Best secondary characters

>Best secondary characters
>Best summon: Anima[/spoiler
>Acknowledge that japs can't write dialogues for shit, so goes over the top with it
>Interesting plot and lore, with two good twists
>Best minigames
>Best level up method (Sphere Grid)

Literally the best Final Fantasy game.

first time posting here? or just autism?

About fucking time someone said it. FFX was/is better then 7 ever thought about being.

elemental water ball just killed me

>>Interesting plot and lore, with two good twists

No. X has a lot of good things going for it, but story is not one of them.

but the story is gr8

>Best level up method (Sphere Grid)


How the fuck do twists matter? Twists fucking ruin games/movies/books 99% of the time

but it isn't

but it be


Which is why we must applaud when someone does it in a satisfying way, like FFX did

Sure do love a 40 hour railroad before I have any options on wgere to go.

Which oh so relatable character was your favorite? The teeth grindly obnoxious water polo celebrity, the dumb as wood summoner, the tit wizard, or the Cool Runnings water polo faggot?

And that sphere grid. Sure do love the illusion of choice spread so thin that you can pull back and see the no options path each character is saddled to. Left or right? Good thing every character winds up functionally the same if I keep grinding.

And the villains were so great. There was Godzilla who said nothing, a slightly verbally abusive father, and a glowing bug who said nothing. Such memorable characters. Oh and the hair antlers wearing fem version of James from team Rocket.

FFX sucked ass.

If you couldn't see the first "twist". For Yuna coming you're retarded. The second twiest was retarded. A ghost of a memory made by ghosts memories? The twist has to make sense after you reveal it.

Alright listen up you contrarian faggots.

FFX is the best traditional turn based final fantasy in the series because it learns from and improves upon game design from the previous games before the games went all experimental with the combat in the newer games, excluding the MMO of course.

Correctest opinion

You clearly think you're more clever and much funnier than you really are.

The linearity of X fits with the story. They're on a pilgrimage, with a set series of temples they have to visit and a set destination. There are tons of little areas to wander around in within each larger area, especially around the Calm Lands.

Compared with a game like XIII, where the linearity serves no purpose other than to railroad you on to the next cutscene, I have no problem with that aspect of X.

Fucker, I've hated the game since I first played it and it could be the most despised in the series and I'd say the same thing. Everything wrong FF13 is wrong with FFX, just magnified tenfold. They both focus on the story, which the story is written by idiots and pushed through shit tier translators. They both require a massive amount of time to get off the railroad. They both feature villains who have no reason for their actions save because they're evil and want everything to die. They both have rock stupid, obnoxious characters who look, act, and sound stupid constantly. They both have pathetically easy main game content with little effort put towards side quests. They both have dumb time qasting minigames. And they both take great pains to make the player feel unnecessary or passive to the experience.

Ff13 just didn't come out when you were 11-14 years old and it sucked more.

The twist made perfect sense, you just didn't understand it. Tidus's Zanarkand, and by extension Tidus and Jecht themselves, are being summoned by Yu Yevon. They're aeons, made so that the city will last forever because they couldn't deal with the fact it was going to be destroyed.

nah. if this game had an option to disable voice-acting them it would be the GOAT.

because of this FF9 is the best FF game.

That's fine if you want to watch a hallway filled with cutscenes. I prefer to have 5 minutes to an hour tops before I can start making my own path through the world. If a game keeps me from going back or branching off past that hour, it belongs in the garbage.

So things that didn't exist started to exist because they couldn't deal with something else being destroyed. Oh well that makes perfect sense.

FF10 ended my love affair with Final Fantasy and was the reason I never bought a PS2.

Worst game in the history of JRPGs

It's not my favorite game in the series, but I agree that it is the best entry overall. It's a well-executed game that lacks any particularly significant flaws.

>Zanarkand didn't exist
You need to have actually played the game to be able to contribute, user.

>Just got Auron
>Cleaning house just fine
>Take one step on the next screen that has the same fucking path as every other path up to this point
>Get fucking ass-ravaged by three bombs

I'm expected to grind here, huh?

Likewise. Longest movie I ever played. Never finished another FF after X, stopped playing them at all after playing 13 for two hours.

Cities don't have minds dipshit.

>Final fantasy
All you have to do is not avoid encounters and not be a shitter.

You don't really have to grind for the story except potentially at the Calm Lands for that one boss fight, and even then you would likely just be spending time around there anyway so it wouldn't actually end up necessary.

What does that have to do with anything you or I have said?

I don't know man, those three bombs fucked me up like three times in a row. They won't die and they stomp all over my ass. I even equipped that fire ring the dude walking down the road gave me.

Why this sub loves X while they hate XIII for the same things that X originally had?

Because the battle system in X is very nice at least, while the following games are complete garbage at that (and battling is what you do during 90% of the games).

You do know how bombs work right? Is it the self destruct that's getting you? They have pretty clear weaknesses as a species but I don't know what strategy you're using or what's actually killing you. Worst comes to worst you can always avoid them or summon/overdrive, but that shouldn't be necessary.
Because X is similar to XIII only if you ignore all the things it has that XIII disregarded and focus on some superficial similarities, despite them not even holding up when you look at the game more closely.

this, desu. X has probably the best iteration of turn-based battles in the entire series and XIII had some weird-ass hybrid of ATB and gambits from XII.

I don't mind xiiis linierity too much. About as much as I mind it in x. But xii has a convoluted plot and a bad battle system.

You, I like you.

because there are more events and shit happening in the linearity of X than XIII

XIII has literally entire sections of just fighting soldiers and listening to characters exposition about themselves, there is literally no rest, the pacing is horrible, when you visit the big city you are almost instantly chased again by the enemy

in X you had a much better pacing, how Tidus meets Yuna, the Luca arc, with Bliztball etc

each temple had different events that made the linearity feel varied, and many times you do different shit, like going through the desert and sandniggers city, trying to stop Yuna NTR, the whole romance scene at the lake, Kimahri fucking shit up in the mountain

what do you do in FFXIII? you walk through the hallway, kill some guards, and listen to the character rants about, and proceeds to the next hallway


>the best Final Fantasy game

That's not an achievement.

Why the fuck are you playing jrpgs then dumbass.

why didn't lightning farron save class zero

X destroys XIII
This coming from a lightning fanboy
The characters are mostly likable, I haven't got very far though

>Characters are mostly likable
Most of them are weakly written

I would say that FF13 only slightly beats out FF10 because of voice acting, graphical design and more consistent music that doesn't go into weird songs like FF10 did.

Old RPGs would let you wander around and have secrets and stuff. Maybe you could only go to very few locations, but they at least allowed you to roam.
I've been playing FFXIII lately, I'm 26 hours in and it's like the game is holding my hand still. There's only corridors with incredibly obvious chests and nothing else.
This is not to say jrpgs should be "open world games" because those are always shit, but it would be nice to go back to the days of overworld maps, cities you explore, and dungeons that aren't just a series of corridors but actually have some semblance of level design.