I know 3 turned out to be a dumpster fire, but are 1 and 2 worth playing through...

I know 3 turned out to be a dumpster fire, but are 1 and 2 worth playing through? I bought them on a whim during the winter sale, but haven't played them yet, wondering if they're even worth my time.

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ME 2 is KINO

ME is just the ok, nothing special like Baldur's gate, but just ok

ME3 was only a dumpster fire because ME2 was completely pointless.

ME3 is still worth playing for cheap or free

ME3 isn't a dumpster fire don't let Sup Forums meme you, the ending is not great but the rest of the game is just as good as ME2

ME3 is still worth playing. Just install the ME3 Happy Ending mod off nexus and don't worry about the last 10 minutes of the game being a train wreck ever again.

>buy a bunch of games even though you're not sure if they are worth your time
>have to go ask strangers around the internet if they are worth your time after you have bought them
I'll never understand Steamfags.

Ok, thanks for the ME3 recommendations, but that doesn't answer the main crux of this post, are 1 and 2 worth playing.

Just play ME1, imagine Shepard dies at the end, then go watch Star Trek TNG.

I thought all three did enough right to be worth a playthrough.

ME1 has some repetitive vehicle sidequests, but a good atmosphere and strong main villain.

ME2 has a weaker main story in favor of more fleshed out sidequests and more interesting character arcs.

ME3 had a culmination of both plot advancement and character development, but the last twenty minutes obviously didn't too well.

Sure, ME2 forced ME3 to have a shitty unsatisfying RBG ending and a cereal-thief edgelord antagonist.

1 is very worth it. 2 is alot like 3, so you may want to avoid it.

Mass Effect's [first game] gameplay isn't ideal, but the story is great and its a good idea to play it to understand the story and make some important choices.
Mass Effect 2 is a genuinely awesome game. Huge rework on the gameplay and the story is again great. Extremely enjoyable game to play.
I have the unpopular opinion of loving Mass Effect 3 just as much as the others, but that's all up to opinion.

Ye but make sure you pirate all the fucking DLC for 2.

Fuck off

ME3 was given a development time of two years, which is one less year than what ME2 got. ME2's plot completely failed to move the plot from ME1 forward. ME was always planned as a trilogy, so yes, ME2 completely fucked over any chance of ME3 being good since ME3 had to make up for a wasted game's plot, had to close out a trilogy, and had to do it on a short time schedule.

If ME2 had moved shit forward then ME3 would have had to cover a lot less ground and would have been much better off.


I love the first game, have played through it roughly half a million times. It's shooting feels a bit older, but only people who started playing games in 2011 have a problem with it. Or playing it on a console is worse than I thought. And no, not nostalgia, I played it after playing ME2.

ME2 is worth a play, though I can't get repeated playthroughs the same way I can the first game. They made it very cover shootery, though I feel you lock to cover too hard and can't pull away from it as smoothly as you could in ME1. Feels sort of clunky even though people usually throw that accusation at ME1.

2 is a dumpster fire too, and 1 has huge flaws that really needed improvement

Literally me

How do I mod ME2 on PC with high res textures?

Series is worth a playthrough, but I feel it got worse and worse after 1.


For all my trepidation of Andromeda just being a watered down Inquisition set in space, I'd love to see if they could capture that feeling of landing on a planet in ME1 for the first time, and hearing nothing but the Rachni call somewhere from the void.

It's funny, I actually played the first game way back on the 360 when it first came out, but ended up getting stuck on a random planet and just dropped it. I remember enjoying it up until then, so ten years later I'm revisiting it but on a PC this time.

3 is good, if you ignore the abortion of an ending it has and the fact that they locked an incredibly important character behind the DLC paywall

these OP

Enjoy, being able to aim with a mouse and use abilities set to keys makes a huge difference. That and an actually acceptable frame rate.

It's a great series, me3 never bothered me

3 is good especially with all the dlc. the ending is shit and ruins the story but it's still fun. Also don't forget to install the high texture mod and if you have nvidia you can force ambient occlusion with nvidia inspector.

Alright, thanks for the imput, Imma enjoy some space rpg shenanigans.

ME3 was a disappointment for people like me who carried a save forward from the very first game, because except for a couple characters being alive your previous decisions amounted to fuck all and the truth about the Reapers was really stupid.

But it still had some good moments throughout, and the combat mechanics and dialog system are the best of the three games.

YOu fucks are full of shit. 3 is utter gutter trash with the exception of the Tuchanka mission, which ACTUALLY paid off a plot thread that had ran since the first game.

The rest of the game is fucking nonsense, from the very fucking start.

>ten years later
goddamn I wasn't ready for that reality check

To be honest, the third game carried over more choices than I expected it to. I doubted the idea that ANY of the characters in ME2 would play a role at all after the suicide mission, but the fact that they all return in some capacity, and two of them join the group to have some of the most dialogue and group interactions in the whole series?

It's the only game series I've seen that kind of thing done. And I acknowledge that, even if it wasn't perfect on all fronts


>ME3 Happy Ending mod

What's this?

>Still remember marathoning it with a friend for the first time, wondering how the combat and visuals could possibly top kotor.

- It removes the catalyst scene. No ifs, not buts. It's gone for good. (So is your choice, you will now destroy the reapers no matter what)
- It introduces a whole new scene showing how Joker disobeys orders and keeps the Normandy in the fight long enough for Shepard to be rescued (with the help of a certain Alliance captain :))
- The Normandy no longer crash-lands on the Weirdo Planet
- The Geth and EDI survive. EDI is now present during the memorial and new slides were added to the epilogue that will show the geth, if they are alive.
- The epilogue slides now show survivors on the Citadel, most prominently Aria and Cpt. Baley.
- You will see your Shepard reunited with his crew (and even some interaction unique to your LI if the LI is part of the Normandy crew). While they don't exactly have a party, now it is a real bitter-sweet ending with the emphasis on "sweet" rather than on "bitter"
-new original music


the most overrated series in vidya history

You seem to have wandered out of your CoD/Battlefield thread

1 and 2 are pretty good, it was better before the stupid reapers showed up.

>B-movie opening with minimal explanation, leaving new players lost, despite the rest of the game being simplified for their benefit.
>Characters do complete 180's from their ME2 personalities, Mordin and Legion in particular.
>If you played femShep (lel) your love interests can either leave you for another woman or die unavoidably.
>Cerberus goes full retard
>Council goes full retard AGAIN
>Udina replaces Anderson as councilor regardless of ME1 decision with NO explanation in-game
>everything that is Kai Leng
>Geth use Reaper tech AGAIN even though ME2 made a point of saying that the main Geth collective - 95% of Geth - would never choose to, and want to build their own future.
>No EDI romance
>No Joker romance

That's off the top of my head. Not even mentioning the use of stock images or the bullshit ending.

>ME 2 is KINO
> ME is just the ok, nothing special like Baldur's gate, but just ok
I think ME1 is a little better than just ok. It's actually pretty good. The end boss is slightly silly but only slightly.

My only concern would be about how ME1 graphics hold up but that's not the end of the world and Sup Forums has high tolerance for old graphics.

Do it OP, you won't be disappointed.

Even ME3 is a great game until the last few end levels. I think in fact, that until you enter the end portal thing, it's awesome. Just after that is retarded.

Horry sheet, I will have to look into this, thanks user

2 is one of my all time favorite games. It's so fucking replayable thanks to all the different dialogue choices and has the best final mission in any vidya game I've ever played.

>has the best final mission in any vidya game I've ever played.
True dat.
The final mission is a work of art...EXCEPT for the boss fight, which is retarded.

They really, really fucked up the boss fight. Everything up to that is pure kino.

>ME3 was given a development time of two years, which is one less year than what ME2 got. ME2's plot completely failed to move the plot from ME1 forward.

Why try to pin the blame on ME2 for ME3 rushed development ? That's just EA being greedy retarded assholes.

None of ME2 plot or pacing issues determined that Kai-Leng would feature prominently in the story, or that the series RPG elements would continue to be degraded, or that the trilogy would having a linear ending that absolutely nobody liked.

>strong main villain
>Saren has like a total of 8 minutes of screen time
>Banezia has even less

One of the problems with ME1 was that the villains didn't get more time in the game.

3 was good until priority :earth. You get a lot of shit done in 3

>main villain

Wow did you miss the entire point of the game.


>Uses memes to describe game
>Game is the reason for ME3 being a corridor shooter rather than a Space RPG
>Same people probably bitch about finding civilian grade firearms in civilian houses

You are Bioware's target audience

>3 was good until

you started the game. Muh poor child. Muh giant cannon.

I liked 2 but I will never replay it

Dude the Reapers had about as much time as Saren. Sovereign had one good speech, and did fuck all until the final 20 minutes of the game.