On the left is a linear, boring, watered-down, pretentious SJW cashgrab botnet masquerading as an "experience."

On the left is a linear, boring, watered-down, pretentious SJW cashgrab botnet masquerading as an "experience."

On the right is a deep, thrilling, jam-packed, redpilled story with branching storylines and a sizeable roster of relatable characters, all while respecting your freedoms under the terms of the GPL.

Why haven't you installed gentoo yet?

what the actual fuck are you talking about you faggot?

>I can't read big words

I understood all the words in your post but if you want to shill your shitty VN you should post some screencaps or examples of why it's good rather than subjective shit like "jam-packed" and "redpilled" you fucking idiot

I bet your job title is "social media ninja" or something


Fuck off Trumpfag.

>not recognizing the GOTYAY

Did you know that Unteralterbach should tecnically be illegal in America since it includes characters that are basically parodies of real life girls?

>parody is illegal

no dumbass, my point is that you've given me no intrigue, no reason to say "hey I'll check out this game it looks pretty cool", you've just posted a picture of its title (which is a stupid fucking name and has moon runes to boot) and described it with generic marketing shit like "thrilling". No link, no actual description of the plot or themes or gameplay or ANYTHING. It's almost as if you were making this thread for people who have already played it, but your intent was clearly to get more players

Learn to market, my dude. "Bernd and the mystery of the unteralterbach" sounds like pixel art indie shit and I guarantee you most people who saw this thread thought the same thing. You want clicks? Put some fucking effort into it.

>being this new

Because I'm not up to date on krautchan memes and have no desire to fuck children.



is it actually some weird pedo shit? I didn't bother googling it based on OP's terrible description

also isn't me

>Taking the bait
>Missing that the real point of OP's post is to shit on Depression Quest while advocating for Gentoo
>Not just Googling the name of the game so you can see for yourself if it looks ok or if it's actually shit

Your reaction showcasing frustration are just making OP all the more satisfied.

And neither are video games


>yfw the angry baittaker was actually OP just sockpuppeting as a buttmad user in order to bait you into making posts mocking him

Hide it and move on. Maybe even report while you're at it.

Did you know that you're stupid?

game made by a fat sjw or a game made for loli pedo shit, tough choice

yeah, it has nice cg and humour, but the artstyle is kind of a acquired taste.

>unironically using terms like "SJW" and "redpilled"
>shilling a VN on Sup Forums for FREE
saged and reported

>unironically using terms like "saged" and "reported"
>being this retarded on Sup Forums for FREE

> if you want to shill your shitty VN you should post some screencaps or examples of why it's good rather than subjective shit like "jam-packed" and "redpilled" you fucking idiot


wow OP, you're really proving how eloquent and witty is the audience of whatever you're trying to sell us, thanks for clearing any doubt

>thinking you can sell open source games

>being this buttmad over shitpost

>Sup Forumsumblr is unable to install gentoo and eat feecheese

>what is a figure of speech

>backpedalling THIS hard

I finally bit the bullet and played Unteralterbach and it was better than I expected. The game is funny as fuck

congrats, first loli then pedophilia, gl loser