Top 10 video game trilogies

>top 10 video game trilogies
>#1 Mass Effect

>top 10 games that stood the test of time
>#1 skyrim remastered

I hate normies so fucking much

Who fucking cares.

Mass Effect is a good trilogy of games. It's not #1 but I would rate it at #7 in my own personal list.

>top 100 games list
>30-1 is nothing but a nintendo circlejerk

What would you rank #1?

As if any of you have a good reason for Mass Effect not being #1 trilogy besides the internet influencing your simple minds that its a bad series.

>top 100 games ever made
>#1: PONG

1. mgs1, mgs2, mgs3

>I'm New Here: The Post

Clearly it is silent hill 1-3. Any objections are idiotic.

Sly cooper

Crash bandicoot

name 4 lists that say this

>Best video game trilogy
>not littlebigplanet

Not him, but Timesplitters.

Name 6 lists that do this.


MGS, I pretend as if MGS4 and MGSV don't exist.

I think people have a hate boner for Mass Effect in general. Looking at the games individually might raise some eyebrows but when taking the bigger picture it wasn't that bad of a series.

>extremely solid opening to a series, somewhat flawed
>refined version of ME1 with better gameplay and characters, improving on the ME1 cast too
>best gameplay in the series, great squadmates, disappointing story

Im digging the first one but drom what I head the series was great until EA sunk their talons into it

To be fair if you define trilogy as a self-contained unit of exactly three connected games, no more no less, there aren't all that many that are really good as they usually end up with shitty sequels sooner or later. Plus Mass Effect is great.