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Coming soon! In fact we plan to have it up on the PTR asap (might be this week).
For a bit of tldr; for what the changes are:
>Firstly, the hook victim will now move in to the position directly in front of Roadhog, rather than just a straight line towards him. There is a cap on how far 'to the side' you can be pulled, so you can't just hook someone, spin 180, and dump someone off a cliff. This part (along with some other bug fixes) should generally make the hook feel more consistent as to where the victims get pulled.
>Secondly, the line-of-sight check to see if a hook should connect or not is now checked from Roadhog's position, instead of the hook's position. This basically means the hook can't connect to targets that Roadhog himself can't see.
>Lastly, there is a new persistent line-of-sight check back to Roadhog once the hook has landed. If this check fails, the hook breaks off and returns to Roadhog. This means if you get hooked and move out of LOS quickly (either you dashed, were falling, were pushed, etc), the hook will now break early and not pull the target.
Overall these changes will likely make Roadhog a bit weaker, but we'll evaluate his performance once we get people playing him and make adjustments as necessary.
>Firstly, the hook victim will now move in to the position directly in front of Roadhog, rather than just a straight line towards him.
I don't get what this is saying. It always moves you directly in front of him.
>we can play again
not if you don't want to play a tank or ana
The straight line sometimes sent the victim to Roadhog's side or even behind him.
>he thinks this will effect tank meta even in the slightest
it will never end until Ana is nerfed into pre-buff Zen levels of uselessness.
>Implying anyone on Sup Forums is playing that garbage.
Have my salvia officinalis, m8.
>This is the current meta and Blizzard sees no problem with it
But the game is completely fucked on so many levels. Roadhog's shitty hook is just a mild annoyance in comparison to other problems.
Indeed, now fix Ana, maybe D.Va and we're golden.
there will always be an optimal metagame, no matter what the developer does
Wow they polished off Roadhooks hook and now the game is playable?
>people were so bad they couldnt bait a hook from a character with 2 self stuns, no armor, slowest RoF, lowest ammo count, RNG shots up close, and a hitbox the size of a barn
These are the same people who stand still and main hanzo, everyone.
Yeah thats why DOTA 2 teams use exactly the same heros every match
An optimal metagame will see multiple characters actually relevant.
>Bait a hook
>When most of the cast has low mobility
If you ever missed a hook as hog on anyone but tracer/genji, you're a literal fucking idiot.
This will just make people switch from road to russian lady, it's not a big difference
an optimal meta game would be 'always use this character if you're in this situation' and not 'always use this character or you lose'
>press e on your feet to win
if you land consistent shots with hanzo good for you but that shit is fucking cancer
Of course he is a fucking retard like everyone else who defends this game
>Be low rank shitter
>Outsmarts a herobecause better and other player is shit
>Post about it on Sup Forums
>"Can't believe people actually have trouble in this game. Lmao tanks r ezy"
Roadhog isn't even the tank in most need of a nerf. needs a nerf over him.
People already run Zarya, but she doesn't fill the same role Roadhog does in tank meta at all, and the nerfs aren't going to stop them from using him in that niche. Literally nothing is going to change except that Roadhog will miss/fail some more of his hooks now.
I really don't understand what people see in this game. I've been playing with friends who were praising it and I just can't have fun.
Most of the maps are badly designed, there's no single player campaign/story or character development or even any sense of progression. All you get at level up is useless cosmetic shit.
Games constantly boil down to super vs. super and the absence of skill based matchmaking means your team either gets destroyed or vice versa. Maybe 1 in every 10 matches is even a somewhat close game.
Why and how is this crap getting GOTY awards and so much praise??
because it's BLIZZARD don't you know that they can do NOTHING wrong and always make great games with flawless writing and creative characters with asses
I feel its kinda boring how not many characters have movement skills or can go around the environment. Feels really slow ontop of all the shield spam.
this literally changes fuck all though?
it just means u cant hook people through walls or on roofs
Have you honestly never been shitterhooked before?
If you're serious, then you couldn't possibly understand
>roadhog finally gets some use
>Nerf him whilst leaving Ana the same
Thanks blizzard
Makes no sense why his hook wouldn't work when somebody hooked moves around a corner
ok but what about ana's grenade
>Finally sees use
Before the tank meta at a high level roadhog was mainly shit that just charged opponents ults
Game isn't fixed until D.Va is reverted back to 500hp or defence matrix gets a massive nerf, and also for Ana's grenade heal bonus to be nerfed.
Those two in combination make sure no squishy can ever exist in this game.
Roadhog is literally only picked because he's the only one who can pull D.Va out of defence matrix and hopefully burst her out of mech. Without hog nothing would ever die right now between Rein's shield, Dva's DM, and Ana's healing.
and down goes the hog
lmao@plat players who think hog is the reason the game is fucking stagnant.
still doesn't fix the shitty maps in the game
i bet roadhog's farts smell good
still not fix his ranked play. most fights are team fights in open spaces so hiding some pillar wont help your team.
>Why and how is this crap getting GOTY awards and so much praise??
Roadhog is all about cleanliness. Dont ruin him.
Haven't played since August, never had any issues against Roadhog, the dude feeds ult meter, but I guess the shitters complained and I assume he's now completely useless.
Classic shit-eating Blizzard fans at it's finest.
>Why and how is this crap getting GOTY awards and so much praise??
it promotes diversity, the devs said so themselves.
Literally all you would need to do to fix it: give the character a second to fight back, like with smokers in left 4 dead. If you're pocketsand man, you can get the hell out of dodge, tracer can blink, Somba can suck his dick since she's not being useful anyway, and his hook cooldown is low enough that if he catches you again, then you're fucked.
Literally pick Zarya, Mei, Reinhardt or Roadhog because all of them go through her shield with their attacks.
Epic, simply epic Blizzard
Hog's hook has always been janky-ass bullshit and it has never been addressed through any prior patches, but this still won't do much since it doesn't give hook any real counterplay other than "don't get caught", but unless you're Tracer or Genji, good luck dodging it with the other 20 or so slow-ass heroes. I don't know what the hell devs were thinking about increasing D.Va's health pool when the movement speed buff while firing was decent enough given how good DM has been since the changes made to it months ago.
Also forgot about Symmetra.
>game has only 1 enjoyable game mode
if it wasnt for king of the hill. this game would be absolute trash.
The only tards that defend this game are the raging faggots at the overwatch general who circlejerk with character fanfic and waifu-fagging up the characters.
there is hardly anything good about overwatch compared to a decent multiplayer shooter.
>people who think this is a nerf
This is technically a buff. The fact that victims will be moved directly in front of Roadhog is a massive change for killing annoying shit like Genji, Tracer, Ana and Lucio who keep fucking with the physics and appearing to your side.
as a roadhog main this part feels like a solid buff. I rarely use any hook-placement gimmicks
the hook breaking if they run out of LOS though... bad juju. if I land a good hook at the last possible second, I shouldn't be punished
The victim of the hook shouldn't be punished for juking your hook at the last possible second.
>Game has 1 (One) tankbuster in a game with 4 versatile high damage tanks
>Tankbuster is shit
>High burst healer exists
gee I wonder why this game is dogshit must be hook detection
enjoy your steaming shit blizzdrones, pretty sure everyone else is laughing at you.
>All these salty as fuck Hog defenders
Fucking stop you got away with avoiding nerfs and shit for about a whole year if everyone had to be shit at one point then it's his turn
I don't even care about Ana and Dva maybe I can play dps now and kill her easily without worrying about bullshit hook and Dva can be more focused now if this piece of shit walking insta kill is gone and not picking people off before they get to her
Lucio and zen are the only guaranteed kills for me. I always make sure to feel an extra ounce of pity for the enemy lucio if he's consistently getting hooked.
I love this meme. WoW is gay and for virgins, Diablo is shit and for virgins, Heathstone is the gayest and most female repellent of them all. Yet Overwatch is fucking great.
Kill yourself brazilian poorfag
>Overwatch is fucking great.
Normies on Sup Forums? shocking truth.
This. Sounds like grabing monile lucios and mercys is going to vanish. Smh how the fuck are you supposed to get through choke points at this rate
>This basically means the hook can't connect to targets that Roadhog himself can't see.
This happens enough to me as is that this isn't going to be a big deal. Overall the changes don't see character ruining if you're good at hooking people to begin with.
Call me when Pharah no longer sucks.
Get good.
Seriously what is the point of her ult, it's extremely unsafe and hard countered by most of the cast, you're literally better off never using it
You wait for your team to get a real fucking mosh pit going on the point, then rain hot egyptian jizm all over that shit.
Works about 5% of the time.
yeah bro, just git gud and not get hit by mccree, soldier, roadhog, snipers, zenyatta
am I missing anyone?
Hook is broken on multiple characters and causes them not to die. Can also pull them to the side or behind you depending on how you or them moved after the hook landed.
I honestly am just praying to God that accidentally hooking Ana doesn't result in my death and the Ana walking away with full health. As if she wasn't bullshit enough.
I never want to see a thread on here bitching about Roadhog ever again.
-Big body ult feeder
-No shield like any of the other tanks, no way to avoid damage
-No Shield/Armor
-If he misses his hook he's fucked
>Roadhog fixes to make pub shitters have a slightly better experience
Yeah, yeah but when are they nerfing the most broken character in the game?
But Pharah doesn't suck at all, soldier is just too good and hard counters her.
With no Soldier or Mcree on the enemy team, Pharah is going to consistently wreck shit.
Pharaoh use good regardless. Just don't fly around like a retarded target and she can do some work.
>Call me when Pharah no longer sucks
>He doesn't realize that she is literately the meta pick for any and all situations
>He doesn't realize she can rack up a shit ton of kills simply by flying behind enemy lines and shitting all over supports and tanks
Ring, ring, motherfucker.
>"No, guys. We NEED to have a Reinhardt or we lose."
>Blizzard sees no problem with it
according to whom, exactly? It's been the pro meta for a few months max. Only a shit dev would kneejerk nerf before they'd let the meta play out a bit to get an idea of whether it's just people failing to adapt or not.
>try and bait a hook
>still get hooked because your hitbox extends up beyond your field of vision
>still get hooked because the game favours the shooter, and your dash/blink/etc gets visibly rewound on your screen even though you clearly executed it.
>still get hooked because the game doesn't care that you put yourself behind walls or other large physical objects, and will drag you around them in the most visually ridiculous ways
Oh, bait a hook? Just bait a hook? Why don't I strap on my hook baiting helmet and squeeze down into a hook baiting cannon and fire off into hook baiting land, where hook baits grow on hook baities?
Moshi moshi, Ana desu. You ordered the unavoidable hitscan?
>The only.counter to tanks is other tanks
>-Big body ult feeder
>-No shield like any of the other tanks, no way to avoid damage
>-No Shield/Armor
All literally negated by not standing out in the open like a retard and having one other tank on the team.
>-If he misses his hook he's fucked
For six seconds, and then he can try again. Not to mention that his heal can have him out heal most damage unless hes being focused down by multiple people at once, which pretty much anyone would die in that situation.
If he got hooked, he didn't juke your hook
But that's not true, since you can juke away on your screen, and then get rubberbanded back into the hook because the game favours the shooter.
If you play a lot of Tracer you will see this happen all the time against Roadhogs and Mcrees. You get visually teleported back to where you were on their screen.
sadly, because of the way how reinhardt and the maps are designed, reinhardt will always be useful.
>shooting game no longer favors the shooter
>people think this is a good chance for reasons
>throw in a muslim who is overpowered
>refuse to nerf her and instead buff her
They must be scared sand niggers will jihad them.
>they will never fix ana
>they will never fix tanks
>they will never fix mcree
>they will never fix sombra
>they will never fix map designs
>they will never fix matchmaking
>they will never fix defense classes
>they will never fix two capture point
>they will never fix imbalance between ults
Don't say a word. Just post your face when.
Pharah will always be shit in this game.
You better just deal with the fact Pharah will never be actually useful or good, and she will only be for stallfags and mildly annoying people by spamming a doorway. That's all she will ever be.
Her ult will always be lackluster.
Her air move speed will always be lackluster.
Her knockback will always be lackluster.
Her rocket speed will always be lackluster.
Her total hp count will always be lackluster.
The only time Pharah is EVER of any worth is when the enemy team is literally filled with braindead retards.
So what happened to all the brawls I heard about months ago before I had the game?
Where do you play those?
overwatch is the smash 4 of shooters
Who balances this shit?
Arcade you dud
So, just roadhog changes? Nothing about Ana or rein?