WHAT DO WE DO Sup Forums?
The same think we alwats di, Pinky.
S-S-Someone get a petition going
Good thing Persona games are trash and I won't miss it.
PCucks btfo
Hahaha we don't want it anywhere! Have fun with your sonyggers!
It's on PS3. If you honestly gave a shit about persona and jrpgs, you'd at least have a PS3. But you don't. You just want to shitpost.
I don't know why you'd expect it on PC. None of the others were on it.
Posting in meme thread
>No Switch either
I knew Atlus were Sony cockmonglers but I never knew it was this bad.
is it feasible for japanese teams to spend time on a PC version though
I'll just play it on an emulator.
don't know 'bout you but I'm buying a PS4
I don't get it. A main line Persona game hasn't touched PC since 1999 and that was in japan only.
What's the big deal?
when has a persona game ever been on a nintendo console?
>expecting PC to get support from Jap devs
>expecting Switch to get support from any devs
we've been through this before
>no dual audio for Persona 5
Welp, time to buy a PS4 Pro. That way I can play these upcoming games at a decent resolution like on my PC:
-FF7 Remake
-Kingdom Hearts 3
-Death Stranding
-God of War
-The Last of Us 2
-Horizon Zero Dawn
-Detroit: Become Human
-Persona 5
-Yakuza 0
-Days Gone
-Red Dead Redemption 2
-Knack 2
I have ps3 and ps4, I'm not buying that trash. Develop taste you worthless rejects
What are you buying then, user
>Ruggarrell still trying to justify his $500 Bloodborne machine
I feel sorry for you. You're both a nigger and have a dick that's smaller than a girls clit.
Nothing. I'm selling them. I'm done with ps3 and ps4 is shit.
>tfw you have a ps4 pro
Persona Q.
What sort of cool games are you playing then
I will buy all of those games, miss me with The Last of Us 2, though.
>switch getting anything after the failure of the piiu
>nier page taken off steam
>P5 not coming to pc
>Nioh next month
at least i'm an idort
That's like one of the better games on that list, why
Didn't they try it with Bloodborne? The whole point of exclusives is to make people buy the console. I'm not agreeing with the practice but it would be silly for them to make a PC port when it's been proven that consoles are where the money is.
There are two kinds of people. People that are bitter and people who have a ps4.
persona q
ill get a ps4 then
sucks but eh its not a big deal
Just emulate then PC friends.
Isn't he doxxed? Doesn't he realize he should shut the fuck up before he is made to shut up?
Same with Barneyfag. He needs to have his fucking kneecaps caved in.
Where are our heroes who will give these serial shitposters an IRL banstick to the face?
But there is.
I remember some info on him floating around the net, but I've got no clue how valid it is, since I'm not even a clapburger.
In 20 years HAHAHAGA
Feels good to have another game on my bloodbornemachine unironically desu.
Buy the PS3 version.
>WHAT DO WE DO Sup Forums?
Get a PS3 or PS4 maybe?
I know we have Barneyfag dead to rights but info on Ruggacuck is sketchy, and he seems to have scrubbed a great deal of his info off the web because he figured out people were digging for it.
All they have is a possible name and location but nothing concrete enough to make action possible.
>no dual audio for Persona 5
What did he mean by this?
is it true that persona games are just waifufag bait games?
I remember someone complaining, saying in a discussion about waifufaggotry that banning waifu/smut threads on Sup Forums would basically ruin persona threads since that's all that there is to talk about
>Is it true?
>I remember someone complaining,
>on Sup Forums
gee golly what do you think?
Should I fall for the ps4 pro meme?
I already have a ps4 and I'm not interested in 4k.
Is this supposed to be a hard question?
Sorry, not interested in your weeaboo shit, sonybaby falseflags.
If I recall correctly, someone from Sup Forums found out where he works/worked. No clue how truant that info is, besides what Ruggarrell used to say himself, about it being a job flipping burgers.
And besides him, his faggot friends like Tali, Kroni and others also shitpost here together with him.
I can't remember what Ruggarel did/does but they can't be the malignant tumor Barneyfag is. Or even Cody tier.
Kinda slipping by me here. Was he an avatarfag?
Ruggarell is pretty goddamn prolific though. I see his shitposting at least once a week and I know he and the rest of the foolz faggots still shitpost here on the regular.
Barneyfag has been scarce here, I've only seen him on /qa/ recently.
Ruggarell is eternal and probably the most deserving of the IRL banstick. I'm pretty sure he's been at the shitpost game longer than barneyfag, probably dating back to the original reign of IRCfag terror.
If you have one already, just a wait for a sale or price cut
>getting this upbeat over a sony exclusive not being on PC
I mean isn't that kinda trivial? you don't see nintendofags brag about mario not coming to PS4 or PCfags brag about the next WoW expansion coming to PS4.
I don't get it with sonyggers.
WoW expansion *not* coming
Wait for Ps3 emulation. Enjoy the game in glorious dual audio and with save states once it is finally there.
Who the hell is John Hardin? You guys really should give some quick backgrounds when you make Twitter threads.
Yeah, I think Ruggarrell used to be buttbuddies with Siztra, but then they had a falling appart.
Both are huge cancer.
PC mustards have a meme war on sonyggers that you are participating in and P5 has been memed as a PS4 exclusive (+PC) since one leak y'all
What went so right brahs?
Why don't you guys just purchase a PlayStation 4 gaming console for the low price of $299 (check your local retailer) if you want to play these video games so bad?
>have the best console
>the best exclusives
>massively buttangry pcfats in an everlasting state of denial
To much went right.
Watch those mustards come here next after they shitposted the other thread to death and got BTFO pretty hard.
>Pay $299
>Play the waiting game
Shit launched in 2013, jesus fuck.
console war shitposting has to be one of my favorite things on this board
Sony won. Just admit it PCfags.
>weeb game comes on weeb console only
>baby weebs crying
no surprise
They are okay.
Good music and really nice presentation.
>PCucks pretend not to care about game
>PCucks get excited at the smallest hint they're getting a port
>PCucks dreams shattered when it's confirmed they're not getting
>PCucks enter butthurt full denial stage and damage control mode
This is delicious
Why is the PC Wojak always so immensely fat and hairy?
PS4 owner here.
Bloodborne and Let It Die are the only good things about PS4.
Every single one of you's need to literally kill yourselves irl.
Doesn't matter, Bloodborne will be on PC later this year.
>Fat, White, Hairy
>Black, Fat, Sweaty
that's why
they all are
>Let it Die
Opinion discarded.
lol too bad pcucks
next time get a ps4 and join the true master race
t. PCuck pretending he owns a PS4
Nice try Pablo, you'll never be able to afford one though.
Get a load of Mr high and mighty over here thinking he's better than everyone
NIS has come out to say that they're developing for Switch and if someone as small as them is making Switch games Atlus is suredly going to continue their portable line of games (Etrian, mainline SMT, Devil Survivor) and perhaps develop a sequel to #FE.
We should be hearing about that video game project Atlus was hiring singers for from that competition back in Summer 2016 soon.
All the console ones have slimmer variations. 99% of the PC/Steam ones are fat neckbearded atheists.
>guys you need to be more self aware
i guess consolecucks are more desperate and feel making pcucks fat gives them more power
That's right guys. Did you know the PS4 Pro is capable of rendering 4k better than the GTX 1070? I think it's all time you buy one just to see how amazing it really is.
I'll just emulate it in a couple of decades.
PC never loses.
This will always be the best one of these, it's too fucking ridiculous
What is the yellow stuff?
it's literally the worst shitposting on the board
end yourself