Grow older

>grow older
>videogames just aren't fun anymore because developers are unwilling to try anything new
>the games you do play are usually just emulated
>end up primarily playing super mario world on your gtx 1080, 6700k machine
such is life in sweden

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah Sweden seems pretty shit

that pizza looks good


It's true that games are changing, but if you're thinking that way you're probably not trying anything new and just listening to Sup Forums saying every game is shit.

Just play Nep Nep games.

if you were to play a new mario game it wouldn't be all that different from super mario world so that's a weird combination of an opinion and choice of game

>Grow older
>new games are mostly shit
>proceed to emulate eveyfuckingthing up to ps2 era and play the games I wasn't able to play when young because poorfag
>tfw emulating ape escape 3 at 3x the original resolution in widescreen and filters
muh dick

it's nothing but giant crusty dough

>that pizza looks good

>tfw 700 games on steam and dont know where to begin

There was literally nothing wrong with that pizza. Gordon was just doing that for show.

cheese ain't supposed to fall off like that

That's a nice looking 'za

""""gourmet pizza""""" faggots with your 1mm thin crust get fucked

play the japanese ones first

>be kid with limited time and money
>buy and play videogames all the time
>become adult with so much free time and money I dont know what to do with it
>torrent anime and shitpost all day

was this a creepshot that accidentaly had the flash turned on?

>every time this image gets posted
>every time faggots come out ironically defending it
>every time I get angry at the faggots even though I know they're being ironic

Someone explain the 'za meme to me before thread dies.

/ck/ trying to keep it cas'

delet this

That's life everywhere.

God I hope so.

It's just that every genre has been done to death

It's short for Go' Za"

Serious question,how do your women feel about Hispanic people ,OP?

This doesn't help.

's t'ad

Weirdo that took the pic forgot to turn the flash off, and it startled everyone in the court.

za is pizza
cas is casual
Go is Chicago
Chicago """"pizza"""" is heresy

Staying in this thread for this

'za is short for pizza, cas' is short for casual. You dumb?

Mexicans look like manlet, fat arabs and are basically non-violent but lazy versions of them. Anyone south of Panama (that isnt a Brazillian) is alright.


>Grease all over the damn pizza
>Crust that looks super doughy
>Those awful looking meats
Stop being in denial
Gordon did nothing wrong

>Back before the juicing

pretty much, try galaxy marios

Not him.
What about people who don't look Hispanic, don't practice Hispanic customs, and are basically white except for that cursed 50% in their DNA?
Also, not a Mexican. From Paraguay.

/ck/ is weird. How is this a meme?

To be fair I just didn't get the 'go desu.
The rest were no brainers.

Thank God, I don't fall in any of those categories
Who Kay's Good Cooking here?

was this before she became a big guy?

Samefag here

He ordered a thin crust.


I think I have this weird mental thing going on where I'm just not capable of doing anything at my computer.

>try to play Pokemon Sun
>just can't enjoy it
>lay in bed and play
>play for 7 hours straight

>Upgrading your PC when you don't want to play any games that require that upgrade.
It's like buying a console with no games you like.

That crust looks so fluffy and that cheese so gooey and tasty, though. What's so bad about it? (Only going off of these stills, haven't seen the video.)
Yes. (Nice daring synthesis of Sup Forums memes btw)

>british (((cuisine)))

the crust is undercooked and the cheese literally just falls off

cheese looks alright but the dough was literally raw in some parts.

someone post the edit with the dudes blowing each other and than someone else (or same guy) post the one where some user recognize the two dudes blowing each other

It's completely undercooked, fucking ginormous, it all just tastes of cold cheese and is dripping in fat.
And that's the THIN crust.


Who is this?


Why are they eating noodles on top of a box with sticks? are americans so poor that they can't afford proper cutlery?

beat me to it

>that fucking server girl



are you not familiar with Asian food

although it looks like Chloe is using a fork

Stephanie from LazyTown

Learn to love yourself the way you are user, if blacks can I'm sure that spics can do it too. Nothing more pathetic that someone who tries to deny his heritage and race.


>asian food
I didn't expect a movie star to eat dog meat

jack please stop
youll die


Asian restaurants in America don't serve dog openly

>Using a roast meant & bread knife to cut fish
>not using a fucking sharp fillet knife

how motherfucking dumb can you be, he also butchered that fish
Its the british, female version of ja/ck/

>boiling mince


Sauce pls

There is nothing wrong with playing old games as there is a shitload of good ones, problem is you are in a comfort zone playing just stuff like mario

Oh shit, I thought this was going to be jack

did you actually think this was funny when you posted it

I would "boil mince" in the tomato juice when making bolognese sauce.

it's called find other things to do in your spare time

you can "suck my dick" if you dont use relish in your spaghetti.

>not paste



that's the wrong way to cook everything, everything is fucking wrong in those videos what the fuck is wrong with this bitch

what episode and season is this?
hells kitchen?

Kitchen Nightmares


>its faggot who loses interest in a hobby and tries to blame anyone but himself episode

Kitchen Nightmares, s7e2

You should try to make your own.

this bitch look like a grandma who photshopped herself younger

>not browning it first and deglazing

>>Grease all over the damn pizza

cheese = grease
It just means it has a LOT of cheese.

>Crust that looks super doughy
Yeah it did look undercooked, that's my only concern really.

>Those awful looking meats
I usually get a plain cheese with extra cheese. That's also how I know you can't avoid the grease if your pizza is very cheesy.

Over all the pizza didn't look bad, I've seen MUCH worse. If they cooked them a bit longer I'd even think about trying it out.

Give me some good Kitchen Nightmares and Hotel Hell episodes to watch, I love me some Ramsey.


>I usually get a plain cheese with extra cheese
opinion discarded

So was that story about that Swedish woman getting raped and having 48 different male semen on her and in her true?

mm now that's some good 'za

Pizza is overrated.

If the cheese slides off, you fucked up.

Pic related. My pizza chops are TOP knotch.

How is she still thin