Newfag here. Why does Sup Forums hate Yandere-Dev again? I saw a thread up about it earlier today, I just need some clarification.
Yandere Sim
Other urls found in this thread:
do they?
probably because it got more popular, and the ones hating are retarded kids who prolly spend way too much time shitposting in console war threads and whatnot.
The dev is pretty dedicated, the game should be good on release (whenever that is)
Because he's a bitch who can't even take a little bit of criticism. Also he starts all these threads.
because the creator is a fucking creep and looks like a meerkat
something about him sperging on that one other dev for his opinion idk who cares really
because evaxephon is a massive sperg who has never finished a game in his life
Get out Yandere-dev, go work on your game you faggot.
Friendly reminder that yanderedev is a codemonkey retard.
Because Eva has failed to changed after 8 years of being a huge faggot.
He thinks Sup Forums will still fall for his shit, but fails to realize most of us know who he is.
Why didn't he just create a VN as his first game to get experience?
>constantly made threads on Sup Forums begging for ideas or asking people if they liked his
>every time people criticize him or his ideas he shits himself and throws a fit
>ends up writing a tl;dr I'M QUITTING Sup Forums blog post then crawling to reddit because it's a hugbox
his edgy laser scythe waifu game was the worst, she was the thing people complained about most when he asked for feedback and the one thing he absolutely refused to change.
t. newfag
>putting in the ability to murder animals
>putting in the ability to kill someones sister right in front of them
>over-exaggerated death animations
>"People are saying panties are too tasteless"
What the fuck are Americans?
Oh fuck I knew he reminded me of some animal
This is why
>his edgy laser scythe waifu game was the worst
do we actually have proof this pathetic autist was eva
Yeah, I see this today, his fucking code is so inefficient that he makes burning fossil fuel look clean.
Got the real pic of him? didnt get to see his face.
go read the thread in the archive
Literally just read this thread:
>every thread "no it's really evaxephon, here's all the shit he did and why you should hate him too!
>every thread ignores the fact that every last thread was exactly the same thing, acting like this never happens and it's some big secret
Sup Forums just has some seriously creepy and broken people on it. It's not even that they hate eva per-se, but that they're obsessed with "outing" him, even though he's been out a thousand times over forever now.
Autism is only the beginning.
All things considered, if the worst thing you can dig up about this guy is he looks like a muskrat and used to post on gaia, that isn't that big of a deal compared to other asshole devs.
just never cared for these threads.
so it comes down to "he codes like shit" and "doesnt take criticism that well".
Honestly you guys make it sound way worse than what is shown.
Every newfag deserves to know about the depths of your faggotry eva
Alright. So (you) think that Sup Forums is secretly obsessed with dissing an already downed man? I mean Sup Forums can go pretty low but why on him?
Stop false flagging, eva. We all know you're the one making these threads and doing the raging.
What the hell?
>neo v is trying to defend eva
You posted this yesterday with the same picture. Go somewhere that isn't here.
Things seemed alright until some fags here dug up the fact that he's evaxephon and started shitposting relentlessly against him for it, which caused a downward spiral from there. He ended up leaving Sup Forums for cripplechan Sup Forums, then sperged out and left for reddit, then sperged out again and left for tumblr.
I want to bend yan-dev over a table and turn him into a girl.
I want to pop his prostate as you would a girls cherry
I want to see him cry while he cums on the floor
I want to shove my hand so far up his ass and squeeze his prostate like i'm trying to crush an apple
I want him to cream so hard that he shits himself
I want to cum so far in his ass that his shits will look like a snowcapped mountain until the next blue moon
and i'm not even gay
>which caused a downward spiral from there
It probably sped things up but he would have left either way because he can't take criticism.
>there are people that still think its about shit he did 7 years ago
This is Yoshi.
What is the first word that comes to mind?
No I didn't, I didn't post anything at all yesterday. Sorry user, unless someone drugged me, I dont remember doing it. Here's a (you) and a picture for your effort though!
the mike z thing was pretty kekworthy.
It got popular and the creator left when Sup Forums decided to be complete asshats. Honestly anyone else would do the exact same this.
>newfag here
Nice try Eva. Go fellate yourself some more while getting charitybux from your edgy angsty teen fanbase.
>steals assets
>steals money
>rips assets from games
>actively mismanages the game, horribly
>patreon donations dip at the start of every month
>to which he responds by making some meme/undertale reference in the game as soon as possible rather than actually working on the game
>still makes ~4.6k a month
But Sans was a meme though. Wtf, is he that naive?
>steals grass texture
>check wordpress
>"Updating the grass texture!"
at least he's not schwig.
>literally too new to have seen 10 threads at a time advertising his shitty stream on the front page
so he's a mini-notch?
Holy fuck hell
he looks like a jew and a mouse fused together.
4/10 would not bang
I'm not gonna write a novel here, but let's just say he's fucking stupid. I guess it's matter of HIS perception that Sans ain't a meme because that's how HE sees it. Also, Yandere Simulator is labeled as meme game because
A) It's right in the title, a fucking "simulator" of all names to choose
B) Popular youtubers have played it
C) It has spawned "notice me senpai" shit all over the place.
Imagine if pic related was called something like "Chuck E. Cheese Night Guard Simulator"
I see now. Thanks all the anons that helped me understand how fucking stupid this half-wit is. I think I understand the majority of the picture now.
>all the yandev defenders suddenly stop posting
You lost me, user. He removed panties or something?
Jesus, he looks like a Wyatt Man cartoon
Watch this, I know what he's talking about....
> I saw a thread up about it earlier today
>literally the same image and filename
Go to minute 6 second 14.
im not watching it, just tell me
If you know anything about game development, his workflow is structured in a way that the game will never ever be finished and if you give to his patreon you are basically throwing your money away.
Also he prioritizes joke "Easter egg" modes that attract lets players above actually completing the core game mechanics
He's got cropped hair nowadays, looks far better.
Hi Eva.
It wasn't a secret.
>joined the forum for a game made by the guy that made him cry by being honest
Added a new way to get info-chan point or whatever, other than getting panty shots
what's wrong with that?
being paid ONLY in pantyshots sounds dumb
As someone who doesn't know a lot about coding beyond two college classes, can someone explain what makes Eva's code so laughable? I want to avoid his mistakes in the future.
Literally all of his game logic is within one large Update() function with if-statements going down almost 12 nested layers.
It's not because of that reason, he said it was because "people were complain about the method of getting the points". SJWs were getting triggered
he is
>ugly as fuck
and so is Sup Forums, but he is at least doing something with his life. people on Sup Forums hate him because they see themselves in him, only they are worthless
If he wants to make a small change, he has to change tons and tons of conditional statements.
There's a golden tenet of code maintainablity.
Don't repeat yourself.
Reminder that most of this guys fans are 14-15 year old girls and when he goes to a convention he has a harem of underage pussy and girls calling him cute in the video comments
>but he is at least doing something with his life
>constantly making excuses to not work on the game
He's not, though.
Guy who asked here; jesus, what a faggot. Are people that really offended by some fucking fabric?
cry more about yourself, ugly
He's a gaiafag. The original cancer.
Man, you sure shitpost a lot
i felt bad for him when normies, SJW shits, etc complained about the panties in the inventory. how did that turn out?
You underestimate the amount of people who resent anything that gives them saucy thoughts
He bent over for them
Funny how everything ended since his hate of criticism drove him from multiple chans and even reddit
literally all me
Not the kind of harem you'd want, but it's better than nothing
He started on Sup Forums. Of course he's a hopeless loser.
He's hated because he's terrible at making games and is unable to take criticism. The fact that he is also a walking Sup Forums stereotype doesn't factor into it.
cant handle the bant
>he's terrible at making games and is unable to take criticism
like Sup Forums
>at least he's doing something with his life
Stop with this argument, Eva, just because we're not a semi famous autistic game dev who steals from people just so he can rub it in the face of someone else doesn't mean we aren't doing something with our lives.
but ur not
>work in IT
>typical big corporate office
>35k a year
>small studio apartment
A-at least I help normies with their internet woes.
He looks unhealthily skinny, at least in the face.
At least they'll all be legal in a few years, but he's be in his 30's by the time that happens. This guy is screwed.
This is nowhere near all he did.
He also posted a lot of weird shit on said website, as well as constantly shill his own stream and then samefag to defend himself when someone called him out on how annoying he is.
Also don't forget his meltdown with Mike Z
And his leagues of other shitty games
>toasts goblet respectfully
that's not doing anything
but either way
>feeling the need to explain yourself and your situation on Sup Forums
Panties are a blessing to humanity.
This man's faggotry can't be estimated.
Jesus. Not even a yuri option, either. You can't seduce your rival away from cock and then break her hearT?
Hi eva.
Go back to working on your shitty game.
What the fuck.
>yuri option
I remember it being mentioned at some point, but is probably not a priority at the moment. Will likely be implemented eventually.