Fact: throwing an eyepatch on a cute female character or covering one eye automatically improves the design.
Fact: throwing an eyepatch on a cute female character or covering one eye automatically improves the design
False, gimping a character's combat effectiveness doesn't improve shit.
Fact: Adding bigger breasts to a cute female character automatically improves the design.
Fact: Setsuna is secretly the best girl of Fire Emblem Fates.
I seriously hope you all had her fall for your love trap.
Fact: there's no such thing as "female characters", only "eye candy" and "rewards".
>nuFire Emblem
Why don't you take your cummies stained beard and glasses back to whatever putrid website you crawled out of?
Fact: Girl with light blue hair = best
Fact: adding a penis to a cute female character automatically improves the design.
>Cripple their depth perception
>Reduce their mobility
Bet you think Skyrim armors that aren't leather/iron/steel are somehow well-designed, too
What about on male characters?
Doubles the design improvement if the outfit is slutty
Fact: girl in tights/leggings makes her the best girl
>implying someone care about this in game with magic and sheet
I'd love to see game like JA2, but only with female cast. With realistic stats. Like imagine when you really need three people team to wield MG.
Maybe if you're a fucking fetishist going to a night club.
It's no secret for true believers
Not in this case.
did fates ever get actual full body character portraits. All I remember seeing were the torso portraits and something that looked like shitty fanart
>20% strength growth
I do not believe she's even good.
No, but the 4koma book has full body art of the characters, unless that was what you were referring to as fanart
oh yeah that's it. I hope that's not all the characters get . These look like shit for the most part the dlc art did too now that I think about it.
Speaking of, we have yet to get either festival DLC and I wanna know why
Most underrated fact of all time.