This card is immune to monster effects, traps, spells and battle damage

>This card is immune to monster effects, traps, spells and battle damage

What the fuck is up with this games meta?

Other urls found in this thread:


Immunities aren't usually too bad. The real problem cards say "negate the activation, and if you do destroy it".


>tfw couldn't make it as a novelist so you do card games instead


>tfw user thinks 2 sentences is much.

You have no idea

Jayden's hair is probably the most interesting. The other protags have ridiculously outlandish cuts, but Jayden's falls just a little short of being normal. Why is this?

who the fuck is this?

Yugi looks like he's ready to get a normal job

Annnnnnddd it's gone

There isn't much shit that stops this card tbqh

It also sharpens and gets longer as the seasons go by. It makes him legit look like he's about to stop being a teenager by the time the show ends.

Immunity is fine as long as removals/forced sacrifices exist...right

its been years and i still dont understand what that purple/black thing is on yugi's head. Is it hair? A hat? Never seen him without it but why would his hair look like that?

i don't get this archetype
how do you into these things? They seem pretty bad, even for the era they were released in, which wasn't even long ago

new yugioh anime protagonist

Im not sure but if you look closely its like a gigantic mullet, shit runs all the way down his neck

You called?

>turn 1 I play a land and a bird
>Turn 2 my eldrazi cosmic horror destroys all your cards, deals 20 damage, gives me 100 life, and is invincible and immune to everything.
MTG is a joke

it's hair

>getting back into Yu-Gi-Oh because of this game after stopping when 5D's ended
>No idea how the fuck Pendulum or XYZ monsters work
>There's Pendulum XYZ monsters now
I'm far too out of the loop for this shit. Are there any Fusion or Synchro Pendulum cards?

You don't really focus on them. They're more of a tech choice to get over shit that could be difficult to deal with otherwise. Imagine they had a Quasar or some shit and you tribute it and give them a 2200 monster instead with basically no usable effect. That's what kaijus are for.

The sad thing is that without protection like that a monster nowadays won't last half a turn before it goes off the field.

Quasar is fucking nothing now. Just typing that out makes me sick.

They're used to tribute over the opponents problem monsters. Thats what they are primarily used for.
Pure Kaiju decks are trash. Kaiju variants like Graydle Kaiju can be fun, but it is better to just throw in a small Kaiju engine into your deck of choice or side deck to break your opponents fields.

There are, but don't worry about them. XYZ's are not complicated to understand; you usally just need two monsters of the same level to become materials to make another monster. If you need practice to build a gadget deck or something and feel it out. Pendulums are about getting two cards that get you a scale that let you summon monsters between to those scales. For example, if you get a scale 3 and 5 set up you can Pendulum summon level 4 monsters from your hand and/or your extra deck. Maybe watch some of the new anime, at least the first few episodes.

What's wrong with his yugayoh card? Did they update the back design?

Yea there are fusion and synchro pendulum monsters also the new mechanics aren't that difficult to grasp.

XYZ monsters are basically two monsters with the same level stacked on top of each other to summon another monster from the Extra deck.
and Pendulum monsters have scales that let you summon as many monsters you want that are between thoes scales This user explains it pretty well

Starting with Zexal (the 4th series) that's what the cards look like in the anime. The real game still uses the classic design.

Wow she is very ugly, but now I know.

so new bullshit summoning method? what is it this time?


>that skin color
>not ugly

We don't know yet

Everyone keeps saying "Delta summoning" for some reason, but there's been no confirmation.

>hating on delicious brown

Feel free to stop ironic shitposting anytime now

>still playing yugioh

>not playing yugioh
haha wow

Then how come nobody ever used, let alone heard of, this card? I fucking love this card, made me win a couple of times against meta synchro and some xyz decks with my shitty gishki deck.

What the fuck is this thing supposed to be?

I can't figure out how to look at it the right way

It's not hard to get dude I never even played yugioh and even I get it.
Pendulum summon is literally this.
If you have 2 pendulum monster with the scales 3 and 8 for example in your hand you can put them in the new pendulum zones which there are 2 of.
If you put the pendulum monsters with the scales 3 and 8 in the pendulum zones
you can summon all monsters who are between level 3 and 8 (so level 4 untill 7) from your hand.
That is all pendelum summoning is.
Xyz summoning is literally stacking 2 or 3 monsters on the field on top of eachother and slap an xyz monsters that has a rank (a black star) equal to the level of the monsters you stacked.
The 2 or 3 stacked cards are now used as units you have to pay to use the xyz monsters effect.
For example utopia can negate 1 attack for 1 unit which are the cards you stacked under the xyz monster once you run out of units you can no longer use the xyz monster's effect.
See it isn't that complicated.

Most of the Hole Trap cards are really good its just that solemn Strike/Warning, Dimensional barrier, and Vanity's are just better/stop more shit

That's an immortal from the DOR vidya
You need to see the game model to understand

Watch my yugioh video


>delicious brown girl uses gem knights, aka best archetype

>still using Ophion

This ain't 2013 anymore grandpa

Back in the containment thread

You can literally do that with almost every game discussed on Sup Forums if everyone went to /vg/ to discuss games there would literally be no discussion left on Sup Forums except for maybe consolewar faggotry.

I activate the spell card, The Phantom Knights Procession! This turn I can target one xyz monster on my field, change it's rank to level and raise it's level to equal another monster on my field! I target the rank 4 Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon and the Level 7 Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Dark Rebellion's level is now 7. I take the now level 7, Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon and the level 7, Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon and overlay them to xyz summon, The Supreme King Violent Dragon, Odd Eyes Raging Dragon!

Odd Eyes Raging Dragon's effect! When this monster is xyz summoned using an xyz monster as xyz material I can detach all of it's overlay units to destroy every single card on the field besides this one and gain 200 attack per card! Odd Eyes Raging Dragon's over effect! One the turn I activate the previous effect Odd Eyes Raging Dragon can attack twice per battle phase!

Wait, how long has this been on PC and I've never been told? Please tell me there's a save file or save editor or something? Fuck grinding out packs.

It's fine to have a thread once in a while. You should go to the Sup Forums Overwatch threads, though, those shits are too rampant to not belong in /vg/

Imo, Sup Forums should be phased out and replaced entirely with /vg/.


This card was good it's just a little too specific compared to other cards that do its job better and in general traps are just kinda shit right now. The only traps that matter are the solemn cards and maybe stuff like vanitys or bottomless. There's a whole archetype nowadays based around trap cards that aren't really trap cards cause they're so shit (paleozoics)

Supreme Dragon that rules over the fifth dimension and supervises the four heavenly dragons! You will become one with me! Integration Summon! Level Rank 12! Supreme Dragon King Zarc!

What is Lava Golem and the Kaijus?

>multicolored card
>It's a pendelum, too

It's anime only and the irl version is a fusion.

It's Pendulum and Fusion, Synchro and Xyz. It is the ultimately existence the one who governs over everything!

What's the point of the brown border? The bottom being green already indicates pendulum.

Because of the Standard Dimension.

Effect monster. Still, to think something like that happened because a guy got asshurt about two 14 year olds love lives

OERD is and xyz/pendulum, why doesn't he have a brown border?

Why is that child evolving into a monster because of a fucking card game

Nothing to do with a card game. He was split into 4 personalities, this is his reunited self.

why is this even on Sup Forums and not /tg/? We never get MTG threads in Sup Forums and /vg/, excluding people posting about it in response to YGO threads

So Yuya finally fell to darkness? I guess they told him about Yuzu's death and he broke. Or they urged him to be violent.

Reminder that Yuya has never beaten Yuzu in a duel.

He was seduced into it by a flirtatious boy called Yuri who wanted desperately to be with Yuya.

>and not /tg/
Check /tg/

MTG doesn't have an anime with cute girls in it

because yugioh went anime>vidya>tcg

>Yuya, Just focus on winning right now!

And then, Yuya became a demon that goes around murdering people demanding they duel him so he can murder them with card games instead of laser blasts

Is this an actual plot for this series now?

Yes, the main character is now the main villain. What do?

>tfw always wanted hair like Yugi's when I was a kid

Yup, we murder time now

What is the best deck right now?

It's great. I run heroes so I've got Raffelsia, which means I can fit in that in along with Treacherous and Bottomless.

Neo Spacians.



just kill yourself already im sick of everyone talking about the "meta"

This word means nothing.You people are just describing the game itself, and its new mechanics.

Wew. After "Card Games: ON MOTORCYCLES" I never really followed up on the series. Might have to give it a go on a rainy day

No card in the entire game is immune to battle, spells traps and monsters. Except Ra immortal Phoenix, but he only stays on the field for 1 turn.

I just stopped watching cuz i wasn't 11 anymore

There's nothing else to talk about, it's the only interesting aspect of the game.

>Card games back then: Card is basic and simple with an average amount of attack and defense.

This is true. Well, to be fair this is the same for every card game.

Every game*

This image is all I need.

If someone said that to me I'd tell them to get good.

>paragraph of text on literally every single card

Fuck trying to get back into yugioh, this shit is only fun if you immediately know what every card does.

>he doesn't know what every card does just by looking at the picture

>This is apparently Moisture Creature.

What the fuck?

Yugioh is on the same train to oblivion as Magic. I wouldn't be surprised if Konami decided to axe it this year.

>axing their biggest money maker
>right after they release the biggest nostalgia bait film of the year
Lol no

it looks like a bad guy from space channel 5

This card is like the names of the "We are Number One" meme videos.