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>Spams Lucky Seven and F3s
This is my channel now noob

Nah how about I just get my guildies to defame you

>see people idle saying they will pay for fame
>defame them
>they start chasing me until I log out



Would you fuck Angelic Buster?

>few months of playtime on maple
>years of playtime on runescape
why did I spend so much time on shitty f2p games


Anyone tried playing recently? The game literally plays an engrish anime opening when you leave the tutorial now.

I kind of like it.

No I quit permanently.
Fuck man, I refuse to play stupid number games anymore.

10k+stirge cape ((:

It already had an anime opening

remember when it took a month to get to level 30


>tfw everyone wanted my Cleric dick in PQ

I mostly felt the same way, but all the Sup Forums nostalgia threads recently made me want to see what it's like now. The revamped classes are actually kind of fun, but it's still very clearly a grind simulator.

Why didn't anyone else wear the Drake Hat?

Nowadays it's also a SOLO-grind simulator.

Maplestory took 12 years away from me

Enjoy hanging in your nostalgia while I enjoy 5th job, insects.

>The humans are all beginner scrubs on maple island and the only subclassed characters are monsters
I remember this shit. What the fuck were they thinking when they made it?

The Kargo thief is really cute though.


having to grind there at 150 actually prevented me from continuing .

How many times have they been revamped? Give or take 100?

All the classes are exactly the same now, they just look different. Game will never be the same ever again.

Modern classes are more mobile and unique in the way they mob.

Flash Jump became almost universal, which is why many people unfamiliar with modern maplestory think all classes are the same.

>urge to play: rising

Current 150 onwards is fast and diverse.

Either you do PB prequests, colossus dungeon, or farm a high demand map. It's until 190 where your options reduce to twilight perion, but even then the exp rates aren't bad. One and a half level every 30 minutes under the right conditions, or 190 to 200 in one night.

>he plays pay2winstory
>he plays cubestory

what happened to maplestory 2?

the same thing that happened to robot jones

>be me
>just finished perfecting an artifact weapon in WoW
>get randomly shown the Maplestory V trailer on kikebook
>"hmmm, levelling curve reduced, big numbers go up"
>start dabbling with a pirate
>Burning event starts, make a Kanna for link skill
>139 in a few days, using Guide to warp around to fresh farm spots every 10 levels
>holding shift key while occasionally buffing and cycling thru board wipes like Orochi

kind of relaxing I guess, trading one grind for another
I will be the best

You're only asking for the 722nd time, idiot.

why, whatever happened to robot jones?

added a dimension but fucked up the gameplay/feel, DOA in testing foreign home markets

>Quit WoW recently
>Went back to maple because of 5th and some friends are playing again
>Made a bishop for the first time ever and got it to 150 cause of the burning thing
>Outdamages all of my other classes and has a crit rate equal to a fucking archer


>mfw i've been playing a private server and I'm in the top 3

>urge to play: rising
then I guess I shouldn't tell you that making a new character now, you get to make it Burning; every time you level you get 2 free level-ups right after it, so you're effectively triple-exp until 150(ding once from 1, to 2, actually jump to four, then 7, then 10, 13, etc) now until Jan 17th.

Which one?

all I'll say is it's 1x exp, 1x drop, 1x meso and an old version of the game (no nlc)

Also you'll get gear which is good enough to last until like RA gear

I know which one.
Isn't that new?

wow top 3 in a tiny pool of invite-only nobodies who refuse to play F2P normal or gaia online. I would put that on my imdb and tombstone.

What happened to Royals?

Every class now has high crit rate, mobbing attack, full screen attack, flash jump/teleport and a single target bossing attack.

There is no reason to play anymore.


that's why i chose the pic but it's actually not invite only

what server

I would unironically play this game and spend money on it if it weren't for the fucking character link system.
I don't want, and shouldn't have to raise like 10 fucking characters to max level just to enjoy one class I want to play. That is fucking retarded

I tried playing months ago, and I got to level 90 in a few hours by watching cutscenes.
Somehow they made this game even more of a waste of time than it was before.

it's down right now for a big patch

>That URGE

alright it's maple melodies

also the fastest way to level from 50-70 on this server is doing zakum jq if you can do it fast enough but supposedly that's a "secret"

I see there's some outlandish dating sim in a japanese high school. I tried the dragon tamer scenario where you get to play that, the aran and the shade, and got a level and a half off of it, plus a taste of high level skills. Kind of neat I guess, but the writing is middle school-tier.


I can't believe they removed dragon knight and it's iconic skills

ohmy lord, please sauce me

Isn't that Kaiser?

I got chatted a tip that sometimes they remove classes so you can't make them anymore, is that a thing, or just s scare tactic to make one of everything?

>These fucks will always be top tier

Spearman > Dragon Knight > Dark Knight
It's now Spear > Berserker > Dark

I loved the whole dragon theme but now it's just some edgy spear dude

i feel flame wizard has been at top for years now

Are you fucking serious? No more Crusher or Roar?

What a fucking joke.

You know how when 4th job came out Dragon Knights got Dark Knight as their advancement and got some new dark and edgy stuff? After the revamp they decided to make spearman focus more on the dark stuff and got rid of the dragon themed skills they had in 3rd job. Their 3rd job is berserker now.

>Bishop and Shade at bottom

>Bishop mains used to ks people they didn't like with genesis
>It gets nerfed

>find a cooldown rune
>spam this for a minute straight

fuck the hokage

It got nerfed a long time ago
why why why

I know and I masturbated to every angry comment on basilmarket.

>Buccaneers don't even beat Bishops.

Fucking why? Why does Nexon hate Buccaneers so much?

It's fun now, but just wait for all the cube farming. It's 100 hours of cube farming for each character in order to solo, and that's just the start.


I actually make a DK because I like the evil eye and I was so happy to learn it's a 2nd job skill now.

Remember Applesuits?

I never CC'd, even if they called in their high level friends, out damaged me, ks'd me, or anything. Me still being there annoys them more than it does me. I sometimes would go out of my way to remind them that they're playing an MMO with several other players, they can't seriously expect to have an entire map all to themselves.


>use server wide megaphone to call someone a retarded monkey
>in the corner of my eye on the minimap I see like 5 player icons rushing toward me
>panic logoff
11 years come March

angelic buster is for ______

Where did all the time go?



bustin' inside

the new source meme was legit?


>1h bw paladins

>Buccaneer and Shade
At least they're not a version exclusive class that isn't Hayato.

>royals in the middle of a 4-day patch
Is it time for Sup Forums to start a new guild?


I only join MadWolf™ approved guilds.


Your kind ain't welcome in these parts


>official art
Why is Maplestory 2 so lewd?

I played Reboot for about one hundred hours, leveling up all my link skills and shit. The game stalls fucking hard once you start the Kanna farming, Jesus Christ. It's not even skill, just fucking monotous bullshit.

Why does she have a big zit on her shoulder?

Do it user. I'm having a blast playing again. You'll breeze through the early levels since you can burn a character where you gain 3 levels instead of just 1 until 149

Because the actual game is so shitty they had to do a total revamp update.

tfw your first E-GF was on maplestory


>used to play a game called Maplestory
>Meet some friends in a party quest
>Become close
>Send each other Myspace links
>One of them is a cute girl
>Start talking outside of maple
>She lives roughly two hours away
>Might as well be across the world though because 14 years old
>Ask her out through Myspace
>Says yes
>Get married in Maplestory
>Literally together in Maple 24/7
>On the phone with each other while on Maplestory because we were retarded and had no clue how to aim or voice chat
>Create a Maplestory music video together with screenshots of our avatars running around and "singing" the lyrics in various places
>She did all the editing
>The song was Guardian Angel - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
>Five months later she tells me she wants to break up
>No explanation
>Takes down the music video we made
>Logs off of Maple and never comes back on
>Never reads nor responds to Myspace
>Ignores phone
>What the fuck
>Three weeks after she stopped coming on
>Get a call from her mother
>Asked me if I was the user who she talked about
>Say yes
>Thanks me and asks me if I can come over
>She had leukemia and died
>When she logged off, she was barely capable of doing even that
>She didn't want me to know she was sick because she loved the way I treated her normally and lovingly
>I tell her I can't
>Mother asks me why
>Tell her I don't have a car and I can't even drive yet
>She asks me how old I was
>Tell her I was 14
>She says I might be the wrong user then because the one she always spoke of was a college student who was 22
>Tell her that wasn't possible
>She goes quiet and thanks me again for making her daughter happy
>Hangs up
>mfw I think I made my late-ex's mother's last thoughts about her daughter be that she was a pedophile hunting kids online
I was fucked up for a little bit after hearing that
She was apparently 23 years old and not 16 like she said she was to me



if this story is 100% real sorry to hear that lad.