3 years of development, $2 million+

>3 years of development, $2 million+
>Game peaked at 88k when it first came out on Steam then quickly went down
>Peaked at 62k when it came out of EA then quickly went down again
>Gets a daily peak of around 8k
>Starbound general on /vg/ has been dead for a long time
>Nobody talks about it, not even Sup Forums
How did this game fail so horribly? Where did all that money go?

Other urls found in this thread:


Idk I still play it and I have fun

it was more fun to watch the trainwreck development than playing the game

>Shitty music
>Shitty artstyle
>Stupid story
>All random "dungeons" have literally no purpose at all
>Mining is incredibly boring
>So are the monsters, who also serve no fucking purpose
>All planets look the same
>Boring weapons
>Shitty bosses
>Horrible controls
>Races have no differences from each other, the anphibian ones can't even beathe underwater, ffs
>No proper direction
>Boring game overall

I'd rather play Terraria thank you very much

For one there isn't 2million worth of development put into this game, so the first step is figuring out what they were doing with all that money.

>$2m budget
>at least 88k on one and 62k on another at launch, probably a bit of trickle since albeit low
>failure, "where did all the money go"
Is school still not back in session that we still have retards like OP who can't handle literally elementary school arithmetic? God damn. Given the launch price they clearly made all their money back with an ok profit. It wasn't a runaway ebin minecraft success or some shit but at such a tiny budget it didn't need to be.


When you're in a ghetto high school or in the 3rd world a few million must seem like a lot of money huh?

Why is terraria good but this not? I do not own Starbound but from gameplay vids it looks very similar to Terraria.

>every race plays the same
>zero point of building a base on a planet you will leave forever in less than half an hour
>dungeons and structures filled with nothing useful
>shopkeepers and towns sell nothing useful
>build technologies to fight bosses to build more advanced technologies to fight more advanced bosses etc
>cant upgrade the ship, aka your home base
>weapons are useless after you level up star systems
>nothing to do in multiplayer
>goofy monsters that frequently repeat
basically its like terraria, if terraria had a depth of 25 metres and every half hour you had to leave your world and start again on a new one

Their pockets obviously

>Every single game developer is EA, so we must gauge a game's success by the tenths of Billions or it's a complete and utter failure
Kill yourself.

terraria has 1000x more items and the bosses are not garbage. sure its only one planet and like 2 big dungeons, but its packed to the rim full of interesting shit.

starbound could be compared to no mans sky, as in it offers infinite planets full of nothing interesting

Tell me Sup Forums is it good now? I've heard it is.

a polished turd is still a turd

I think you may have reading comprehension issues user. Or else it's late. Protip: post you're replying to was making exactly your point.

Terraria has had years and years of support and updates.


Haven't played Terraria since a couple months after release, guess I will add it to the list of games I need to play.

They got a nice office and begin to publish another games. They also made early access games' life a bit harder. 10/10 work
I still have those hype letters from 2013 in my mail

>there are people who didn't like starbound but thought no mans sky was going to be great

>literally only a year older than starbound
>took four months for the official 1.0 release to come out
>team is a fraction of the size of chucklefish (excluding the testers who, by the way, actually did their fucking job)

If you think you can use development time as an excuse, you're a fucking idiot.

How didn't that bomb go off holy shit

For me terraria is much better because when I play it I know what to expect. I know that if I go on the jungle I can get the items to make this sword or armor, or that I can find this item in the dungeon. Starbound being procedurally generated, including weapons means that I never know if I'll get what I want and ultimately this removes all enjoyment from me.

Also, a lot of starbound weapons are reskins with different damage values. Terraria aside from the starting swords and some staves, all weapons have some different feature or power to it.


Terraria was actually a game. And comfy as fuck. Starbound just has similar art.

>the testers who, by the way, actually did their fucking job

Can't post proof because not going to associate my name with a racist anime board, but man I was a tester for terraria and shit was fun/hard.

Lots of features were never shown to players, something I think Starbound did a bad job about, for example throwing all weapons including tools, the mining machine which just was a drill that dug down, coal needed for smelting, bosses only spawning in designated arenas (that had indestructible terrain surrounding them as well).

Lots of fun, great team

>Shitty music
You take that back faggot
Starbounds music blows Terraria's out of the fucking water.

Isn't it Terraria in space? Why would I pay for whats basically a texture pack?

>a guy playing terraria on stream with 300 viewers, there's a praising talk in the chat about OP gam
>"Nah, it's just cheaper NMS, some people just never learn"
>strimer: "Why NMS? urghh space theme I guess?"
>The promised gimmick was millions of unique planets with unique fauna enemies and more to explore and share online coordinates
>They promised it?
People don't care about community dramas. The only ones who got burned by Starbound is those who were lurking around their site and forums hoping for hidden hipster gem.

I currently have 462 hours in the game
seriously this game scratched that "hoard a bunch of shit because it looked cool but you'll never use" itch like no other game will or could

>daily peak of around 8k
what did anonymous mean by this

As I remember correctly there's no music underground at all besides lava buzzing.

I thought there was no difference between what played above and underground atleast I could swear I remember hearing the same music

Terraria desperately needs new music. It comes to a point where the overworld music just drives me nuts and I have to turn it off

The whole techno nonsensical music got really annoying for the bosses and invasions

>so many cool cosmetic decorative items
>you leave every planet in like five minutes so basebuilding is worthless

why the FUCK

Starbound got like over a million dollars in "preorders", which were more like crowdfunding since they had no release date, they had plenty of time to make the game good, what happens is that Relogic knows how to make a good game, you could give 10 years development and Chucklefish wouldn't make a good game.

That 100 artists and one coder meme is kind of true.

I guess atleast it did better than edge of space, has it ever even had an update since that one Halloween one like 2 years ago?

dude generic orchestral music lmao

Fuck I forgot to refund this when it came out of early access

Quick Sup Forums, before the thread dies!
Tell Mahka that _he is a cute Floran!

But wrench girl is cuter

Remember me, /sbg/?

Wow rude.
Mahka can't have anyone cuter than them aboard their ship.
Take that back or it's kebab on the menu.
This is the most stupid way I've tried to keep a thread alive yet.

What does that taste like. Is it water?

It's called a shampoo ginger, and that's edible. I don't know what it tastes like.

I remember.

those fuzzy angled pixels, the fuckers never fixed it

Of course it wasn't until after I left the general when they started making porn with this.

Apperently edible or used as skin conditioner

>peak of 8k
that's still good for indie shit

>no grappling hook hotkey
the one thing they should have copied from terraria. i know it's a really minor thing but it pisses me off to no end

I dislike the square eye pixels, they look fucking terrible

Largely uninteresting items and the dungeons and towns/buildings repeat so much. If you've been to one toxic world you've been to all of them. Teleporters solve the base + traveling issue and it is possible to upgrade the ship so no real issues there. The game lacks solid content, just look at how few bosses there are. The tech tree/upgrades are not nearly as interesting as terrarias either. The game overall is decent and definitely enjoyable if you liked terraria but it's still inferior to that game so you're not likely to stay with starbound long when you're done (didn't find basebuilding particularly fun in either game though, it's just boring in 2D).

Starbound is great, just shitty matchmaking, typing an IP to reach a server is shit that should have stopped being a thing in 1998.

They never fix anything in this game.
If it wasn't so fun basebuilding I would have given up ages ago.
At this point I'm impressed they still bother with updates. 7/10 for trying.

I remember
I also remember bird tits

>buy this during sale
>not really sure why i bought it
>play for 20 minutes and realise how boring it is

Terraria has high-speed and dangerous combat, interesting worlds filled with treasure, fast and consistent pacing, actual objectives rather than "go find this bit of furniture for me!", and actually challenging bosses.

It's essentially 2d NMS. a billion planets, procedurally generated and no purpose to anything you do on them.

>Shitty music
was the one thing it didn't have user
>Shitty artstyle
the artstyle wasn't that bad either just the monster designs.
the rest are all valid points


>Not playing with mods that fix almost all of those problems

It's not hard to run a server with mods active and have your friends join. I have one right now that a few of my friends and myself play on with 30+ mods active.

I had fun with simple collect and grow all available seeds goal back in 2013. Is fishing fun?

I think you're just a bully.

To give the game credit, there's a lot more to do than there used to be. It seems me once the devs stopped wasting money and remaking the game every three months they actually made a little content.
Fishing is pretty fun, but really the only way to get your playtime is to build. With colonies you can teleport to bases you've built. Maybe try something like a fishing village on an island, with a pier going off into the water?
And a hidden tunnel to an underwater elevator to a secret base.

I doubt there are mods that fix half of what that user pointed out

Still runs like shit.

You don't even have a space hulk so you can just decorate your ship.

>people think Starbound failed

Regardless of how you feel about the game it was a success. It never had a chance of pulling Terraria numbers long term (and while I completely agree Terraria is the better game, it only maintains a large playerbase because of autism and low system requirements, Starbound has similar system requirements to a modern AAA game despite being indie pixelshit), but 4k - 7k on a weekday is very good.

The ironic thing is that Tiy would have preferred the game flop, because he could have dropped support and quietly crept away in the night in search of retarded developers to scam (if you bought Stardew Valley you are directly responsible for funding Tiy's lavish London lifestyle), but because of a bunch of dedicated furry ERPers he has to keep churning out updates

>you release a game
>fucking 88,000 people play it at ONCE.
>8,000 people still play it daily, years later.

If that's the definition of failure here, holy shit.

I don't even fucking like the game.