Felicia Day is pregnant!!

Felicia Day is pregnant!!

Say something nice about her okay?!

Other urls found in this thread:


How does one impregnate a camel?

Video games

Through the vagina.

List of video games that Felicia is:
Fallout New Vegas
Dragon Age 2
Guild Wars 2
Shadowrun: Hong Kong

>Getting pregnant at 37

Congratulations on your retard baby.

She was probably impregnated by a retard baby to begin with.

I like pregnant women but hate Felicia Day

get a feeling so complicated

and how does the topic of her being pregnant and the op asking for people to say something nice about her involve video games directly? sure we can say 'OI I LUV HER VOICE ACTING IN x game" but... where's the discussion?

>That birth location


lol i wonder what it smells like in there just for laughs haha

Sup Cletus

>single mom

Jews really fucked over our society didn't they

>isnt married

What went wrong with modern women?

By who?

i hope it dies

No, wait, I've got this one: by humping it.

What typical attention whore garbage.

"Oh no, I'm becoming irrelevant! Time to get knocked up so people can pay attention to me again!"


>youre a distant relative of hers

My mother was 45 when she gave birth to me and I turned out just fine.

>sure we can say 'OI I LUV HER VOICE ACTING IN x game

well no one can say that and not be lying to themselves.

Is she broke? Why does her house look like something she inherited from a shut-in aunt?

Just be happy she's not doing anything for atleast 9 months.

Hopefully by the time she pops everyone will hate forgot about her.

>when the baby inevitably comes out caramel colored

you're on Sup Forums

So you say, but look where we are.

dude camel children lmao

I met her in a club a few years back in San Diego. She was pretty cool.

i hope its not as retarded as her

Feminism baby!

It's fucking great if you're a dude though, literally no expectation to ever marry one of these whores. Meanwhile every girl in her mid-30s and lower has to act the porn-star in bed just to keep a man interested.

What a time to be alive.

I am definitely related to her

I'm ginger and my surname is a variation of hers and all of my aunts looked exactly like her when they were young

Feels weird

example wasn't clearly thought out enough

Fuck she's gross

How exactly does a man get pregnant?

>I turned out just fine

This pic makes me feel uncomfortable. What's wrong with her?

There are people out there that like your content.
I am not one of them.

The loss of respect for marriage, intimacy/sex, and the morals behind them. People have disrespected this stuff since forever, but it hasn't been this widespread in the West this badly.

I'll never understand how people are hesitant to say "I love you" to someone, but doesn't have any objections to making out or having full-on sex with them.

This too.

You're just one of the lucky ones.

>when the baby inevitably comes out camel colored


theres camels in alabama?



That city is a backwoods as NYC is backwoods to NY

the lack of respect for marriage and sex is how animals and humans behaved for the thousands of years before history when nothing happened.

We're degenerating.

>age 37
She's probably just young enough that the baby will either be high-functioning autist or just have a genetic disorder like kleinfelter's.

Variant of Day. Gay.

I wonder who pumped and dumped her.

That's not very nice man

i think she has a crossbite or overbite or something

In case you were wondering, she is in a relationship with Patrick Sheane Duncan. He produced a movie, and is 70 years old.

She never released this information because she knew how mad it would make her beta le epic gamer social media orbiters.

>I'll never understand how people are hesitant to say "I love you" to someone, but doesn't have any objections to making out or having full-on sex with them

Maybe because not everyone is a beta-male romantic such as yourself?



Felicia is common-law married. She's lived with the same guy for well over 10 years and hides it from her beta fans so they'll always orbit her.

The child goes on to become a leading developer that revolutionizes the western gaming industry. All things his mother will never accomplish.

>pic makes me giggle like a retard
>find a video of that baby


>70 year old father

get the autism pamphlets ready

>The loss of respect for marriage, intimacy/sex, and the morals behind them
Just because two people aren't married doesn't mean there isn't intimacy between them, nor that they're immoral. There are a lot of things that change legally between the couple that not everyone is prepared for.

t. recently wed

who the fuck is felicia day

>Home-schooled throughout much of her childhood, she began college at the age of 16

that makes a lot of sense actually

Please tell me there aren't beta orbiters out there pathetic enough to pick Felicia day of all people to orbit and will be heartbroken to find out this washed up hag is no longer pure.



Through the ass


Desirable men realize the concept of "love" is about as fucking retarded as marriage. Like holy shit user, why limit yourself?

Love appeals to desperate betas that think they can't do any better than the first bitch they convinced to touch their wiener. They think if that shits real then I can hang on to this piece forever, tragic really.

I'm not saying there's a lack of intimacy with an unmarried couple. I was trying to point out that marriage and the consummation of that marriage just isn't as widely respected as it used to be, culturally.


what have you contributed to videogames, user?

can hardly make it through this shit.

It's a true phenomenon even outside of Japan.
Why do you think so many abandon actresses when they come out as lesbians?
Marriage is just a weaker version of the same thing, though you can salvage your "brand" by marrying another celeb.
Felicia's husband is this gross old dude though. I mean, imagine if Sup Forums's current flavor of the month was photographed with Weinstein every single day for a month.

he's right you know

my mom had me when she was 12 and i'm president of the world and i also major in mathematicals


her baby is going to be retarded or have autism

June 28, 1979 (age 37)

that's too late to have children

I hope its a miscarriage and she kills herself out of depression.


>t. Chad

Oh my sides

>marriage is bad


So how do you know about it then?

What's wrong with being on Sup Forums? Yeah, its been shitty, but what other websites are there to browse that aren't normie garbage like Facebook. It says a lot about the internet when one of the more interesting places to be on is an anonymous Mongolian archery forum.

>70 year old father
>39 year old mother
Jesus Christ this is a disaster waiting to happen.

What the fuck. this baby is llike a mix between wallace from wallace and gromit and a fucking snake.

no one cares about this irrelevant whore

She probably got embryos implanted from a healthy mother.

This artist is the best. Most fappable series of doujins ever.

>how problematic
shut up, faggot, and go back to your safe space.

Haha what in the fuck? I've never seen this and it's cringe comedy gold

A guy from Sup Forums literally dug out her address from a background check then went to her house to call her a phony in person

She wrote about the restraining order in her book

Ha ha, do you think she'll get really fat too? I just think that would be funny, ha ha.

>no proof

The father's sperm is the biggest deciding factor in autism for the kid.

>The largest-ever multinational study of parental age and autism risk found increased autism rates among the children of teen moms and among children whose parents have relatively large gaps between their ages. The study also confirmed that older parents are at higher risk of having children with autism. The analysis included more than 5.7 million children in five countries.
>The higher risk associated with fathers over 50 is consistent with the idea that genetic mutations in sperm increase with a man’s age and that these mutations can contribute to the development of autism. By contrast, the risk factors associated with a mother’s age remain unexplained, as do those associated with a wide gap between a mother and father’s age.

Kid's doomed from the start.

You're proving 's point. The fact that there's an increasing amount of people who think the concept of love and marriage is stupid is why we're going in the direction we're going now.

stupid enough to post this
somehow >fine
might as well be cwc thread

Jesus dude

Please explain how marriage in any way benefits a man in the modern world?

The only guys lining up to marry are the betas that have settled in life.

She did more than voice act

The Dragon Age 2 expansion campaign was written by her and her character is obviously physically based on her

>70 year old boyfriend
So guaranteed autistic child then

Forgot your maymay arrows there buddy.


Oh I'm not saying he's wrong user. I'm contesting the fact that it's a PROBLEM. The only ones losing out are women coming of age right now, they've been screwed out of traditional options by their mothers and grandmothers.

If fucking great if you are a dude half decent at playing the game, that's all I was getting at.

That is some heroic autism right there