He uses guides

>He uses guides.

Guides are fine.

But what if you miss something important?


>knowledge is cheating

It's better to miss something than degrade yourself by cheating.

No sense of accomplishment.

You learn by playing, fuckhead.

So reading manuals is bad now?

I recently used one for Tropico and I still got thrown off my island by a popular revolt. Old strategy games didn't fuck around. I did manage to last 70 years though.

But what if you end up unable to even beat the game or even be able to go to any of the optional places?

Protip: forums are essentially the same as guides.

If you use any outside source to get further in a game during your first playthrough, you're a fag. ESPECIALLY in games where it's easier to miss things if you play like that.

Knowledge is power, so if guides are bad, so are manuals or even learning what the controls are.

That's not the same, and you fucking know it.

Nope. Not the same fucking thing. How stupid are you?

manual guides you how to play the game

It's wrong on any playthrough.

Learn by doing.

Reading the manual is optional. Pressing ESC to learn the controls is optional.

Watching some fag on YouTube tell you what to do is cheating. Reading a guide is cheating.

Look at this sneaky fuck try to justify being a cheating faggot.

>search artist on sadpanda
>this particular story is not there

Source please?

b-but i didnt know where to go on bloodborne

I use guides for breeding in Dragon Warrior Monsters or REALLY tedious shit like the Chronotrigger tent of horrors/drinking contest grind fest to see if it's worth it

You are part of the reason point and click adventure games died as a genre.

Thanks for the (You)

The source is right there. Did you try nhentai?

why isn't this shit on Sadpanda? I don't want to lower myself to one of the no-account sites.

nhentai is better than sadpanda because it doesnt delete things. And has a mobile app

Get Ending E in Drakengard without a guide, then we can talk OP.

Why does it matter? If it's single player, it doesn't impact anyone else, so enjoy the game however you like. If it's online, anyone has access to the information, so it's not cheating if other people use that information while you refuse to do so.

Devs that want to avoid people trivializing the game with guides should rely more on skill walls instead of hiding things.

Now, it's true thay guides are for casuals, but most people game casually anyways.

hi there.

>He complains about difficulty in a Pokemon game

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>When he had Expshare on the entire time

It doesn't really matter, it's just that you're a fag if you use guides.

Did a guide touch your privates or something?

Nobody has ever touched your privates.

Nice deflection, I'll take that as a yes.

Those who roleplay in vidya dont usually use manuals too much because they enjoy immersion and having to make choices in character without using prior knowledge. Very few people outside tabletop actually care about roleplaying in vidya, and even then, proof is scarce as we only ever see the memetubers who have actually already extensively researched and prepared their runs to facilitate roleplaying without dying because build/item/etc is shit in the game. The people who have «blind» runs usually turn out to be disinterested or simply suck, as it more than not makes bad entertainment. People who dont give a shit and just play games barely exist anymore, and with the way our accesible culture has grown games are now more design towards planning and replaying more and more. Dataminers remove secrets, eastereggs are never discovered by you, and glitches arw patched too fast

Typical fag response.

Tldr its all wikis and talent trees now vidya is dead

Not for me, homie.

I don't use guides, and I'm happier for it.

Even if it's fucking frustrating sometimes.

The sense of accomplishment is worth it.

Also, my achievements mean 600% more.

Nhentai has it and I just figured why sadpanda doesn't. They delete any and all artists that belong to the publisher Wanimagazine, because they got an exclusive ENG translation and uncensor deal with Fakku, so to avoid any legal troubles they deleted all galleries with such artists that got their works published on any of their magazines.

There was a huge shitstorm about it a couple years ago and many masterful works were deleted. I still have favorites on my list that lead nowhere.

They don't actually DELETE them, they just redirect you, since my favorites still have valid links, the thumbnails and gallery name are there, but it just redirects you and shows you a "this gallery has been deleted, you will be redirected to the front page". I'm sure that there's another layer for more elite users that have been with the page for longer or are pals with the admin that you can still browse all those galleries, just as not everybody can tag gallery as loli and shota.

My personal rule is to try my best without a guide but if I truly feel stuck with no way out, I'll look up just enough to get the ball rolling.

Defend the Zodiac Spear.

Part of the problem,normalizing sharing stuff

>mario sunshine blue coins
>Castlevania 2


>game gives you a shitty collect all ___ quests
>doesn't hint you to any of the collectibles in any way

Yeah damn right I'm going to use a guide on this kind of bullshit

finish la mulana without a guide and you will get a gold star

i'm not even talking about any of the side quests either, just get to the end

Only guidebook I ever bought

No regrets

>there is no viable guide to the game
>you have to git gud
>lowering the difficulty makes you a pussy

Listen I just wanted to get the good ending without boring myself to trars with these shitty fetch quests

How does one find Feebas in gen 3 without any help

>using guides
>checking walkthroughs
>using cheat codes
>using trainers
>asking for tips
>picking easy mode

casuals, on Sup Forums

You don't

>He doesn't 100% games

>posting on any website at all when you should be hardcore gaming

What a scrub

>Adventure game

>Leaky faucet
>Use Wrench on faucet
"Huh? I can't do that right now."
>Use Cloth on faucet
"Huh? I can't do that right now."
>Use Hand on faucet
"Huh? I can't do that right now."
>Use Dollar Bill on faucet
"You place the dollar bill on the leaky faucet. A spider crawls out of the drain and fixes the faucet. He winks at you then takes the dollar bill with him as he goes."

For kind of bullshit it's why I use a faq when I get really really stuck on something.
Like the fucking crematory puzzle in SH 3, to this day I can't figure it out by myself.

Some games devs are retarded and you have no reasonable way of knowing how to get the game to continue because the game devs are stupid.