Buy meme of the year

>buy meme of the year
>player character has a vagina
>go freakishly slow and the only way to accelerate is by doing a girly run with arms flailing
>smoking, drugs, and profanity is all apparent early on in the game
>blatantly implies menstruation (disgusting)
>get lectured by a nigger
>girl owns a car (disgusting)
>references sex
>there's no way to determine the outcome of your choices

At least now I can be informed when I state that this game is garbage and a waste even during the sale.


>it's another let's complain about a feels good game thread

People enjoy it, is that not enough?

What the fuck am I reading?

Just ignore it then you autistic fuck.

I like lesbians
I 'd like reincarnate as qt girl
despite this I did not like the game, got bored quickly.
It would be nice to see a waifu game with decent gameplay some day

>feels good
more like feels gay

this post-ironic, westboro baptist church-tier shitposting is beyond me
people sure do love to shit on their own plates in this place

Feeling gay feels good desu :3

What is it that makes you so retarded, OP?

pic related
No Sup Forums is retarded enough to actually believe the things in OP

I mean, I was fooled for a second.

>girl owns a car (disgusting)
That did it for me. I can just barely believe some Elliot poltard going on about the rest but I think there, we see them 'just pretending to be retarded'.

Nothing ironic about it, I just like my videogames to have a strong Christian substance and I feel like Sup Forums mislead me on this one, I feel like they should warn you beforehand when games openly go against conservative societal norms.

>I like lesbians

Best mo. Wish the blue haired one had a feminine benis, that would have solidified the game for me.

Try googling next time. If the developer is French, dontplayitnod.

>meme of the year

when you typed this were you really pleased with yourself, or did your brain stop and you decided to just put the word meme somewhere

Go away Sup Forums

>wanting a basic level of decency in entertainment
>go back to le Sup Forums

Try again.

Do it for her

What's wrong with girls having cars?
Are you Muslim?

When they drive them around and hamfist each other's va-you-know-whats inside it gets to be an issue, yes.

>girl owns a car (disgusting)
Joke's on you, OP is Saudi

>feels good game