What games let me play as a Russian hacker?
What games let me play as a Russian hacker?
Uplink is pretty nice if you like the whole 90-s aesthetics.
CNN really are hitting rock bottom at this point right? Pretty much any legacy media is being BTFo by independent journalists
Not the TYT though they are pure cancer and Austsim
not yet
we haven't reached exploding van territory yet
>image is literally a Fallout 3 hacking terminal
Bravo CNN
What did they mean by this?
What did CNN mean by this?
Just because your demon mistress didn't get in doesn't mean you have to take the entire country down with you Obama.
isnt CNN just using it as a stock photo kinda thing? no different when someone uses the matrix screen to represent hacking
Most independent journalists that are called journalists are usually opinion bloggers that never really uses links or any sources
Legacy media and news reporters that could thrive pre-internet thrived because people gave a shit about news, but these days it's a thankless and payless job. Now these days any old asshole can publish an opinion, call it news, give it a snazzy headline that falls in lines with peoples pre-conceived biases and get thousands of hits and free cash
The hacking minigame in Bethesda's fallout wasn't hard. pleb-tier fake journalists.
dude mainstream media is doing no better. They deserve their fate.
Neither was Alpha Protocol
That dog gets me every time
Haha, kinda looks like it. Nice joke.
*looks it up*
...the fuck?
Yeah but it's kinda dumb for a "respectable" news organization to use something like that when it's not even close to the real thing
Evidently Fallout 4
Fallout 4.
Uplink? What is that?
really fires up your neurotransmitters
Which Bethesda game is this?
An old woman out of touch on the times seems more and more viable with each inane tweet Donald shits out
Something doesn't go his way? He complains like some sort of soccer mom on twitter. He's stupid, but in a brilliantly manipulative way - at this point i'm not sure if he blundered into it, or purposefully acts stupid to get attention.
>CNN has become worse than fox news
This timeline is a wild ride
>deciding to vote for president of the most powerful country in the world based on tweets
You deserve everything that's happening.
Not russian but hackmud is best game
Google is your friend
From 2014 to 2016, the group used Android malware to target the Ukrainian Army's Rocket Forces and Artillery. They distributed an infected version of an Android app whose original purpose was to control targeting data for the D-30 Howitzer artillery. The app, used by Ukrainian officers, was loaded with the X-Agent spyware and posted online on military forums. The attack was successful, with more than 80% of Ukrainian D-30 Howitzers destroyed, the highest percentage loss of any artillery pieces in the army.
I fucking love this timeline
Shit man, CNN is big but isn't the dominating factor in news.
But, people just don't care anymore. When was the last time you heard a news story, went 'I want to get all the facts' and searched up different articles from different sources to learn what was up?
No one does these days. With most social media being able to tailor your own content, intentionally or unintentionally, people will end up with stories, accurate or not, that fit their biases completely. Or worse, they read headlines and never actually read the article
>12 sweaty slavs squatting over Dells running windows 95
How did she lose?
At least we got a good wallpaper from that one
Compaq > Dell
is this /p/'s version of kino?
Every time a normie co-worker starts gossiping about a headline, I ask them what the article was about, and they never seem to be able to actually remember the details. Or they get outraged at an article, and I click it open, read, and point out that it was clickbait and the article was actually about a different topic. It's fucking astounding
Am I a fool for believing that US's counter-intelligence is not THIS incompetent?
I believe in my Motherland's might, but this is just silly
>Billionaire with a skyscraper, jet, helicopter, and a golf course becomes President
That people still think he's just some oaf blundering through life is astounding
He's not the mastermind Sup Forums wants to believe he is but he's clearly not a fucking idiot
Do mods just not fucking pay attention or what?
Sup Forums get the fuck out.
If you cannot trust a man to maintain a fairly basic social media account how can you trust him with the nation's security?
Glad you got your priorities straight then.
I don't agree with trump I a few things but when actors come out 3 times trying to delegitmiatize him and make clowns of themselves I have to laugh. I mean who considers actors legitimate authorities on anything of worth
Anything the CIA pushes publicly are lies to promote the overthrow of a government. In this case it's lies to promote a proxy war in Syria that puts American boots on the ground, all to put Assad's head on a pike.
They're probably too busy fapping to some anime waifu tiddies on Generic PSVita Weeb Game thread #2457325
>I mean who considers actors legitimate authorities on anything of worth
He had rich parents that bailed him out several times
I would also like to remind you that he managed to bankrupt a casino, and several of his brands usually ended up failures.
You can say that the CEO of EA is successful, but that doesn't absolve them of the companies overwhelming fuckups.
Why should I trust a woman who used a private email server and didn't understand that documents marked "c" meant classified or who took her cell phone into SCIFs or who is a habitual liar with a public and private policy with national security. I mean I know it was her turn, but she's a fucking loser through and through