I'm downloading this right now, is it any good?

I'm downloading this right now, is it any good?
I don't look at reviews, but the ones I saw while searching for this pic were all 8/10 and 9/10.

Cucked: The Game

>AAA game
>the reviews were all 8/10 and 9/10

play nonlethal. seriously.

Thanks. That's a well thought out and informative response.

You'll hate the world just a bit more than usual after finishing it.

It's like 1/3rd of a GTA game written by cucks and spergs

It's okay. Definitely better than the first one. Graphics are pretty good. Hacking has been reworked so you have more options. Guns are pretty bad feeling. The world feels a little dead, but no more so than any other open world game. The stealth is a little wonky, but serviceable. The characters are very grating. Honestly there are flashes of a very good stealth game in there, but it might take another game for the developers to flesh it out fully.

>finishing games

It is certainly better than the first one. Not hard to do that honestly.
Personally it is a 7 at best. characters were great and they capture was nerds used to be before Hipters got a hold of the word but they also don't shy away from adding in the hipsters.
One of the supporting cast is literally autistic.

You can play the entire game without personally killing anyone. That and the interactions between people are really neat.

>See some woman trashing a car with a bat while complaining about some guy cheating on her
>Put out an APB on her and get her arrested
>People nearby taking selfies of what's going on

It's upsetting how underrated and overlooked this game is.

I think I'll like it then. I love shit like that

The autist is the best character in the game, I wish he was the MC instead.

If you stick to just the stun gun and your drones it's a really great game.

its shit

I never said he wasn't a great character.
Just when Sup Forums thinks autism it is just someone disagreeing with their opinion or someone who fucks up on what they typed out.

This game shows a actual representation of a autistic person. And he is one of the best characters.

Lenny is shit though. Nobody can defend that shit.

I never believed all the 'shill' accusations on Sup Forums until I saw this game being praised.

It has less detail than the current gen port of GTAV, all the characters are obnoxious tryhards, and the story is stupid.

>nobody can defend that shit

you don't really have to since she only shows up twice and is never heard from again after you take her bunker

>He didn't know companies hire actual shills
I bet you think Hillary Clintons "Correct The Record" squad was a Sup Forums meme aswell

Why is she so fucking useless Sup Forums? Why is she even in dedsec in the first place? Everyone else is an actual hacker and she's just an artfag put in to fill a diversity quota.

>get to the final part where you get to play as her and Wrench for a bit
>Wrench can hack stuff remotely, she can't


>all the characters are obnoxious tryhards,
Retro and Wrenches conversation about alien/s was something I have actually had with someone before. These characters seem like actual people I have had conversations with besides the whole cyber terrorism shit. they sound like they know what the fuck they are talking about besides throwing out pointless hacker jargon.

It shows up in the desert scene. You can talk to it there. Also in the scene after that with the corporate douche. The club, when you got to scan it, during the base hack, during it's base hack, and talks to you constantly through out it's entire mission arc.
Far too much for my taste.

I didn't even notice that it was at that beach party, honestly, so in my playthrough I never saw it again after the bunker takeover

Never said beach party. I said Desert.

I thought the desert scene was the hacker thing with the dragon

It is. Lenny is there. You can talk to it.

Well I didn't talk to it or notice it was there.

I guess you just b-lined objectives then because that is the first time you meet Lenny.

It's got that classic Ubisoft open world that packed with shit to collect but none of it feels like it means anything and it just overwhelms the map making it look like there's way more content tan there actually is.

Ubisoft's games, specially open world stuff, are being made in a production line. That means you'll see the same stuff from their other games all the time, the only thing that changes is the skin (medieval, modern).

An open world game nowadays is rarely good. Just forget about them all. If you want to see the story, just watch all cutscenes on youtube.

Those characters are cardboard cutouts directly out of Hackers (1995).

You either have never watched hackers or have never played this game than.


What city should they do next, assuming there is a sequel eventually?

I feel like NYC would be an interesting take, but so many games have already been there and done that.

I think you're looking for the underage containment board, otherwise known as slash B

Nigger: The Game
Essentially forced diversity because it's trendy now.

the only other nigger in DedSec dies after getting stabbed and stomped on by mexican gangbangers

It's quite probably the most terrible big budget GTA-clone ever made.
The reviews are all gone homo-tier due to it pandering to that same retarded San Francisco crowd.

>is it any good?
no, its actually really bad. hope you didnt pay real money for it like an idiot. dont play over 2 hours and get your refund.

Toronto seems like a good fit for the series

it's a good game (much better than the first) but it's not worth more than $35

I got a free copy when I got a 1070 and I still haven't played more than an hour. I refuse to go GTA because the main character is literally just some nerd with a dog toy.

it's not bad, but at the end of the day it's still an open world sandbox game that's not gta.

I'd put it in a category slightly under sleeping dogs, only because I think sleeping dogs was elevated by the fight mechanics.


Toronto seems like it would be the perfect setting for Watch Dogs 3.

San Francisco had too much of a gay vibe.

I got a copy from Nvidia for buying a 1070 as well, I uninstalled it after playing for 45 minutes. Game is shit and beating people with a yoyo is about the gayest thing I can think of.

It's like Mr. Robot if Mr. Robot was written for an broadcast network's audience.

this game trashed my pc's cpu,, posting from shitty broken linux running laptop

What would peoples' profiles in Canada even say, anyway? "Doesn't apologize for not holding the door open"?

>Hack into some guy in Oakland's security
>He's killing himself in the garage with his exhause
>That feel when didn't figure out in time that I was supposed to honk the horn to get his neighbor's attention and he didn't make it