This game was ahead of it's time. It doesn't deserve all the hate when GTAV exists

This game was ahead of it's time. It doesn't deserve all the hate when GTAV exists.

Other urls found in this thread:

Everybody loved it though.

it's shit

>no planes
>chose new York as a setting which is painfully repetitive when you can't go inside 98% of the buildings
>forced to play as a slav
>"realistic" "features" that make the gameplay boring
>the most depressing atmosphere in gaming history, even when it's supposed to be a sunny day it still looks like shit
>sections of the open world locked off until you complete parts of the story

It was firmly a product of its time though. The technology was finally there for human character models and everyone was making edgy dark, human driven games.

I liked the direction they took IV in story and tone wise, even though it was a departure from the typical humour, I liked the attempt to make it more mature.

The problem is that after SA the gameplay of IV was simply too limiting. It was like GTA III with better graphics and a non mute protagonist.

Driving around a replica New York was great though.

you're just being contrarian


NO ONE liked it

Am I the only one who thought that Liberty City was NYC with Post 9/11 politics mixed in with 60-late 80s Pre Guliani atmosphere?

What did you think of Ballad of Gay Tony? Do you think that made a better GTA experience?

It was the best game of the 3 so obviously.

Lollipop chick has six fingers.

Best story in the series. Loved the DLC stories aswell

Hi there newfag. Sup Forums hated 4 until 5 was released

The game had a few major issues. The colors were far too drab, NYC does not look like that. Also, there was some irritating physics stuff that should have just been canned animations (entering a car). All the stumbling around and rag-dolling was annoying.

>limited in every single way compared to older game but graphics and cinematic shit.
>ahead of it's time

the first 2 are ok, but
>forced to play as a slav
Which is a badass and a great character
>"realistic" "features" that make the gameplay boring
AI in IV was goat, the way npc acted, police and civilians. I loved the way you could get thrown out of a car for not having the seatbelt, and other shit they removed in V
>the most depressing atmosphere in gaming history
Good, it matched the game theme
>sections of the open world locked off until you complete parts of the story
Like any other GTA ever made

it was definitely its own beast.

Oh shit

GTA4 was better. You could fuck with pedestrians more.
>beating a bitch to death with her own cellphone
>beating a tourist to death with his own camera
>beating a fat guy to death with his own donut
I got way too many hours of fun out of throwing shit dont even tell me it was a minor feature.
>play online on ps3
>glitches never patched
>learn purely by word of mouth all of the cool glitches
>get under map in heli, land inside hanger adjacent to heli landing pads, shoot rpgs out of textureless wall into people at the exact instant they enter the annihilators
>recieve hateful, scathing PMs
Not really a feature but hey

Also everything about driving has been casualized.

Well considering how "games" today are replacing gameplay with cinematic experience, you could say it really was ahead of its time.

Friendly reminder that V is regarded as wholly superior to IV outside of Sup Forums.

I don't care what the unanimous opinion is on this board, I still go back to GTAIV at least once every year.

>tfw I forgot how to pick up objects after that mission
>tfw I forgot about the mechanic shortly after so I never looked up how to do it
>tfw I never did it in all my playthroughs

IV was great, V is an improvement in literally every way

anyone who says otherwise is trolling

There is a MOD tha allows you to play in Liberty City in GTAV, you must own GTAIV though...

>civilian sitting on a bench
>walking up and just fucking CLOCKING them with the baseball bat
>the baseball bat was PERFECT in IV
>they completely ruined it in V

but right here on Sup Forums in this thread the majority of people think that V is better
God dammit, i fucking hate this shit: everybody has to believe that Sup Forums is one person, and then everyone tries to fit the hivemind as hard as they can
This place is full of underaged and insecure kids

Problem with V is that whilst I enjoyed it, I actually felt that SA's world was better.

In V you get Los Santos but in SA you get Los Santos, San Fierro and Las Venturas.

>hit attack right in front of an NPC
>niko grabs the bat with both hands and jabs them

Not really, V is bigger and merrier, but it's not better, it's just different.
Some people might prefer the realism and the grey tone of IV

Literally all this. Also, it's a pain to drive around

fair point. But outside of tone I think it would be extremely hard to argue that V isn't better. Bigger world with the same level (or more) of interesting content, more weapons, more cars, more activities, graphics, world, mechanics, online, etc. Like every tangible feature outside of the tone is improved


Well 4 is my favorite GTA game but overall I regard 5 as superior aswell

I don't like the fact that every girl on the GTA cover is never in the game. fuck

i haven't played through V since release, but honestly i think IV is better
>character development that draws you in
>interesting side characters
>varied missions

i think V's main drawback is that it's ability to make you care about the world and characters was spread too thin between the 4 things.
even now when i try to replay it, sometimes i wish it was more like 4.

GTA4 is a bad game. People confuse it for good because it does more than your typical game.

Agreed. Last good GTA game.


it lost some charm somwhere.
I didn't played enough V, or IV lately, so i can't really make any good point, but if you check this clip you can see that IV has more attention to details and NPC behavior, which is important for immersion and fucking around

It had a lot of neat technology stuff, but I found the main story pretty boring and compared with past GTA's there was a severe lack of side content, it got boring pretty fast. It was also a terrible PC port, you can run GTA V at higher settings with a better framerate than GTA IV. Wasn't a bad game by any means, just a bit of a weaker GTA title.

I've been replaying it recently.
It has the most realistic depiction of the criminal underworld in any video game to date. When it first came out the cutscenes and animation were fucking mind blowingly humanlike, aswell. All of this, and it still has that trademark subtle satire in it.
I don't buy the whole "game is too depressing and gameplay is bad" bullshit, all GTA games have had bad fucking gameplay. Most of the complaints are from people who either never played or forgot what the earlier games were actually like. It's still an unfinished piece of shit with no mission replay though, don't get me wrong.
GTA 5 was by far a much bigger disappointment than GTA 4 ever could have been.


Last year I replayed GTA IV and then III after it and the first thing I noticed was how much more open the car "chases" were in III compared to IV. In III you'd often get a target on your radar cruising through the city and you could approach it however you wanted. In IV you'd come near and be put on a roller-coaster ride with scripted barrels falling off trucks. I like a lot about IV but it feels more scripted and linear than either III-VC-SA or V.

5 is a million times worse then IV for that sort of thing, unless you count multiplayer and side missions

t. teenager whose first GTA was IV

>5 is worse
Well, maybe. I need to play V's story again to really tell; I am only confident about how IV compares III.

>can't go inside 98% of the buildings
There's much more interiors than there were in V

>It has the most realistic depiction of the criminal underworld in any video game to date.
Have you played L.A. Noire?

>GTA 5 was by far a much bigger disappointment than GTA 4 ever could have been.

Not at all.

People hated IV when it came out, and many still do. People loved V when it came out, and still do.

How was V a bigger disappointment than IV?

>best guns and shooting mechanics
>best driving
>best gravity (flying through windshield/ bustin chopper blade falling to the ground/ blowing gas station and flying 30 metres)

The only flaw was that the town was too gray and pretty boring

VC > SA > IV >>> V

Be sure to watch the response, too.

To be fair, it's a lot less impressive when one game has features an older game has, vs. an older game having features newer ones don't have

Because I only browse Sup Forums and reddit and know jack fucking shit about general opinion and only see the world I want to through my incredibly narrow lenses. In my world, GTA4 apparently has 'the most realistic depiction of the criminal underworld to date', because apparently I've played about 5 fucking open world games in the past 10 years, and also because I hate GTA5 but like 4 everyone everywhere automatically agrees with me.

Interesting video.. I'm of the opinion than V was a better game than IV, but it's interesting how NPCs don't die as quickly in IV was they do in V. They feel more natural in IV.
And one thing I did hate from V is that cops are fucking assholes in it. They're on your ass for any little thing.

I still think V is a better overall game, but I guess I should try to play IV again sometime.

>the most depressing atmosphere in gaming history
Man, how could dislike this about IV? The atmosphere was my favorite thing about the game. Disclaimer: I'm a Slav.

>Hi there newfag. Sup Forums hated 4 until 5 was released

Sure, back when it was released. Since then, IV has been getting more and more love with each year -- I'm guessing it's because younger idiots come here with each passing year, and IV was their first GTA.

Mine was III but I was 13 yo when it was released so I'm now old as fuck.

Can you still enjoy III?

Sup Forums isn't one person, you idiot

I would know, because I was here on this very board defending IV in 2009.

V. A much better game, in every. single. way that matters

Misty was.

Just not in the same way you saw her in the artwork. It seems like she was gonna be much more prominent.

I can't believe I remember her name. I haven't played that shit in more than a decade.

Why the fuck is V even getting all this slack?

Except writing, physics, AI, and map design.

>This game was ahead of it's time.
well no shit it was a fucking tech demo.

It took a lot of steps back.

Not what a tech demo is.

The game isn't even a decade old.

There's this concept called consensus, you yokel. Sup Forums has some semblance of that, and it changes with time. For example, you could say Nier is generally well regarded in here.

I think so, but I haven't tried it in a while, because it's gonna look awful on my current TV. I can tell you I remember it being comfy as fuck, as much as I hate that term.

>lot of steps back
Please clarify in what you mean by that

>Sup Forums has some semblance of that

lol no it doesn't

>GTA III isn't a decade old

You're not even a decade old, Bobby.

Worse driving, worse enemy AI, wasted map design space


Lol yes it does you idiot

For example a vast majority of Sup Forums users love vtmb and fnv

Those games being good is a consensus right there

As much as I hate calling people 'new', I gotta do that with you. I feel like you haven't been here for too long, and I'm sure as fuck you haven't lurked that much. There's some games that have this general consensus of being appreciated in Sup Forums: Niew, DMC3 (and 4 somewhat), FFT, Okami, System Shock 2, etc.

So stop being an idiot.

>a vast majority of Sup Forums users love vtmb and fnv

Those threads are just circle jerks inhabited by the same small number of people. I'd know because I frequent them.

Don't make such stupid fucking claims.
You know nothing of what the general consensus regarding GTA 5 was if you think it was loved by "people".
The "people" you are referring to are fucking children and spics.

>I feel like you haven't been here for too long
Literally been posting on Sup Forums since 2005, so feel whatever you want, but it's factually incorrect.

V had a fun story for me, along with good controls. The only down side to V was the map. Especially when trying to circle the island in a god damn submarine...

I would have liked to see if I would like IV's story, but the controls in the game were the most horrible controls I have ever experienced in a GTA. Hell, I was calling the vehicle controls "boat-like" for years, and people wanted to tell me I was full of shit and didn't know what I was talking about. Then R* themselves actually had an article about developing V where they used the exact same phrasing that I had been using to describe what was wrong with IV's controls and how they were trying to improve controls with V.

>Worse driving
They went for a less realistic, more gamey and arcadey feel. Now you might say that it's worse, but i'd say the less realistic more arcadey driving fits the game more just like realistic driving fit the serious tone of IV
>worse enemy ai
I cant speak for the ai really since i havent played iv in years but I thought the ai in V was very decent
>wasted map design
As in not enough bullshit strewn actross the map to do? I never really was interested in those, in any gta

You gotta acknowledge the huge improvements that v did over iv like the car customization

4 was a giant leap backwards from SA and VC. it removed fun vehicles missions, rampages, side activities, property activities, etc. etc. it was WAY to set piecey, especially the missions where the car your chasing is invulnerable to gun fire.

>I cant speak for the ai really since i havent played iv in years but I thought the ai in V was very decent
It's decent but that's it. Maybe worse AI was a bad way to describe it. It's just that GTAV has psychic cops. You can see it because a cop that spawns ahead of you and has no reason to look behind him will slowly turn around to catch you.

The map design I hate because the wilderness and desert take up so much space and there's fuck all to do out there. I don't dislike V and will say that it did some things better, but I won't deny what it did worse.

>For example, you could say Nier is generally well regarded in here.
No, you can't, because nobody liked that game save for maybe the music.
See, here's the problem with this "community". It's anonymous, that's why it's hard to pinpoint what the consensus actually is. Not to mention the fact that most posters, probably in this very thread, are underage and/or avid Reddit users. There's also several other boards with all kinds of different users who slip in here every once in a while. Like all the illiterate Eastern European degenerates who come here and try to force their pedophile shit on us.

only Sup Forums can prefer V over IV

Another user here. I've been on Sup Forums since 2008 and I can't say I agree with you. Each of those games have a following on Sup Forums, but they aren't any more immune to hatred than any other game. Hell, FFT is my GOAT, but I can't recall the last time I've been in a FFT thread without half the people calling it trash because Tactics Ogre is soooo much better... Nier can have its civil threads, but it does get shit on for being a "muh feelz" game. Just about everyone has to call the gameplay utter trash when I personally find it to be perfectly acceptable.

I view 4 as the last hurrah of classic Rockstar
Should've at least kept euphoria, normal ragdoll is garbage

>less realistic
That is what made me stop playing IV. People who claim the driving is realistic has never driven before. I have taken a bus around corners faster than you can fucking take a sports car around a corner in that game... Yeah, that may be a bit exaggerated, but for someone who has driven just about every type of civilian vehicle in existence, I don't want to hear shit about how IV is supposed to be realistic...

IV feels really fucking dated. Yes, it did some things better than V, but the atrocious driving, limited customization for guns, awful fucking map, samey as fuck mission (far worse than V), and lack of a car storage system really make it hard to play in 2017.

>muh feelz
Is it really feelz-heavy? I'm considering getting it.

Fukkin hate psychic cops...

You could be hiding in a bush in the middle of fuck but theres going that one cop getting off his cruiser and walk 200 meters just to look into that one bush you're in

Pfff no. Gameplay-wise, V is closer to, say, III.

IV was great

>best story
>best protagonist
>best side characters
>best physics

the driving wasn't that great but its not like V in which every car is more or less the same and are built like tanks


Burn Pot, Not People
Wars Will Cease When Men Refuse To Fight
Love is Lovely, War is Ugly
War Machine Off Campus
Bring all the troops home now
It will a great day when our schools get all the money they need and the Air Force must hold a bake sale to buy a bomber
Bread Not Bombs
Give Peace a Chance
All Weapons are Boomerangs
Swords into Plowshares
Drop acid not bombs
If pro is the opposite of con the is congress the opposite of progress
Either you get tired of fighting for peace or you die
These colors don't run the world.
When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.
How did our oil get under their sand?
Go Solar, not Ballistic.
Who Would Jesus Bomb?
Buck Fush!
Say can you see my democracy? (With pictures of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld) Asses of Evil.
It's the oil, stupid.
War is expensive, Peace is priceless.
Read between the Pipelines
No More BuSh.
Smart weapons, Dumb president.
The only thing we have to fear is Bush himself.
How many Lives per Gallon?

"1, 2, 3, 4,
we dont want your racist war.
5, 6, 7, 8,
no more killing, no more hate."

"Whose streets?
Our Streets.
Whose war?
Their war."

>best protagonist

That's not Claude fucking shit up and not giving a shit. He's an actual sociopath, unlike that panzy Trevor.

Hell, Niko cosplays as him in IV.

I liked IV's atmosphere but it did remove a bunch of stuff that made SA pretty fun

but the question isn't "which was a more impressive technical achievement in the time it was made", it's "which is a better game"

Imagine you are brought a pinata. Your normal assumption is that pinatas are fun things to beat the shit out of and rewards you with candy. So like the unsuspecting fool you are, you start beating the shit out of the pinata and are enjoying yourself. Now when you take your blindfold off, you see a dead puppy on the ground instead of candy.

This is what Kaine's story does to the game. It takes your blindfold off and shows you what you were doing when beating the shit out of that pinata.


Are there any mods for cop behavior?

wow, deep