Do you identify as a gamer, Sup Forums?
Do you identify as a gamer, Sup Forums?
No, I identify as someone who plays games
No. I don't even know what a 'gamer' is. I personally think it's a made-up demographic used to get people to self-identify with it in order to sell products and media.
>so lazy that he had to copy pasta need glasses
I'd sooner kill myself
Some of my friends call themselves "gamers" and it makes me want to throttle them for sounding like autists
mfw I read a re you a real villain
No, I identify as a man that wants to fuck that cat
No, I identify myself as a REAL gamer.
No, I identify myself as a loser.
Nice to see that Scott Ramsoomair finally improved his art.
>that comic where they play guitar hero and the girl beats him at it
god im tired of that same bullshit in every comic nowadays. is there a comic out there that does that but ends with the girl being fucking shit at the game? probably not since webcomics are an SJW game now.
no, I just like playing games
like fuck off mate am not wearing some SCKIATIK GAYMING t-shirt with patented gamer glasses and shit while i jerk off about e-sports
there's few things more cancerous than the gamer tag, really.
>Sup Forums isn't a hivemind
>Sup Forums isn't contrarian
>a board dedicated to video games is ashamed that they play video games.
Some people took the "playing your 3ds in public" meme too seriously I guess.
>is there a comic out there that does that but ends with the girl being fucking shit at the game?
There's not much possibility for a joke there
"girl bad at video game haha" - not funny
"girl good at video game haha" - not funny but you get social justice clicks
I hope not.
This'll be a good thread if these images are anything to go by
Post the jeb edit
>You are not allowed to judge someone's knowledge in something based on the amount of time they've spent on it
So what this comic is trying to say is that by spending my entire life reading medical books, I'm allowed to call myself a doctor and don't question me shitlord, right?
Is this some harem manga but with Pokemon
is this a LOL thread?
Could have the girl beat him at Guitar Hero but then have him challenge her to a DDR match and demolish her. Then she just calls him a faggot.
Stop posting this worthless shit you moron
I wanna fuck the girl cat
I'm a runner because when going to my job I run to take the bus.
Video game player
I would fuck that Gardevoir.
Is this the designated LOL thread?
>there are games that have more cutscene time than mgs4
i did not know that.