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The only thing that Mario is running is a Katana through his stomach.

and a dick in his ass

>6 Golden Coins.


Damn Nintendo trying to turn our kids japanese.

Where does this fit into the Mario timeline?

>tfw you got that reference

I want to see Mario wearing a Sombrero

before 64 if you can believe it

i wonder what mario's feet look like haha

I just mentioned the coins, you dunce. Clearly, Mario regained his castle after the 6 Golden Coins game and then built up an army to expand toward a dynasty. Probably a global superpower at this point.

what's an Italian-American doing wearing a samurai set of armor



>6 golden coins
>banner in the shape of the sanada one, which was about the 6 ghost coins you had to pay at the toll of death.

jesus christ this reference

Makes sense. After all, 6 Golden Coins ended with Mario overthrowing Wario (a Jew), and the Jew fears the Samurai.

those stupid little white puffclouds following him everywhere in this look just as stupid as they did in 3d world

Is Mario going to take over the Mushroom Kingdom?

Mar-e-o > Mary-o

Do not pursue Woo-Hu.

>tfw no Total War: Super Mario edition


>italian wearing samurai outfit

wow cultural appropriation geez how insensitive

So completely fine?

*1-UP* BING *clicking noises*

I've always enjoyed when Nintendo does that classic old timey japanese coloring scheme

The Hanafuda 3ds theme is top tier as well

Samurai armor is aesthetic as fuck

All I see is 4U

This looks pretty great, especially with the Toads on the background. I wonder if it's related to the new 3D Mario we are getting.

I'm beginning to wonder if the next Mario game is going to have cultural/ethnic-themed worlds. That would be a hoot. Samurai Land, Mexican Village Land, Luau Paradise Land, Bong Land, Burger Land...

Darkest Africa Land?

It's just a Mario Run ad.

>Nintendo stealing from Sonic Unleashed

Yeah I know Mario is Missing did it first but who even liked that shit?

>American level
>Burger music starts playing

>Japanese level

Does the guy who did the SNES Mario art still do work for Nintendo?

what the fuck is that

>6 golden coins


You mean Super Mario Land, the game that came out years ago?

My countenance upon realizing

Wait, is that just normal Mario and not Super Mario?

Yes. Star Rush is full of 2D art Mario characters.

some people.

I don't get the coin reference

Someone explain the six coins thing to me

Does it have something to do with Japan's past? All I know of is Nobunaga, and from what I remember, he was basically THE DEVIL to Japan's historians and isn't remembered fondly.


>thinking Nintendo ever stole from sonic, the """cool""" answer to Mario

No one that liked that could be called people

Gameboy (not even color) Mario Land 2


i want to fuck that pink dog


Lore can't get any deeper

>he didnt played the wario land series
you poor ignorant fool

Is this the birth of some new meme?

What clan is this?

All I'm getting on Google is Samurai Warriors.

>Advertises Mario run
>Samurai outfit never appears in the game

bravo nintendo

>Mario going full cuck
>"""urban youth"""

Damn son where did you find this?

Iam hoping this is a huge hint to the next Mario game Power system

>that nose
>those coins on the armor and banner
at last i truly see

What ability would the suit give Mario?

>using M&L GBA and 3DS sprites
Good tastes. Best 2D Mario renditions.

Honour, courage, fidelity. We don’t inherit these things from the world, user, we build the world from them.

That's metal as fuck, goddamn

Expected cringe but that was actually well done.

Why is he so pissed?

>mario luigi yoshi and wario
>just like in mario 64 DS

Can you blame the japanese for opposing nukes

More like Super Mario Ran

Shit, that never actually crossed my mind

I understood that reference.
You fruit.

>italian plumber
>japanese samurai


64, Sunshine and Galaxy feature normal Mario with no effect of decreasing height. 2D Mario games plus 3D World and 3D Land feature both Mini and Super Mario.

Wario is German tho

>Super Mario Run
I see what they did there. A Mario Musou would probably get me more interested in the Switch than Zelda.

he's a libertarian

I can;t believe this is both real and canon.

So the shirt back at Jimmy Fallon actually meant something

Super Mario Land did that though

I never knew i wanted this

Speaking of which im still playing through Sun, i wonder if the champion theme will ever top Cynthia

>Getting the Doctor Mario theme to fit perfectly

You're in luck

Curious to know why a desert has a freezing problem

And I thought Mario from 64 was a perfect enough material to use for YTPMV.

The professor is the champion

Lusamine combines with UB-01 but fights you normally

Lusamine is a cunt because a UB-01 poisoned her with bitch mind control poison

There's no postgame

Probably because Bowser fucked with the world or something.

I already know all that user, /vp/ does a shitty job

Im asking about the Champions theme

also there is post game, you morons just keep comparing it to BW2

The Lusamine fight isn't normal, all of her pokémon have a stat boosting aura similar to Totems and an evil grin. The poison of UB-01 is not mind control, it just removes inhibitions, Lusamine is just a massive bitch in her most natural state. There is post-game, there's a Looker quest where you get to catch the UBs and ultimately Necrozma, there's the Battle Tree which is this game's version of the Tower/Maison and there's league defense title that rotate threw a roster of challengers after you rebeat the E4. You obviously never played the game and are just memeing with garbage you read on Sup Forums.

>There's no post game

Battle Tree

The other Ultra Beasts

The Tapu's

Other inaccessible area's

The fact that you have to defend your champions title by challengers

No, the champion theme is actually garbage and one of the worst battle theme in the game.

Compared to other champion themes though?

Is it atleast on par or better with Diantha?

>Battle Tree
Literally a toned down Battle Maison, it doesn't have rotation or triples.
>Other UBs
Wow, catching a few shitmons in tall grass is a great postgame.
These faggots don't even have a dungeon you have to explore to find them, you visit three of the shrines in the story and there's no sense of adventure. No different from catching a normal Pokemon.
>other inaccessible areas
Only one route leading up the Battle Tree
>title defense
A single battle isn't strong postgame.

For those not in the know, it's a reference to a Kurosawa film called Ran about a feudal Japan power struggle among three brothers

It even has the Japanese title on it, 乱

Sort of just a clever title pun, since run and ran both sound the same

I hate the fact that it's version exclusive who you had to fight

Fuck Plumeria, i want to fight Guzma

mario has 2 brothers?
holy shit is nintendo hinting and more lore for mario switch to reveal?


Iam coming for you Mario

I would honestly say it's the worst champion theme in the series. Which is a super bummer because the Professor being the Champion is one of my life-long pokémon fan dream and Kukui was a great character that deserved a great theme.

But judge for yourself.