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Of course not. You told me to never forget about you on the night that you said I'd be allowed to call you Maxine if I promise we'll get married.
>Sup Forums tells you game is shit
>It's actually a masterpiece
>playing Sjw propaganda
>it's a everybody forgets that ps4 has another good game worth playing besides bloodborne episode
>blindly trusting Sup Forums shitposters to correctly portray what a game is instead of trying it yourself
I've been trying to.
There's absolutely nothing SJW about this game. Are you generalizing an SJW agenda because there's an optional lesbian romance (that's not shoehorned in)?
So what then? Is Queen an SJW band because they had a gay guy?
After they get their shitty vampire game out of the way
But that game looks like it could be good.
I'm just shitposting honostly I've never played it.
I feel like playing it just to vacuum every area for hidden season 2 clues/season 1 references.
>Hipster degenerate photography teacher is the villain
>Jaded vet is the hero
>Religous girl is the most sympathetically portrayed
>small town values
>Chloe's degenerate bullshit keeps getting her into trouble
>materialistic people are all assholes
>SJW propaganda
>ok retard
Play it then. Episode 1 is free on steam permanently, you can probably get the whole thing on G2A for $6, and it shouldn't be hard to pirate
I want to rape Max!
All the characters in this shitty story are forgettable as hell, which is the worst thing any character could be.
>i feel like stage diving!!!
>let's THRASH this place
no they r cute :3
>not wanting to rape max until her mind breaks and she loves it
Is he, dare I say, our guy?
After playing chapter 4 I don't even want to play 5, it felt like such a drag. I wasn't even spoiled of the twist, but jefferson being the killer is just lame
I don't think I've ever experienced a piece of art that makes its universe seem so real to you. Arcadia Bay and its characters feels like as an actual place as much any other location you've been in real life, and I think this music really highlights the powerful atmosphere they created. Just sit and listen to it for a few minutes and let it fill you up.
Please tell me that you guys saved chole, right?
You seem like the type of guy the writes up long-ass "deep" spiels on facebook about space or love to show everyone how introspective and artsy you are.
I like it too, but seriously get a grip.
I hope you don't mean the game in OP, because if you do then just means you have abysmal taste.
It's really good, man. Try it.
Don't even have a facebook, but nice analysis buddy. The only reason I wrote it is because I wanted to help awaken that same magic feeling as I get when listening to that music.
Wowser are you cereal? That's totally a hella cool post!
I liked this game. I would never admit to playing it to anyone I know in real life.
I'll never forget this game, as long as I live
Can someone please post some near-lewd Max?
Max is not to be sexualized!
Has there been any more info on that?
i can see why people here would hate this game. I totally get it. I still love it though.
this game is not perfect in anyway and it has many issues. I also don't see a Season 2 happening anytime soon :C
says (you)
>Max actually had painted toenails
This game had some nice feet to be honest, I'll give it that.
yes. that game is absolute shit
>that wink
its SJW propaganda because the entire main character is tumblr personified . i let her die in the first game, so satisfying
>girl power
>max gets called a feminazi
>chloe gun control rant
>chloe smokes weed
its more tumblr than sjw but the characters give off a heavy sjw vibe
I want to marry Kate.
What is the propaganda exactly?
this bitch is hella ugly, i mightve liked her better if she wasnt such a typical drug addict skeleton body blue haired cunt
maybe if she was thicc idk
Can we talk about how bad the ending is? I am still livid.
the fact that this game can suddenly shoehorn in political messages even though every single character is infuriating beyond belief. honestly i wish there was an ending where i could have left max as a cripple
I still cried regardless of how weak episode 5 was.
where is that from??
Never, my flat chested Queen.
Only if you think a character saying something means the author agrees with it.
It's very intentional that Chloe says shit about how men shouldn't have guns and then ends up shooting herself and causing other problems.
Blue toenails are my greatest weakness.
Personally I think episode 5 is one of, if not the best episode. Very max-centric and shows how much she has grown as a character.
>character has political opinion
>this is immidately "shoehorned in message"
Imagine how limited you would have to make your characters if they were never allowed to say anything you could attribute to "shoehorned in politics".
>ruined by showing her fucking gums so much
Found the cuck.
Found the Sup Forums shitter.
>no Max /e/ on the entire internet
life is suffering
chloe is the worst fucking character
but damn she hot
max is submissive from the beginning to end
Guys I don't have to have Max end up a Lesbian right? I'm sorry as i know it's shitty but I fucking hate lesbians in video games, not because I hate the LGBT or anything but I understand the politics at play 90% of the time and it infuriates me. if it's an optional thing, I'll buy the game RIGHT NOW.
This is hella uncanny
wrong guy
You can chose the betaboy instead of Chloe, so yeah, being a lesbian is avoidable
Only Chloe says "hella". Max says it once and Chloe calls her out on it, saying she might actually be a bad influence on her.
If I were 10 years younger, I would want to hold Max's hand
You know, with all the LiS threads we have here, I'm amazed they don't get flooded with pictures of Max and Chloe in their underwear. I mean it's a fairly lengthy section of chapter 3 where they go swimming, there's plenty of good shots of both of them.
>Sacrificing an entire city to save one dumb girl
Of course i didn't.
David is the best character.
Am I shadowbanned?
That swimming scene was the part of the game I decided that I didn't regret my purchase.
The OST is actually pretty damn good. The non-singing ones, of course.
THIS is our guy!
Also, this game is amazing, but GOTY material? GTFO, faggots, cucks and beta bitches!
I hated chloe so much
I felt like i missed so much of the game because i coukd never sympathize with chloe she was just way too annoying and dramatic
If only there woukd have been an option to kill her and still have a happy max
You dont sacrifice the town to save the dum blue bitch
You keep blue bitch alive because her death would crush max
I agree
Maybe if i was a teenager playing this i wouldnt have trusted him so much but as a 26yo dude i instantly knew everything he was doing was to help the kids espicially the cameras
The only reason I remember it was because this bitch ass crush of mine was streaming it.
Other than the first and second episode I don't remember much from it
>author agrees with it so it can't be sjw
Author is a cuck who has no idea how normal people talk and takes others opinion as their own.
It becomes obvious that the author has no clue the gray issues at hand because it blatantly biases every to one single stupid solution to every fucking problem. Gun control? Ban guns because bad. Moral dilemma? Only kill your friends if you have deus ex "shitty butterfly effect rip off" at your disposal.