What are some games that let me play as a faggot?

What are some games that let me play as a faggot?

You're a faggot in every game you play.

Anyone who's ever lived in a black neighborhood knows most black gangs are literally just gay rapist clubs.

I dunno OP which video games do you star in?


Reminds me of GNAA
You ready for the that dick, nigga?

those niggas were having sex with the same sex

And there the corelation between the Gay and Black HIV rates. Fucking WEW.

came here to say that if you roleplay as yourself, you'll be a faggot in every game

Seriously though if you're gay and black for the love of god use protection. Seriously this shit is out of hand.

Enough to warrent closing the pool?

faggots are all faggots

That's true because of lot of blacks get feminised by living in a all female, single mother house hold, neighbourhood and then the mother abuses them violently and emasculates them throughout their childhood. He ends up learning how to do their hair and make-up and turns into a ghetto gay but they also have a lot of gay blacks that did time, they were straight until they got raped for 3-5 years in prison and turned into a male prostitute for zoo zoos and wam wams.

You are already playing it

Show no love for homo thugs.

we need DMX's teachings now more than ever

And fucking retards are mad because Putin wants to keep a list of pozzed monsters

Yea, makes sense, I knew plenty of "prison gay" guys who just turned out to be regular old faggots.

That's why black people randomly get aids, they just in the closet more

>unbalanced classes
>skill checks
>RNG stats
>cancer community
>no soundtrack

Shit game

The study probably didn't take Sup Forums into account, considering all the sissy whiteboipucci, trap gay shit posts that appear everyday on this miserable shithole

AIDS is serious business.
The pool should've closed and stay closed.

You'd be surprised how many gay black men there are on Sup Forums.

>register everyone with HIV

How is this a bad idea?

>no soundtrack
Are you kidding me? the fucking game has a better selection of radio stations than all GTA games, not to mention you can use your own mp3 player to play custom tracks like in peace walker

>lol let the community do it!

Fucking lazy-ass devs.

Its not, its a fucking amazing idea, the cubans incarcelated all the faggots they could find and their HIV rates are the lowest in all of the continent, but sadly that its considered a human right violation by the bugers

yeah, registering people with HIV is different from registering people who subscribe to a religion. HIV is a legitimate public health issue, I don't see anything wrong with keeping track of possible vectors.

>typing out "um" on a non-real time post

Wait, does this debunk the sissy whiteboi meme?

undertale, it's like the pinnacle faggot game of all time

that's literally all jews and /lgbt/ (same thing) raiding the other boards

Gay people are fine (my barber is a middle aged homo who hates the queen types, is very religious and often goes on mission trips and voted for trump) but this isn't a bad idea honestly


aids is literally the old plague in history to never have a quarantine

if it had been quarantined when it first showed up it wouldn't exist now

not video games

That's just a bullying technique nigros use on insecure whites

You can rp as one in New Vegas. Can't really think of anything else that isn't tumblr garbage.

only jews post that literal faggotry



Niggas are gay confirmed lmao

How about you go fuck yourself, OP.
And everyone else that makes "in what games can I [insert non-video game topic]?" threads can also go fuck themselves.
It's incredibly obvious what you're doing, and you should be banned for it.
Same applies for b8 off topic thread images.

why do you think blm exists?

it's literally all faggots

dmx tried to warn them

pozzing is a human right you fucking shitlord

How are you falling for believing this is real? Have you only been browsing this site for a couple weeks? Sup Forums has been posting traps, boipussi, thick cocks and stuff for years. In the last ten years I've been on this place, that might be the one constant, the variety of porn.

Black people have less societal pressures than white people, white people have a crazy judgemental society that keeps a lot of people closeted or in denial.

>that one doctor in Camp Forlorn Hope that calls you cute pet names

this is /lgbt/


can you blame them?

living in a single mother household will make you gay as fuck


It can go very bad very quickly, but if Russia really wanted to eradicate their faggots they would have done it already, so I don't see why not

fuck with me i'll put a dick in you fag

this is /lgbt/ trying to deny it after being caught


faggotry is faggotry

you aren't welcome here mr troll


Without a male father figure to guide them, they are condemned to faggotry.

Nigga that's gay.

>friend tells me he's been doing anal with black chicks

>hint at how he should be using protection to avoid getting aids

>"but i thought only black people got aids"

and he thinks im the one whos racist

there is no negative outcome to eliminating aids

in your case the game of life you double nigger faggot

Youtube simulator

he's not racist, he's just stupid

AIDS was made in a CIA lab, and it's not a "plague."

0.4% of the population is effected by it, far from a "plague."

you Sup Forumstards are disgusting

go back to your containment board