Skyrim now has modding on the ps4

>skyrim now has modding on the ps4


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get off Sup Forums and get a job

I've never played Skyrim and never intend to.

What possesses someone to make threads like thi?

>no skse

It only kind of does. Mods are super shitty on PS quadruple. I play on xbone though

grow up faggot your memes are pathetic

>No custom assets


babbys first shitpost I think.

>mods on console are the same as pc mods

Sony won.

>only skyrim assests are allowed

ps4 thread? I have uncharted 4, phantom pain, and ffxv. I beat them all and enjoyed them all. what should I get next? was thinking either another jrpg or a big western title like watch dogs 2.

Post 1 (one) single screenpic of PC magnanimous race crying about Skyrim getting mod support?

Do you think about the leftovers i gave to my dog?

Get a PC.

It sucks tbqh imo

I have one. the ps4 games I'm interested in are not on it.

One of you salty faggots made a petition:

haha. No

What the fuck was Sony thinking

6 years too late.

Consoles still can't actually use the one mod which is intrinsic to 95% of the other mods though, right? So they can use mods like 4k HD Horse Anus, but that's about it.

>he listens to nine inch nails
You need to be 18 years old to post on Sup Forums.

It was you, sonygger.

>ps2 doesn't get morrowind, xbox and pc do
>ps3 gets worst version of oblivion out of all platforms
>ps3 gets worst version of skyrim out of all platforms
>ps4 gets worst version of Skyrim SE out of all platforms

bros.... it wasn't supposed to be like this... whoa...

Play blood borne ya dingus

Yeah sure here you go

[posts console war image that I'm too stupid to realize is a shitpost]

>metalfag this triggered 10 solos per minute doesn't make good music.

xbox one has some pretty decent mods 2bh

obviously a ton less than pc but if you're a consolefag then this will definitely improve your game

PS4 players can play all the best skyrim mods! For example... Uh... Mm... Well I suppose you can add in game cheats! Make Skyrim Great Again!

Is there something in the water that causes an entire country to shitpost?

Fuck, who knows. They said it was a security risk, but Xbone allows it. All the good shit comes from custom assets, without it skyrim is just skyrim with a different ruleset.


this joke is fucking stu


kill yourse

>Playing Todd's lies game
Good sheep