Good MOBA's don't exis-

Good MOBA's don't exis-

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Rubick main reporting in

mah nigga

more like

good competitive games don't exis-

>when i type "dota" in league its banned
>when i type "lol" in dota my character laughs

delete this

There's only a few good game modes though

>when i type "dota" in league its banned
this is wrong

Dota2 is a steaming pile of shit, "update" completely killed it (been dying since 6.82 or wherever when they introduced rubberband and started shitting out new items).


Why is jugg's sword floating above his hand?

I'm not really sure what about the update people have such a problem with
It took me like 5 matches to get used to everything
Really my only complaint is that there are barely any viable ward spots other than the marked ones

It used to be good, now it's another generic hero brawler

aren't hero brawler games good?

Damn are you me? They need to remove a few clumps of trees in the radiant/dire jungle. Right now if you place a ward on the ground and not on a cliff you're fucked because trees block so much of your vision.

youre right, good mobas dont exist

>One of Viper's level 25 talents is that poison can affect buildings

What is with some level 25 talents being so good and some being meh?

Too bad 7.00 killed it

whats your mmr Sup Forums?
3.4k trash here

Oh you.

havent played ranked since i lost 600 mmr last year

Does anybody else unironically love this meme?

This game is fucking garbage to play alone. Every fucking game on the US servers are filled with Peruvians playing from some shit covered internet cafe. Playing with a group is the only way this game is even close to enjoyable to play. And yet everyone still circle jerks over their Solo MMR while playing a team game. If they ever added a region lock and a pure soloQ option I would get back into ranked but this game literally just pisses me the fuck off when I play it alone in it's current state.

dota 2 is a meme?

then how did geniuses and prodigies like Miracle get to 9k

Did he play solo?


>Peruvian/BR/Mexican team
>tfw no response after "Inglés?"
Even a no would be nice.

quick everyone post the thing that triggers you the most with the current dota2 game version!
for me it's
-god awful players picking monkey king on your team while the enemy's mk will usually rampage you within 10 minutes
-good tinker players

that's it for me off the top of my head i think

They played the game since they were 5 years old, and started at a high enough rank to not play with all the Peruvians.


good game
absolute shit tier, ooga booga tier, faggot tier
dev team.

obviously if hes 9k u fucking idiot

Techies in general or on a certain team?

Fuck you spic. My car is worth more than your whole family.

spanish != brazilian portuguese

just ask "falem inglês por favor amigos" like a civililzed white man who knows what Duolingo is and you'll probably have 50% more successful interactions.

don't bother with spics though.

climbing out of trench is possible, but it's fucking mind-numbing for the average player. the upside though is by the time you're out it's easier to climb mmr.

in general i think.
every game with techies automatically lasts for 1h+ and is impossible to siege highground against if the techies is at least somewhat decent

Not to mention he could be rolling down a lane killing entire waves like it was nothing.

>when i type either in battleborn no is around to sees it

Yeah. I think his rework is pretty cool but goddamn this hero is infuriating like no other.

>genius and prodigy
>lost to demon and his pinoy stack at TI
>can't even get qualified to boston major with liquid

here's a real prodigy

do good moba's exist?

damn, he must love oysters

never really got this liking towards oyster. i always feel icky whenever i eat them

Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics.

>thinking that the peruv meme ever ends
I have news for you, there are retards at every skill level. If you don't believe me just watch any streamer play and you will see them get retarded teammates that sperg out the same way they do in your 2k games.

If you play any ASSFAGGOTS you are the scum of the Earth. Enjoy your 40 minute hatred filled matches which you repeatedly play for the duration of the entire day on repeat because you feel a sense of "skill" when you're wasting away at your computer chair at a worthless hobby.

Couldn't you replace ASSFAGGOTS with Arena Shooter/Fighting game and 40 mins with 5-10 mins and it still will be right?

>being this mad



At least if my shitty team mates speak English I can flame them in English. I really just have having to open google translate to tell people they are dirt.

If you play any Arena Shooter/Fighting game you are the scum of the Earth. Enjoy your 5-10 minute hatred filled matches which you repeatedly play for the duration of the entire day on repeat because you feel a sense of "skill" when you're wasting away at your computer chair at a worthless hobby.

I went from having like 9 friends to play with on any given night, down to 2 max.

Love this character. Out playing people with Cyclone Staff is too satisfying.

Sure you can do that, but it will in no way affect your mmr. Even if Peruvians are shitty players all around, because they are just as likely to be on your team as the enemy team, they will not negatively affect your mmr over a decent number of games.

This is a meme. Stop it.

>miracle is a bad player
I LOVE this meme

>talks shit about Miracle
>posts niggertz


Or I could just continue to play other games and only play Dota with a group.

>Monkey King on other team is slaughtering everyone
>NO ONE picks up an Abyssal Blade or even a Heaven's Halberd

Oh yeah I agree with you, I just don't like it when people try to blame their mmr on peru because its not a logical argument.

I love playing Shadow Demon, Bane and Pugna against the bastard.

Kinda hard to build those items against a
>le 4 300 range "melee"hits and you're dead earthshaker instant crit monkey man

>Enemy instalocks MK
>Pick Enigma and build a Force Staff
>MK hops into a tree
>Midnight Pulse the whole area and Malefice when the stun ends
>Force Staff him out of his ult if he panics and tries to kill me with it

eat my dick you fucking baboon

Enigma is quite hot this patch.

I am absolutely not saying Peru is the problem. I'm just saying that to grind your way to 5-6k Solo MMR you would have to be a masochist. The quality of almost every solo game you play is complete dogshit.

i'd blow enigma no homo

Enigma is genderless

5080 (max was 5500)

nolans and bigdaddyfly carried him

look how well he is doing even with matumbaman and kuro

miracle is the biggest fraud in dota

arteezy is the ultimate entertainment



miracuck fangay getting triggered their beloved pubstar is exposed as a big shitter

Better than being an autismtz buttbuddie.

Why the fuck do you even care about some fucking dipshit who plays a video game for 16 hours a day? You retards are as bad as football fans.

why do you care about some dipshit who kicks a ball for 16 hours a day

same thing faggot

pls no

it's playing on loop again in my mind

That's exactly what I just said. Do you know how to read?

um because he's cute and the best player in the world?

Agrees, Miracle is a stud.

Fun fact: Valve never called this a MOBA.

>playing chinese cashgrabbing game

wait, people still play this shit?

move on to better games OP, and earn mad dosh via streaming, stop living in the stone age

hey post strong heroes in 7.00 just give me a general list of good ones I can't figure out who's strong besides monkey king and timber I guess

I was talking about Arteezy.

Enigma got swole in both models and talents. Necrophos is pretty good with ghost shroud.

Also AM is now even more of a farming god due to certain jungle changes.

Over fucking powered

I fucking love Techies on this patch. No more shitters playing him solely for cheese kills, people don't rage at me just for playing him, and I don't have to spend a full minute putting mines in one spot to MAYBE get a kill.

Let's talk about how Jimmy "DeMoN" Ho is a player that has stood the test of time

I hope he gets his due one day. I mean top 8 at TI6 was already damn good but I want him to be immortalized. He deserves it.

>be support player
>climb to very high games on solo queue
>forced to play with casual friends who only play carries and refuse to understand how the other heroes/items interact with his picks
>drop from 55% WR to 52 with a current lose streak of 8 games

Post your records, there's nothing to do in this thread anyway.

I know that feel friend. I play mostly support in my try hard solo ranked games, but when I'm playing with my shitter friends, I refuse to play support. There is no feeling worse than supporting shitters who will never ever carry the game.

>a lol player and dota player walk into a bar
>the dota player says lol is shit
>the lol player cannot deny

>Friends are ok, around high 2k low 3k
>I'm ok, low-mid 4k
>Matches with them

Listen you stupid cunts the jungle camps are on 2 minute cooldowns now, if you pick a core jungler when we have a hard carry that needs to utilize the jungle you are fucking us 6 ways from Sunday. It's even better when we've got something like Shadow fiend mid on top of that, stop being retarded god damn.

>Hey guys I've been playing support these last few games so I'm gonna carry this time
>haha no problem man I can support

>Proceeds to not buy wards past 6 mins, upgrade courier, or stack and just leeches exp all game
So now I just rush midas every game I play with friends