Nier A Tomato

How did you all like the demo?

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It was ass.

>that screenshot showing her bootyhole peeking out of her panties was a shop

Is this game gonna actually be fun or should I just wait for the porn

have you tried making up your mind on your own?

Had a ton of fun given that it was a demo. December streams confirmed there's a lot of moves and such that you get later in the game, so all things considered I'm excited. OST is still god tier too. I still think it'll be niche but it's my niche so that's fine.

I'm purchasing Nier Automata for the gameplay.

I didn't play it.

I keep jerking off to 2B but it's not telling me anything about the game

It's Platinum. Make of that what you will.

mods will save us

It's mediocre

>OST is still god tier too

I think so too but I've seen many folks saying how bad it is. Never understood why. I know it's pretty subjective but I still don't hear what's so bad about it.

Same but I can't deny that ass is a nice perk.


Why is pipe so angry?

I want to fuck 2B so fucking hard

Wait for mods

this should be an illegal substance

so it's metal gear rising?


More like Bayo mixed with MGR.

I finished Transformers Devastation last month, Automata felt exactly like a reskin.

Platinum games are getting too similar for me.

>mfw this game will be 80 canuckbux when it comes out

Fuck our dollar. Haven't bought a new game for my consoles in a very long time.


play drakengard or nier then get back to me

Japan doesn't care.

yoko is pure

Just wait for steam summer sale

Nier Replicant release on steam when?

SE marketing department isn't going to like that comment

goddamn i could look at toobs upskirts all day

How does Platinum keep managing to make the best dodge mechanics? Automata's dodge is so much fun.

>Yoko Taro
This game is going to be the ultimate test for Platinum to see if their gameplay can prop up hours of repetitive grindy poorly designed bullshit.

Liked it. Genuinely excited to see where the story goes from there, and if 2B and 9S somehow survive, or die repeatedly after every other boss encounter.


ahahah they gonna ban his twitter account

what a smol toobs


>spam dodge for invincibility
yeah what a sick mechanic dude

He said he almost done anything in automata....i hope it's wrong

Was a lot of fun, if short. Actually thinking of ordering the game now.

Just a shame about the color layout of the drab levels so far. Very boring color palette in comparison to most other Platinum titles.

>I played on easy


ˢᵒ ˢᵐᵒᶫ

It's fun as hell. The perfect dodge is broken because you can spam it, but I'm not going to play this shit for challenging combat. I'm playing it for a Nier game with better combat.

Can't wait for this to be colored.

Shes got Blue eyes


It could've been worse. Could've had the Bayo 1 piss filter.

You mean less involvement?

>i can literally stand inside of a gigantic saw and spam dodge indefinitely and take absolutely no damage
>people will try to justify this
yeah dude sick gameplay mechanics

>posting the small version
This is where I've been finding all the 2B9S art.

I actually like the washed out art style. The game has a very distinct look that hides the crappy graphics

>2B's lips

>works on easy

try playing above babby mode.

works on literally any difficulty. Infinite i-frame dodges chained together to the point where you can stand inside of a gigantic rotating saw indefinitely
SICK game

He's a pure cinnamon bun

ffxv you can just hold phase

I'm not sure why but this gets me diamonds


it doesn't work on hard, try again babby

Doesn't work on Very Hard, tried that.

It sure does. Maybe you're just shit?

enough to buy the first game, spend hours learniong the entire story, and spens $220 on the black box edition with one day shipping.

Fucking fight me

so this game holds together better than drakengard 3 right?

because buttholes visible behind thongs/thin backed underwear is top tier

locked 60fps

God I'm so fucking tempted to ge this, even if the figure isn't completely perfect like muh $300 animu figures

fuck me

thats a whole 59fps more than drakengard 3!

>$300 animu figures

i want it to hurry up and sell out so i can feel better about pre-ordering it even though i only had $300 in my name at the time

Honestly I just want the artbook

I'll wait for the 2B figma down the line

but what if it never comes as a stand alone product 0_0

I'm just making fun of people that freak out on figures that aren't the Super high quality figures that cost a shit ton of money

Then I guess I'll make out with a shotgun



High quality animu figures are 90USD+. The quality of the one in the Collectors Set will most likely be shit.

>bought a copy of NieR for my ps3 late 2015, played a few hours, put it down
>been playing it the last week, suddenly hit a point where it keeps freezing on load screens

dang, I knew Taro's games were all about despair but this is something else! gonna order a used copy off of, test it, and return the borked disc. Good idea?

>ps3 game
Just pirate iso or something.

>Ran through the demo like 10 times
>There's like 5 shortcuts in the level that I never once found
Fuck, am I blind or what?

ah fair enough, those people are nuts, I got some evangelion statues in japan a few years back and while they feel really cheap and horrible to touch they look pretty good considering i only paid about $10 each.

would be unfortunate but not the end of the world, cant be worse than ken doll dark souls 2 statue.

Hello, I'm Mr. GameStop. Don't bother trying.

I did this too, can't wait for it to arrive!

>it looks like a new jrpg
>this music is nice, sounds familiar
>this art is nice
>that's nier's producer
>that's nier's composer
>that's nier's director
>holy shit
>holy shit

It was then that I found out that we're in the best timeline.

>The quality of the one in the Collectors Set will most likely be shit


2B's my waifu btw you can't have her


we're not so different
and I

>Tfw bought this and going to get it ps4 digital day 1 as well because the fastest shipping was going to fuck me in the ass anyway

Deflection at its finest.

I mean if someone wants to buy it, it's fine with me. Most people don't know the quality of figures in the first place. There'll probably be a better one I'm the future anyway.

They usually are.

standing here I realize that you were just like me

Yeah I just got in a bunch of those sega figures you can win at arcades and shit for like $10 a pop from mandrake, well worth it considering how cheap they are

Just started playing through the original nier, does anyone have that sidequest guide pic that shows if it has unique dialogue and all that shit?

I am now desensitized to 2B's butt. Thank you, Sup Forums.

Definitely gonna pick it up, gameplay was fun, all the characters are cute, and the setting looks baller.

sorry what am I deflecting?

The demo was extremely mediocre in every way outside of 2B's character model.

i might do this to but im going to wait till the day before release in case square blesses me with sending it early so i get it before release.

im just worried that if i put the preorder download on my ps4 then i wont be able to start the game off the disk if it does come early

It's more like people just don't have autism and aren't worried if there is just a little spec of paint somewhere not noticeable