>no real friends
>no gf or love interests
>no social life
>still live at home
>no job or opportunity other than grunt work
>high school friend gets famous from your hobby while you continue to grind
>tried to change life and failed
>still get laughed at

anyone here also on the bad ending?


Come back when you're 40 and in the same spot

whats your story?

What's your friends hobby?

>bad ending
one of the worst, I'm afraid.

But hey at least video games.

>Friends all either moved away or turned into stoners that aren't fun to be around (the DUDE WEED LMAO) kind
>GF is pic related and won't get a job
>No social life due to everything else previously mentioned
>Living with GF for almost five years now
>Lost my job because of 70% women and just fighting all the fucking time
>Unemployment got frozen because "you're not unemployed, you're just on break due to lack of work" despite being out for almost a month now
>Can't get food stamps because lol you're fine you have college'n shit white boy
>Trying so desperately hard to be in school but can't afford the American bullshit of "pay $300 in every class just to access your homework" shit
>No school money even though I apply for every scholarship under the sun
>Car breaks down every other week and constantly needs fixed
>Get straight A's but still somehow don't qualify for jack shit because I didn't play foo'ball back in the day and aren't a token minority
>Spend every day filling out job applications, eating food I get from the food bank because I have no fucking money, and begging for work at temp agencies

I feel like I'm not being allowed to succeed.

Where's all that white privilege I supposedly have?

Don't really have one in just commenting that 27 is still young and you still have more energy now then you would have in your 30s so stop being a bitch

i wanted to be a composer. got laughed at for playing piano, including family. friend picks it up, he gets praised. ultimately gets a social life, bands, travel time, ect.

What does this have to do with video games?

alternate endings can be an essential part of life if you understand the mechanics of it like video games.

>medical student in one of the best schools in my country, so i have hope, maybe?
>didn't even had friends back then
>not sure about this, i think i haven't tried very hard in life

You are not alone, OP.

Stop blaming your friend. You didn't own it and it sounds like you didn't have a knack for it. It's not his fault it didn't work out for you.

There are a million other things to do in the world. Find another and stop hanging on to this one.

>no friends
>no family
>no money
>multiple dropout
>no job
>no matter what i do or how hard i try i never, ever get even passably good at any single thing
>not good at even one vidya ever despite hundreds or even thousands of hours dedicated to individual games
>nothing to look forward to each day except getting to wake up to and fall asleep next to my gf
>destined to die on welfare rooming with people i don't know

>no gf anymore
>handful of friends left in this town
>afraid to go to uni cause i dont want to be in debt and have no fucking job at the end of it
>dont really know what i want to do in my life
>almost died last year

am i gonna make it bruhs?

is this the blog thread?

maybe if you didn't care about what other people do so much and you busted your ass to do whatever you want, you would be somebody

Community college is cheap and the degrees are just as good, if you're not trying to get into a highly competitive and exclusive field.

>Community college
ausafg here. i dont think we have that. i think TAFE is the closest thing we have. and the main problem is that i dont know what i even want to do/study.

>complaining that life is challenging even though you clearly like video games, which is essentially pleasure in facing challenge as a form of entertainment
>wanting more than 1-3 good friends anyway
>caring about girls
Step up. If you're still breathing you still have to keep trying.

>life is actually pretty good
>joining the Army
>convinced I can't be happy in a relationship though
>lonely and horny
>girl I love doesn't love me back
guess I'll live

>on the cusp of 27
>actually have good pool of close friends
>live at home but getting apartment come pay raise in February
>no gf and have barely ever dated
>have job with actual career growth, but truly need graduate school to push forward
>but too fucking lazy to study for GRE after work day
>no debt, 90k savings

life is alright i guess?

>friends at uni, same friends play games w/ me
>some social life, need to stop rejecting invites
>part-time worker
>high school friend gets famous from your hobby while you continue to grind, can't relate
>tried to change life and succeeded, was a miserable fuck for the longest time
>still get laughed at, can't relate

life is pretty good. The worst decision I think I've made for myself is my degree choice. Chose a degree dedicated to the entirety of creating video games/animation, kinda feel like I should've went with Computer Science.

you whining homos

>Going back to school for nursing
>Have enough money to pay for it and no be in debt afterwards
>Still live with family
>Make decent money at my job without having to work too many hours

All in all not too bad

u shuld liek off yourself


Why don't you change that you fucking faggot instead of complaining like a little bitch

>All these depressing people
Why don't you just watch the "school of life" on youtube?