Wheres my gba Sup Forums?

Wheres my gba Sup Forums?

pic related, it looks like this

My mom said I could keep it

no seriously i think i left in in a ziplock bag with all the games and a charger but i cant find it anymore. Do you have any clue where it is

>not backlit

hopefully in the trash

you paid Josh $20 to smuggle it across the border in his asshole. how could you not remember?

What does the SP mean?

I said my husband's daughter could keep it

The SP is backlit.

guys enough with the jokes I haven't seen the thing in months

most were frontlit

>buying an SP

What are you, a poorfag? Get the superior form factor.

>buying a screen with that lights up
wow you sure are right user what a massive faggot

Click buttons were so much better than mushy buttons. L and R were decent.

Best part is the original GBA was designed to be used with human-sized hands.

There first ones werent, and while it was better than having a dark screen, the later models' screen was way better.

Click buttons were a mistake that are only good for navigating menus in turn-based JRPGs. Also the tiny L and R buttons on the SP were prone to malfunctioning.

Yes, that too.

When I said shoulder buttons were decent I meant they were good on the original and not the SP.

Here it is

I think I found it!

Only Gameboy I had and I loved it when I was a kid. I had the silver model though, I remember when my dad bought it for me after stopping on a road trip with Spongebob and Pokemon Sapphire.

Mine's like that, except it has a fucking dreadful fungus growing on the back of the screen.

Where's my cartridge of Revenge of the Sith though, I lost it in 2008, if anyone found it fucking give it to me.

Just blow into them to get rid of the dust, dummy.

I'd hold the handles on that gameboy(girl)

I found the mirror-universe version

Micro a best

>microscopic text
>arthritis-inducing form factor
>removable faceplate lets dust get on the screen
>no GB/GBC support

chuck it in the bin, m8.

I feel my man, I can't find my charger. Was planning on playing some Emerald, but guess not.

how hard is soldering?

ive never done it before but i would like to try putting a backlit screen in my form factor gba

Where can I get the philips screwdrivers needed to unscrew the screen? Are they exclusive to certain countries or they for some reason are the only type of screwdrivers that don't come packaged with those bundles filled with different screwdrivers?

Also, can I just unscrew the screen or do I have to disassemble the entire thing just to give it a good cleaning?

>having shit eyesight
>having giant fat ogre hands
>implying you can even remove that faceplate without going full macgyver on it
>not having a purple transparent GBC for those games
It has superior backlight and portability which is all you need from a handheld.

i thought gba used t-wing screws

tri wing

>being 12

You know you gotta be over 18 to post on Sup Forums, right? Like, a full-grown adult with full-grown man-hands?

And using a micro is what would destroy your eyes in the first place, m8. Be sure not to use it for more than 15 minutes without taking breaks.

I think I found it OP

At this point the best gameboys are the gameboy micro, or the Revo K101+

That looks 2005 as fuck.

enjoy your handcramps
I remember owning an sp but all I have left are two advances and a color. Keep your old consoles, anons. You'll regret selling them.

and its still shit if you're not a dwarf
It's a manlet's novelty toy lmao