
>Free DLC

Why isn't this a popular game around here? Dead serious guys. What's your excuse?

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The first one made me hesitant to try it.


>origin only
>Sequel to a multiplayer only game


Spot the kike

stop shilling this turd

mediocre 5 hour campaign and garbage multiplayer

Laughing my ass off. The mech fights are literally spamming your abilities against eachother while trying to move like a statue.

I'm mad as fuck that Sup Forums fooled me to buy this piece of cinematic narrative hollywood garbage

Not OP, but that's the biggest problem Titfal 2 has. It's a fantastic game burdened only by having to be tied down to the first.

>giant robots are slow

I would like to buy it but don't have a ps4 and it's ded on pc

Not to mention