Who /refunded/ here?


Other urls found in this thread:


i think i will just out of spite

You can refund DLC?
I already got bored with it, might as well give it a try. Even antibirth didn't interest me too much, maybe I'm just too old to look at anuses and shit for hours on end...

What happened?

why not just keep it for the mod support?

The new final boss was a complete joke and new area mechanics literally make the game more unfun than ever.

how so?

Could buy it later when it's on sale

There's chance that armored enemies can spawn in beginning floors when you have no damage upgrades.
There is a chance of portals that spawn enemies that can spawn in beginning rooms
Some items do the same thing as previous items but add a small gimmick
Designated upgrade rooms sometimes will not provide upgrades.

>Designated upgrade rooms sometimes will not provide upgrades.
Are you saying treasure rooms might not have treasure?

Holding out for Anti to get converted desu.

they might have trinkets instead
or even better
antibirth devs have been shit talking the new expansion
they said they arent gonna convert it to AB+

welp you sold me, i'm not buying.

Yep, there is a chance of having a fucking Poop in the middle of the room. A significant chance.

Also if you reset too much your item pool is permanently polluted with a shitty half soul heart as punishment

Yet here you are, on Sup Forums.

What the fuck is Edmund smoking? Found the first dlc enjoyable enough but this sounds awful.

>They added a NL item

>What the fuck is Eggmund Mcmuffin smoking?

>Avoided afterbirth
>avoiding plus
>Anti shits on both
Ed for fucks sake.

So are the shit new additions a petty fuck you because of the people that "ruined" his faggy little Lost character surprise and now hes just a major cunty bitch and everyone has to suffer or what?

now he is forcing people to eat a steak made out of the poo from a steak he ate.

That reset thing can't be true. You'd have to be a massive fucking autist to dictate how people play your game to that extent.

Which item?

Can anyone explain the cult obsession with BOI to me?

I bought Binding of Isaac new when it came out, I enjoyed it well enough. It was alright. Played a couple dozen hours of it. Saw most of the content.

Since then, I've played most of the games like it and enjoyed them all (I'm particularly fond of Our Darker Purpose)....

But what's with the semi-consistent obsession people have with BOI? What is the drama? Is there something i've missed about the game itself being far better and broader? Or is it just the personal agenda of the developer?

Anyone care to inform me? I'd appreciate some insight.

Play the game and you'll be surprised

Any links? that sounds hilarious considering how ed was sucking their dicks a week ago.

procedurally generated zelda dungeons were a really good idea

It's a fun game and people like to play it.

This might be a surprise for you.


Cone head

>Was supposed to be 6.66
>Tyrone jacked up the price at the last second

there is screencaps of it
i think it was on their discord
I dont have the link unfortunately

I didn't buy it in the first place. I learned my lesson with Afterbirth.

Listening to the chrome dome now, he's literally defending how AB+ was a more boring first run by far over antibirth.

Just got home, what's NL's thoughts? Since he always tries to put a positive spin on shit I need to hear.


Just check the achievment

>Want to heal? Well, too bad, the chance of you getting a full heart just went down 20% because you resetted to much.

fucking why? didn't he pull this shit with the last expansion?

>Even buying Rebirth.

How did none of you know it was downhill after Wrath of the Lamb?

They better not even pull off another ARG and act like that makes everything okay

Got you covered senpai, courtesy of one of the other threads.

they sound autistic honestly.

I know I am.

wtf i hate edmund now

In all seriousness, this is gonna convince me to grab Antibirth instead.

They're pretty upset.

100% autists BTFO

I guess people go full retard when upset.

>introduce feature
>punish players that use the feature
literally why

Doesnt this essentially gimp a save forever?

And fuck over completionists

>Check steam activity
>20 AB+ purchases in a row

Wonder how many are refunds.

Even if Antibirth devs are a bunch of smug, self-righteous assholes, it doesn't mean that we have to be like that too here in this sub.

Holy shit I didn't know Sup Forums was full of giant pussies.

git gud



Get out.

Someone please tell me what is exactly wrong with AB+.

hello edmund

is the subreddit going to defend this shitty expansion?

Nothing, it's just a meme.

>Normal Chests become spiked chests upon touching them

Epic, simply epic Ed.


And I am supposed to know some nicknames why exactly...?

From what I've been hearing:
>New floor and final boss are uninspired
>Item rooms now have a chance of either allowing you to take two items or giving you nothing t all
>Resetting a run too many times adds half-soul hearts to the item pool
>Mod tools are useless

That's what I know off the top of my head.

what the fuck does the new character even do?
I tried using the item and I didnt notice anything actually happen.

Afterbirth+ is still in early access build. The devs said they will be porting the good things from Antibirth into Afterbirth+ so you won't have to waste your time with that amateurish, buggy mess.

>>Mod tools are useless
Say it ain't so, this is the only reason I bought it...

In their defence, there is literally no point to porting it.
Tons of extra work having to deal with most likely shitty modding tools. Just so Edmund can have an extra selling point for his lazy expansion.

The antibirth devs being speechless about it was an enormous red flag, you can only blame yourself honestly.

>The antibirth devs being speechless about it was an enormous red flag, you can only blame yourself honestly.
What are you on about

>notexactlysagittarius got hired by ed for doing great sprites and floor ideas and other great things
>NOTHING appears in afterbirth or afterbirth+
now that's a kuck

eats up active items
if its a passive item it adds stats

I forgot the specifics, but it's throughout a series of tweets

oh thats not bad, it gives people an option of trashing shitty items


What the actual FUCK then.

Apparently, some of those are the Antibirth devs

Somebody in an earlier thread said it was an item pool editor, room editor and animation editor

Half soul hearts work like sticky nickels where they replace red hearts/pennies and doesn't affect the chance of getting full soul hearts/nickels.

it's actually ridiculously strong if you get lucky to get a bunch of active items

>New devil room that's just 3 beggars


bomb them for loot?

>3 coins from each
now this is a devil room. thanks ed

a few pennies, attack spiders and trolls bombs does not replace a devil item.


i can't even run the game because it crashes as soon as it starts

Apparently its an ongoing problem with a lot of people

Yep happening to me

I like it, I got ludivoco or w/e and a pause remote and won the game easily.

You just place the ludi over the boss then pause the game till it dies.

i refunded the game already because of this

so can we just give up on edmund forever?
i'm glad i have northernlion to get in the know because there's no way im spending 7 bucks on a pile of shit
boy am i enjoying antibirth

>toilet humour
>religious people are dumb
>shallow bullet hell gameplay
>lol so randum xD art style

why are you surprised?

>Final boss is a cum monster

Hilarious Ed

nice repost

you posted 5 times already
no one cares

grumpy little boys who like poop jokes (XD), hate going to church, and LOVE rogue-lites confirmed

>This is our punishment for the data mining

How fucking petty do you have to be to gimp a game feature?

Why has this exact post been on every BOT thread i've been on today?

Is it a legit copy-pasta now, or just one guy who purposely keeps looking for these threads just to post this one shitty comment?

The mod Tools have absolutely no documentation and are just shoved in with the rest of the files, left for you to discover. They only include room editors, item pool editors and an animation editor. The room editor doesn't hook correctly, you have to do it like 3 times and you can't even unpack the gamefiles properly. Meanwhile Edmund just says that in a week or so he'll post some fanmade tutorials on it.

>The new boss just moves really fast and *teleports behind you*

So the only way to make it challenging now is to have a broken boss? Like really?

When are they going to actually let me play?

I came from a household of abuse from a religious person chased me around with a butcher knife while i went on the path to listen to grunge and manson and all that and my mom was a drunk who drove into the wrong lane going 50-60 miles per hour in the wrong lane and told me she was going to kill me if i do not do this in my life this happened right after my dad died then she turned into a crazy cat lady who hides being drunk. grandmother was a religious nut who would chase you with a frying pan and lock you in a room that cannot be opened. And steals all your clothing so you cannot go to your freinds house because they were part of a satanic cult. I just asked them for some clothing. This game was made for me.

your family is shit.

>Afterbirth+ is so bad we don't get Antibirth with modding support
I really hope it doesn't come down to that

Now you should learn how to actually write a coherent post.