What are some video games you guys just have laying around that you haven't opened yet?

What are some video games you guys just have laying around that you haven't opened yet?

i bought ace combat 5, castlevania lament of innocence and onimusha 2 for really cheap 2 years ago and i never touched them

I got up to check

persona 3, persona 3 fes, persona 4, MGS1, MGS2, MGS3, MGS4, the entire arland atelier series, sakura wars, zone of the enders (both of them), FFXIII, XIII-2, lightning returns, X, X-2, SMT nocturne, DDS 1 and 2, and skyrim

The Dark Spire, Pikmin 3, Yoshi's Woolly World probably more

Deus Ex Mankind Divided. Alien Isolation. Asure Striker Gunvolt Double pack. Ori and the Blind Forest.

planescape torment

Don't ever open twewy some precocious cunt will pay big bux for it as the availability of it thins out

>buying games you don't play


I buy them if I heard of them and they're on sale, with the intention of playing them later, but I hardly ever do.

makes sense to me. thanks for the advice
some people collect, others just don't get around to playing them.

Pikmin 1 for the Wii.

Lament of Innocence is pretty fun as a diet DMC. Just bought it recently, after having had it over 10 years ago

nah for real its a cult classic oof my age group growing up so wait for the ds to hit nes/nes age and it will be a great investment.
you need to emulate the game though its good, edgy as fuck story at attracts teens but the overall game is great.

Rhythm heaven ds and chibi robo 3ds.
I still don't know why I haven't opened them as chibi robo is why I bought an amiibo reader.

Do steam games count? If so, I got far more than I would like to admit

Got a few The Evil Within releases unopened. Europe and Japan got exclusive shit.

White knight chronicles
Viewtiful Joe 2
Chrono cross if you count digital

A good bunch of my Xbox collection, since the damm thing doesn't work.

Strictly physical?

>Deus Ex:Mankind Divided
>Grand Kingdom
>Deception 4
>Dark Souls 2:SotFS
>Tales of Zestiria
>Star Ocean 5

If we include Digital then I have quite a few vita games

damn user, you got yourself a nice little collection there

which one should I play next?

I am definitely not one who should be handing out advise on what to play user. maybe a kind stranger will stop by and suggest and do so in my place

I still haven't opened a copy of Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town that I picked up back when it was new.

Other than that, Rune Factory 4 and Odin Sphere Leifthrasir. I'm sure there are some unopened or at least unplayed PS2 titles I have sitting in my closet as well.

Ah, thanks for reminding me. I also picked up Elemental: War on Magic when it came out, and just never got around to playing it when I got a better PC.

I think my parents still have Viewtiful Joe and Viewtiful Joe 2 packaged somewhere in their attic.