>There are people on this board right now that think turn based games (like most old RPG) are hard.
It's literally impossible a game be difficult when you have infinite time to plan your next action.
>There are people on this board right now that think turn based games (like most old RPG) are hard.
It's literally impossible a game be difficult when you have infinite time to plan your next action.
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This is bait
what if you have cancer
That is what gamesharks are for.
>FFI ports have "easy modes" and shit
just why
The only easy mode feature is not whiffing at dead targets and you can turn that off. Unless you count fixing the broken spells and weapons to function properly easy mode.
>playing a game where the enemy waits for you to attack
Try a real RPG.
One thing almost all the remakes did wrong was removing the limited spells a day, which was a very important resource management mechanic brought over from pen and paper games. This is why the PS1 version is the only other good version of the game.
Beat Wizardry 4 and then get back to me.
>It's literally impossible a game be difficult when you have infinite time to plan your next action.
Play me in chess then, you should win easy.
>It's literally impossible a game be difficult when you have infinite time to plan your next action.
So you've never lost at chess?
stop playing shitty rpgs
Chess is easy once you learn the moves. Try an RTS like Supreme Commander, which is like Chess if you're constantly getting shot at.
All the planning time in the world won't get you out of a bad situation.
>Chess is easy once you learn the moves
I guess you haven't won the world championship because you're just too busy with important stuff like playing Supreme Commander?
>What is Darkest Dungeon
You have set up your party, strategize and even then it's all about risk management.
You can't simply going in and use the best thing that you have (which is what most action games are about anyway?)
i think his point is that a human opponent as a scaleable adaptable difficulty renders your idea about turn based being easy void.
Ain't even always because you fucked up your planning either. Sometimes an enemy can pull all sorts of shit out its ass. Sometimes even give itself more asses to pull shit out of.
I read that easy mode altered the stats of bosses too.
I don't understand why they made it the standard though.
Mate, did you see the bonus bosses they added?
>enemy instantly reads your moves and counters them as soon as you put the input in
Dude, Chess is bullshit. Fuck these devs.
This is bait, I love turn-based jrpgs, and I still agree.
People who pretend they're hard or tactical give the fanbase a bad name.
so chess is impossible to loose, checkmate
I wouldn't wish that on my worse enemies. Dat ending tho.
comfy video for people who don't know shit about it
dos version though
>infinite time to plan your next action.
How did you determine that this is the single deciding factor to the outcome?
>have shit reflexes and sub-100 IQ
>also have massively inflated ego
>you love turn-based RPGs because they're easy to play and make you feel accomplished when you learn the arbitrary rules and battle flowcharts
>so you go on the internet to brag about beating your Fisher Price logic games
>you go to Sup Forums, looking for people stuck on these games so you can gloat about your brilliant strategy
>unfortunately, all you find are waifu threads and memes
>but you really want to brag on an anonymous image board, so you decide to make some strawmen to shitpost about
>you invent some imaginary morons who can somehow survive on their own but are completely incapable of 3rd grade logic
>in your terrible thread, you meet many other like-minded individuals
>your group circlejerks each other for hours without coming to the obvious realization that nobody was actually challenged by these games and you've been bragging about nothing the entire time
>the constant positive reinforcement only strengthens your misconceptions
>you are a turn-based RPG player
Dragon Quest isn't what I'd call ball-crushingly hard, but it can be punishing when you don't prepare properly when facing a dungeon, balanced by the fact that death doesn't mean a game over, just getting revived at the last place you saved with half your gold
turn based combat is boring as hell, atleast make it grid based like Civ or xcom