Was titanfall 2 the greatest fps in 2016?
Was titanfall 2 the greatest fps in 2016?
Titanfall 2 = Siege > Battlefield 1 > Overwatch
It was certainly the deadest.
It was one of the best games of 2016 if not the best.
No that was Battleborn
No, that was DOOM.
But Titanfall was the second best.
D44M > Titanfall 2.
Not to say it isn't close.
try saying that in chat. people will literally foam at the mouth and scream the equivalent of DELET THIS.
best multiplayer and best campaign but not the best shooter.
DOOM is barebones as fuck and mechanically less complex
Simplicity doesn't always equal bad.
Doom doesn't need to be overly complex.
no it's dead stop shilling, you're not even doing it properly
what are these settings. I want to play like this and laugh at how goofy it looks
Sup Forums will try and deny it because of Origin and EA memes, but yes, yes it was. It was also the true GOTY.
siege is better and is also less dead to boot
Have you even played it?
>Say something that's not true
>People call you out on your shit
Pretty obnoxious tbqh desu
Not even fucking close.
>Alright campaign
>Terrible multiplayer
doom 4 had better singleplayer
overwatch had better multiplayer
This thread was created exclusively to shit on DOOM. This board is trying as hard as possible to shit on that game.
Doom's singleplayer was stellar, and not every game needs a multiplayer mode.
Easily GOTY. I forgot how fun FPS could be between DOOM and TF2, but TF2 won out because I liked the campaign structure a bit more and you can go fast in the multiplayer
Titanfall needs about 30 tutorial levels for people to speedrun / get a score on.
Doom arcade mode sealed Doom as GOTY.
overwatch was fun for the first 2 weeks
then the game became chokepoint->chokepoint->last point chokepoint without any variation.
It keeps on inexplicably crashing after I play for 30 minutes. Does Origin have an equivalent of "Validate your files"?
>Know for a goddamn FACT there has to be a secret close by
>Walk in circles for fucking ever checking cracks, hopping on boxes, punching shit just in case it's breakable
>About to give up
>see a slightly out of the way door that I somehow missed every fucking pass through
Fuck this game can be cruel sometimes.
That better be a joke, user.
Shadow Warrior 2 was my FPS of the year.
Doom is THE best FPS of 2016, that game kicks so much fucking ass that it blows every other shitty ass FPS released this year out of the fucking water.
Greatest FPS multiplayer since TeFo2, bruh
It's literally the same game for the third fucking time, how anyone can still enjoy that is beyond me.
Normie detected