ITT : characters you would main if their series got a fighter game
ITT : characters you would main if their series got a fighter game
Shadman a cute
See you after the 2 week ban, hero user.
My nigga
but user
You can't catch me, I'M THE GINGERBREAD MAN!
>implying anyone could beat Dennis with his arsenal of tools
but there is a fighting game.
so that's where Hillary's been hiding
>Not choosing S-tier greenman
This is why Dennisfags cant get out of a pool
Gonna turn on my X Factor and combo into a Dragon Snot Snapper EX for that sweet Super Finish
>he doesn't keep up with the shrek superslam comp scene
>He never played Shrek Fairytale Freakdown for the GameBoy Color
thanks doc
>Best main in the new pokeman games
>not maining Gene Parmesan
i don't see Farquaad on that roster you fucking faggot
>Not maining Mantis Toboggan
Step up lads
One of these stupid fucks
God damn it, are these pictures really not part of a comic?
Hilloli is
I would main Drake in the canadian popstar battle royale. Bieber is for scrubs, Avril Lavigne is fucking horrendous, and Nickelback has that powerchord cheese that's OP. Carly Rae Jepsen is my waifu though. She's an old hag my age who dresses like a 16 year old girl.
>your character is so shit they don't even make it in the list of returning characters for a party brawler
since this thread is going to be delet
check this 7
no, check mine
*tch* nice try my friends, watch as I summon this three! HA!
>be manlet
>only manlet in the entire movie isn't in a game for that movie
>"b-but I c-can't re-late to any-one else!!!"
end yourself my dude.
Someone, please murder Shadman
Shrek did get a fighter though, and we are waiting to welcome you to the competitive scene.
This one right here. Also pic related
Why ISNT there a popular FMA fighting game?
But Mac is a blackbelt.
seriously, this is a crime, the cast would be perfect for it
>Not maining Country mac
This is shadman
Not enough anime ITT
>Being Imperial scum
>Think you can stand against Rosenritter perfection
chinese electric batman
Oh fuck Reigen would be perfect, all those special moves
>Anti esper dropkick
Oh fuck yes.
I feel like he himself wouldn't be that fun to main though.
I'd probably prefer secret agent ice man or blood elf dude
I wouldn't be able to decide
Hentai All Stars Battle Royale
Fuck I don't even know who would win 1v1. Garou has the dex/technique advantage but Boros probably beats him in raw power.
>Not maining the fat old NTR man
>Not maining Mac's dad
I'm gonna eat your butt until the room stinks
Go tank or go home.
frog girl seems like she'd be fun to play
In hand to hand combat Garou would destroy, but I'd probably give it to Boros based on his ridiculous regeneration abilities and energy attacks. Plus worst case scenario, he can just nuke the planet. Would be a hella fun fight for both of them though
Smallest hitbox, best Ultimate.
Come get some.
this dude would be dope to play, too.
Wormhole shotgun zoning and shit.
an asura's wrath fighting game would be neat
>Not manning Wildcard for that Crit damage
I'd main the fuck out of Armstrong.
Remind me why we haven't gotten a violent FPS hero fightan game again.
I only just played that game for the first time yesterday and for once Sup Forums was absolutely right, it was amazing.
>mfw actual source material is a strict fighting game but is ignored cause it's such shit quality.
ive thought about what a doug fighting game would be like since i was a kid
Now go do it on revengeance, and no damage every boss.
It seems very counter intuitive, since fps protags tend to shoot things not him them.
>Not maining garbageman, the king of grapplers
Chickenfags need not apply
>ultra is just a bunch of paper balls
There is a Hero Academia fighting game.
Haven't tried it myself but it looks shitty.
His name is the Trash Man you casual
>not maining Maebe for the sick marry me to marry me true combo
Vine based attacks.
This guy's so underrated.
>Not maining Gary Coleman so half the moves in the game can't hit you
>Not maining a child from Fallout
You have god mode on all the time.
Nice try but shadman is a nigger
that abdomen would be hot on a girl
Super JAV fighter IV when?
I know MvC exists but she's double NEVER EVER tier
Why hasn't the inevitable Danganronpa fighting game happened yet anyway?
It's a shame Ankama has such a tight grasp on their IP and is set on the MMO bullshit. Wakfu would make such a good fighting game or single player tactics game. You know your boy would go full Goultard if there were ever a fighting game.