It's the Switch massive reveal stream. Nintendo has Sm4sh+, Splatoon+, Breath of the Wild, and three new games to show you.
What three games would cause you to buy this console day one?
It's the Switch massive reveal stream. Nintendo has Sm4sh+, Splatoon+, Breath of the Wild, and three new games to show you.
What three games would cause you to buy this console day one?
Bloodborne 2
Knack 2
Horizon Zero Dawn
new 3d mario game
wonderful 102
f zero
F-Zero NX
Pokémon Stars
Advance Wars 4
>new F-Zero
>new Metroid
>new 3D Mario that is more like Galaxy or Sunshine, less like 3D World
>Metroid Prime 4
>Bayonetta 3
>Custom Robo Switch
OP here,
Zelda HD Collection (HD Remasters of all 3D Zelda titles, along with LttP and LBW)
Pokemon Colosseum 3
Mother 4
honorable mention to Metroid Prime 4 or a good Paper Mario game
Bayonetta 3
Monster Hunter XX+(?)
3D Mario game in the style of 64 and Sunshine
Some new Kirby game
Dunston Checks In: The Video Game
Animal Crossing
r/ps4 please go
2D Mario that isn't half-assed trash being bundled with the system.
Every virtual console game from the Wii, Wii U, and 3DS available for download day one without needing to spend any money to effectively re-buy VC games I already bought.
New Zelda is all I would absolutely need, alongside solid battery lifd
Nothing would make me buy it because I don't care about Nintendo games and I don't want a region locked console with censored 3rd party games.
a good non 3d zelda game
a good non gimmicky star fox, fuck those controls ruined the last one
and maybe wonderful 102 or mario rpg 2, not this paper mario bs
>A new Wario Land
>Bayonetta 3
>A new Kirby
Codename Steam 2: Modern Warfare
Murasame 2: Nazo Ni Murasamejo
Xenoblade Chronicles Z
A new Rayman Game
A new Wario Land game
A new Donkey Kong Country game
Rogue Squadron
3 original new games that don't look like shit
A new IP
A Switch-exclusive Zelda afer BotW
A really good entry of some other Nintendo IP
Rayman 4
That new Sonic game they announced last year
Another Mario Maker port (feel free to tell me if this was deconfirmed)
Surprise reveal: A new 3D Mario that isn't Fisher-Price themed
This. Fuck Nintendo and their autistic zealot fanbase.
3 new IPs that look real good.
Pokemon Snap 2
new metroid
Dark souls trilogy collection/III
Animal Crossing
I trade in my other two slots for little to no Amiibo Jewry.
A new Colosseum will never happen.
New Zelda
Uncensored weeaboo shit
paper mario 3 and i buy it day 1
>Still is going to buy one
Kid Icarus Uprising 2
Super Mario Galaxy 3
Pokemon Snap 2
I already bought a PS4 though. No reason to buy anything else, unless Persona goes PC exclusive.
A new game in the Batman: Arkham series, Switch exclusive
A port of Ninja Gaiden Black or Panzer Dragoon Orta
Another capeshit exclusive game (DC, Spider-Man or X-Men, not MCU shit)
Sadly, not gonna happen. Or fortunately, i don't wan't to buy another console, i rather invest in a good rig. I'm not interested in Switch portability gimmick.
Fatlus go back to /r/gamers
>think the WiiU looks interesting
>hold off on buying it until it gets some games I would like to play
>years go by and WiiU finally gets a handful of games I am insteasted in that are at the time exclusive
>start thinking about getting a WiiU for cheap
>WiiU games I want to play start getting Switch versions announced
>now have to wait to see what games will get ported and what they'll change in porting before deciding to get anything
Guess I'll stick to PC for now.
Just find the cheapest used Wii U you can, and pirate all the games. All FW up to the latest version is hackable
Charging $60 for 3-4 year old ports with some new skins isn't something anyone should condone
If the Switch did get ports of all the WiiU games I want to play I was planning on waiting until the next Nintendo console/handheld/whatever until getting one. I can wait, there are games I'm interested in for sure but nothing that makes me go "I HAVE TO PLAY THIS RIGHT FUCKING NOW".
>Buying used consoles
New Animal Crossing game please, one that actually has effort put into the script. The games have plentty of features now just flesh out the characters more.
an Atlus game
not being fucking region locked
>look up dunston check in on google
>6% on rotten tomatoes
>six percent
>6 (SIX)