Nice shitpost, faggot.
I got a 1070, I'll probably sell it for one of those vega cards
Build better shit first AMD
Intel doesn't even bother to improve on its processors anymore and Nvidia can charge people up the ass for their hardware cause you're so damn incompetent
>bought a 390 last february for a good price
No regrets here.
I hope my 980ti lasts a few more years. Hasn't let me down yet.
I really hope vega fucking delivers. I'm still sitting on my 680 because nothing is worth upgrading now, since I don't really want to spend an arm and a leg. What can I expect around 400 bucks with vega?
>buy card
>it gets better performance over time
Why would anyone regret that purchase?
But i stopped being a poorfag, no reason to go back.
We always win.
Ordered a RX 480 to replace my GTX 550 Ti, should get here within a week.
Feels good
I have a 780 Ti, I love it, I'll be getting something in a year or 2 even better from Nvidia.
Suck it.
>tfw vega btfo nvidia
I'm still rocking my 290X, might jump to 490 when it comes out if the price is good
Why does AMD have a snowhat?
I think it can get pretty cold in india.