There's nothing massive but it's the little things that really made me hate that job

Oh, and also for the record. The assistant manager was supposed to give me one but I never got a nametag up to that point. I didn't even know I needed one until the owner came in and asked why I wasn't wearing one.

sounds like a bitch who cant run her fucking store. hope things go better at your new job user.

Hello, Andrew.