What happens if the Nintendo Switch fails?

What happens if the Nintendo Switch fails?

Nintendo moves on to a new console

The nintentoddlers will pretend like they saw it coming miles away like with the wii u

Define fail in a concrete way (number of units sold or something).

>Sup Forums defends it as great
>Going to get better
>Meanwhile Nintendo is prepping the new console
>Announces it's death

The entire media will act like this is the death of Nintendo, claim they need to "get with the times" and wonder why they haven't gone third party yet all while ignoring that it has more decent games than it's competitor consoles.

Nintendo will stay afloat with its banked money from late 1800 to now and the money it will make from the mobile market they are currently working on.
Nintendo is basically a mega corporation like Sony and Microsoft. they have so much to fall back on that even if one venture falls through they have more than enough to fall back on for success.

Yeah so they are right, nintendo should just go third party

also the games are noithing remarkable

They are under the mercy of investors

Fuck this nintendo has money to switch to sex toys if they want to meme


>also the games are noithing remarkable
So why should they go third party if no one wants to play their games?

No. they have the money to switch to Mobile/toys/ Cards/hotels if shit falls through.
Like they were doing before they were making video games minus the mobile.

If if if if if if if if if if if if

>get BTFO'd from the market like PiiEww
>new console codenamed Trash #1345 leaked
>rumour has it that it boasts powerful hardware
>Nu-tendo starts to organize a premature celebration
>it is later revealed that it's 50% less powerful than Xbone, although it's been 3 years since the release of Scorpio and PS5
>moderate sale on release but sale decreases as months go by
>proceed to get BTFO'd after 3 years, again
>the never ending cycle continues until Nu-tendo declares bankruptcy

Nintendo goes full mobile.

It won't

zelda mario pokemon on XBOX

Except they don't do this, they defend the Wii U and act like it's everyone else that was wrong

Nintendo is too conservative and safe to bungle up into total failure as a company. Wii U didn't kill them, nothing will.

One thing's for sure:

Whether it fails or not...

...the vast majority of the gaming population will not give a single shit. Nintendo is pretty much irrelevant status right now.

This so fucking much. Its already a secondary/maybe console that no one feels is essential.

All they can really do is try again next generation.

IT: people that are out of touch

Who gives a fuck if it fails? As long as I get another Retro made DK, an Animal Crossing game, and MAYBE a Monster Hunter then it was a success. Those three will easily last me a generation.

>Nintendo was only ever the top dog in the NES and SNES eras
>Has been the underdog by a LARGE margin ever since the N64
>Ever decreasing sales with the exception of the Wii which as a fluke anyway

>"out of touch"


Nintendo makes another console and continues to make hardware with terrible gimmicks that end up being responsible for the worse parts of their games (See: Star Fox Zero). Just make a regular fucking console with good conventional games

And I want a default controller that isn't complete ass design-wise just for your really shitty two-in-one controller gimmick

shut the fuck up if you dont know shit. the shares nintendo issued are but a fraction of their capital, thats why nintendo never gives a shit when their shares fall or rise. nintendo is sitting on giant money reserves that they cant even invest without losing money, much like microsoft and apple. they cant fail at this point unless they do a sony, which is why there will never be an nintendo smartphone

Nintendo aren't popular enough for it to actually have any lasting power with the general public. Pokemon Go showed us how quickly normies get tired of nostalgia bait and brand recognition.

They'll throw the console at Fallon a few more times and Zelda will carry it for into 2018 but it won't do Wii numbers like Nintendo is hoping for.

The same thing that happened when the WiiU failed. Nintendo keeps on coasting on old Wii money, makes a new piece of hardware, shows a game that's the exact same as every other previous game in the series, people say they won E3, but when the hardware comes out no one actually buys it.

I like Nintendo and want to see them do well, but you're delusional.

I remember when people said that sort of thing about the Gamecube! Such nostalgia.

>Shows a game that's the exact same as every other previous game in the series

Literally the video game industry the post.

I hope they keep trying to come up with something different. No need for another company in the market making another "crippled-PC" console.

I honestly think the only way to take down sony at this point is for microsoft and nintendo to team up.

It makes me kind of wet. They cover each others' faults so perfectly. Maybe the switch failing will bring us one step closer to such a future.

It won't. It will be THE console to play for the next decade or so

>I hope they keep trying to come up with something different.

They've been trying that for the past two consoles and if you aren't a casual gamer (for the Wii) it's only made their games worse

nintendo will never die as long as it stays japan focused company, they know that and thats why nintendo america will never be more then a marketing division. people dont understand this, but nintendo has seen their competitors die one after the other because they tried to go international. when you delude management everyone starts only looking after himself, thats when you sell out to investors and then the downway spiral for personal profit will bankrupt then company. thats why sony is merely an empty shell anymore, a tool without no heart

Wii U would have killed them save for the anomaly that was the Wii.

Don't forget that each of Nintendo's successive consoles has sold worse than its predecessor apart from the Wii which was a casual fad.

Even their handheld market share is being eaten up by mobile devices.

If Switch fails, the Nintendo of the past is gone for good. Expect them to pimp their back catalogue to every device capable, and expect rehashed of their most established franchises with the accompanying downward spiral of quality.

It's almost ogre.

I would love to see Nintendo crash and burn, desu

>Wii U would have killed them

Didn't they make profit day one?

>Nintendo dies
>No longer together enough to effectively police it's IPs
>Nintendo fangames can make a glorious return

Seriously fuck Nintendo for trying to kill AM2R and Pokemon Prism (a fucking ROMhack)

AM2R sucked ass though.

you have no idea where nintendos money comes from, so please shut up. its all licensing their IPs and handhelds, wii was but a fraction of their money intake. nintendo is right up there with apple and microsoft in money reserves, they only take investor capital when they dont need to take all the risk alone, otherwise they are in no way dependant on investors and therefore their ratings mean nothing, whenever tehr shares fall it just means nintendo will have to tap their own money instead of investors money. wiiu was a failure but they can risk another dozen failures before anything happens. pretty sure they will get cheap credit from japan personally if international investors wont bite anymore

super nintendo and n64 were both pretty popular

Yes, assuming people bought one game alongside their Wii U. The system was the first time they sold a system at a small loss at launch.

Better than Fusion and the original 2 and I would say on par with Zero Mission. Please don't tell me you're one of the people that thinks Return of Samus was actually good and that AM2R 'ruined the atmosphere'

>I honestly think the only way to take down sony at this point is (...)

Not "is", "was". It was when Nintendo was collaborating with Sony to make their next console but then fucked over the deal.

Ever since Sony stepped into the homeconsole market they have been competely dominating it, with the exception of 7th gen where everyone was about equal.

I know people forget but:
PS1 outsold N64 by 3x
PS2 outsold GC by 7.5x
Wii "outsold" the PS3 by a mere 0.2x
and PS4 is currently outselling the WiiU by 3.7x, a number that will only grow considering one is dead and the other is still alive and well.

It's not that there's no stopping Sony, it's that there never was a way to stop them other than preventing them from getting into the market in the first place. Them grabbing the (until then) ignored EU market and 3rd parties wanting out of Nintendo's shit policies and restrictions (cartridges) jumped ship to PS1 and most never left Sony as their main platform, even if they do make multiplats here and there.

>you have no idea where nintendos money comes from, so please shut up.

Ah, an upset Nintendrone.

>by a mere 0.2x

Yes, only after the generation ended. Took them 10 years to catch up to the gimmick machine.

What's your point?

world war 3 most likely, all things considered

Atmosphere? No. It feels like a floaty flash game though. I can't get past that.

I mean that shows more how hard the Wii dropped off in popularity if the PS3 was able to nearly catch up to it in the end (and the PS3 was a fucking mess at launch)

they will have to tap their own money reserves. much like other big companies they are vast enough for a dozen failures. the real risk is when a company starts issuing too many shares to get fresh money and their own capital reserves are not enough to prevent a hostile takeover. since nintendo is pretty much a japanese government backed company this will never happen as long as japan is a rich country. and as long japanese people are willing to give cheap credit to the japanese government, that wont change either. tldr: nintendo wont fail in your lifetime.

The DS is the second best selling system of all time, below the PS2. The Wii is not their only saving grace.

You're poorly informed.

Except he's right?

Yes, you can say that. It's also a major dethroning for "the king" of sales. Sony was dethroned not only by Nintendo but also Microsoft that generation, and they played a slow catchup game.

Nintendo will lose a couple more billion and focus harder on Mobile games which isn't good because Mario has died in the ass already.

They either come crawling back to AMD + IBM or they just go mobile.

Honestly I'd say if it doesn't pull at least 50 million units, that's bad news.

The Switch is a continuation of both the Wii U, and the 3DS. Together, they add up to around 80 million units pushed. You do even half of that, and that's still terrible.

Because they make pretty good games. But the problem is that's all they are

Pretty good.

t. nintentoddler

When it inevitably fails Nintendo will release the Switch X, it will look like a laptop, it'll have 3 screens, all of the buttons will be on the back of the screens and it will still be less powerful than an xbox 360.

The DS was over a decade ago, lad. Look at 3DS sales in comparison. Notice a trend? Sony and Microsoft have relegated Nintendo to 3rd in the home console market and smartphones and tablets are hoovering up the mobile gaming market.

Nintendo can't compete and have developed the Switch as a radical response to their ever increasing irrelevance in both markets.

It's make or break time for our friends at Nintendo. There will be tears, and personally, I can't wait.

360 was on par. They had less than a million sales appart. Rounded up both PS3 & 360 ended at about ~83m individually, which is quite impressive considering the third wheel (the Wii) did 105m. Usually when a console does that well the second place is much further down in sales (as we've seen with every homeconsole generation ever).

7th gen was the most equal of all time and quite the anomaly

Not who you responded to. Posters like you always make me laugh. You're like that little child that desperately wants a piece of candy, but has developed a irrational ego that doesn't allow him to admit it. So instead of just admitting it, you need to non-subtly hint at your desperate desires for it, but you need to remain cool or your cover is blown.

I want some Gamecube era quality games. Fuckin' hell Nintendo drop the gimmicks and make things that are just fun

Actually Nintendo just needs to take their old guard out back and shoot them. Splatoon is what happens when you actually like the new generation completely have the helm in making stuff

Get over yourself, faggot

LOL, dethroned by Microsoft - what a fucking faggot you are. Yes, Nintendo beat both of them, but only because casuals, gays looking for cheap date entertainment, and grandmas jumping in on the hype. Still, I'd rather Nintendo won then ShitBox360RROD

>Splatoon is what happens when you actually like the new generation completely have the helm in making stuff

They make completely average games, just like the old guys?

nintendrones will shitpost endlessly and pretend it's good

>What a fucking faggot you are

Did I strike a nerve? Not only did those faggots force themselves into the console industry, their second console immediately pushed shat on Sony. Then both were pissed on by Waggle so hard that they had to desperately attempt to capture some of that market with their garbage attemps called Move and Kinect.

>It's also a major dethroning for "the king" of sales.

Dethroned using a consumer base that straight up left and isn't coming back. Like that other user said, the 7th gen was an anomaly

Microsoft will make a powermove and buy them out. Followed by sega.

Yes yes, when your favorite company isn't in the lead, it's an "anomaly".

>their second console immediately pushed shat on Sony.

I mean that's mostly because the PS3 was the worst thing you could ever ask for in a new console. Exotic hardware architecture nobody wanted to have to work with and an exceedingly expensive price tag

>favorite company

But we aren't talking about Yacht Club Games

The PS4 isn't as shit as the Wii U, but it's got fuckall for games to actually play if you own a PC too. Pointing out Nintendo "won" the 7th gen due to casuals doesn't mean I love the other team a huge amount. You wanna know why third-party support was abysmal on the "winning" console?

>Yes yes, when your favorite company isn't in the lead, it's an "anomaly".

Are you genuinely stupid?
When pensioners who never played videogames in their lives were suddenly playing games, that's an anomaly. That was the Wii.

fuck that I want gamecube era quality games from any of the platforms right now, this current gen is a joke. A few games reach it but most things cost by with sub par gameplay with amazing graphics.

>but it's got fuckall for games to actually play if you own a PC too
ma-ma-ma-meme c-c-c-comboooo

B studios died out with the 7th generation, resulting in less flawed gems that we love so much. Only now are some of the independent developers starting to pick up that missing space

I wish we didn't have to sell games on graphical fidelity so hard. Maybe low-poly aesthetics will pick up in popularity, that'd be nice

the catalog will be full of threads shitposting about it for the rest of the year.

They switch new CEO.

He's not wrong. Most nip companies in japan usually shoot themselves in the foot for the sole purpose of keeping foreign competitors out.

t. nintentoddler

>Nintendo is basically a mega corporation like Microsoft.

They have been around over twice as long as Microsoft.
A console flop or two hasn't killed them and they made so much money between their conception making cards and the Wii that the fuck up of the Wii U and possible fuck up of the Switch couldn't dent. they will just move on to mobile and secure more funds for the vault to try again a few years later.

Who cares how long they've been around they don't have even remotely comparable assets to Microsoft or sony for that matter.
Nintendo has less "banked money" than activision.