Why does Sup Forums only seem to like female protagonists when they're from Japanese games?

Why does Sup Forums only seem to like female protagonists when they're from Japanese games?

>Japanese games?

>Sup Forums
>japanese image board


Because anime girls are cute

Because unlike western ones, Japanese female protagonists tend to be attractive and sexualised, rather than a shallow effort to pander to tumblr.

Lara Croft

That's no protagonist!

>Japanese Female designs
Cute, sexy, powerful.
>Western Female design
Ugly as fuck, obnoxious, femnazi pandering shitstain

The west seems to misunderstand how to create a likable female fictional character. They always shallow.

because they're designed almost entirely for jerking it to

Because those characters weren't written by numales.

They're hot

becuase the west can't write females characters for shit

Japanese female protagonists are allowed to be female.

Western female protagonists are always trying to prove they're just as good as a man instead.

western females are made to make a statement or fill a diversity quota and then the games bomb

Japanese females do whatever they want them to be

Because western women are the worst.

i wish the male sex wasn't so easily persuaded by sexy shit, myself included

we could do so much more without being distracted by women, most men literally only care about them because they have pussies

Because Japan designs female characters as cute and sexy to appeal to the male player's penis, and Americucks design female characters as ugly and mannish as possible as a way to virtue-signal to feminist hags.

Not very complicated.


Because Japan makes characters to appeal to people. Whether it be the muscled shirtless bishounen to appeal to fujos or the cute loli/titty nee-chan to appeal to guys, all that goes into the design process is "how do we make this character likable, interesting and appealing?"

Meanwhile, whenever a western developer designs a character, ESPECIALLY a female one, it's always with some kind of gender/race/etc politics in mind.


Is it even possible for a western game to include a female lead that doesn't feel like a product of feminism to you retards?

At this point your only argument is "IT'S OK WHEN JAPAN DOES IT!!!".

Because Sup Forums in general is experiencing a cancerous explosion of inane best girl as of late.

>Is it even possible for a western game to include a female lead that doesn't feel like a product of feminism to you retards?

Sure it's possible. It's been done before. But it's really fucking rare these days.

Only Japanese games make good female protagonists.

Name ONE (1) Western game that has a good female protagonist. Games where you can choose your gender do not count.


Tewi is a slut that can't stop lifting her skirt !

Freedom Planet

Doesn't Sup Forums like Lara enough?
I mean, her games are trash but I've seen some waifuposting of her,

>those slutty tewi doujinshi

technically Russia is in the East user


>her games are trash

Rememver Me

I don't like ugly man faced butch dykes which is more often than not what you'll get in western games. I like to look at girls that are ya know actually girls and aren't trying to emulate a man. cite its emulating girls are fine too

>Doesn't Sup Forums like Lara enough?

Original Lara had her fans, but that was back when she was an unapologetic sex symbol. Current Lara is way too plain and "respectable" and a good example of a character ruined when feminists got their hands on her.


Top 10 female protags

10. Jade (Beyond Good & Evil)
9. Umihara Kawase (Umihara Kawase)
8. Ulala (Space Channel 5)
7. Mail (Popful Mail)
6. Asha (Monster World IV)
5. Arle (Puyo Puyo).
4. Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
3. Shantae (Shantae)
2. Alis (Phantasy Star)
1. Samus (Super Metroid)

but japanese girl designs don't even resemble women, they're basically extremely idealized caricatures of women

Swap Mail and Lara.

Because Japanese girl characters pander to them, instead of to their perceived enemy of tumblr.

Pandering is only okay when it's for me.

Sup Forums is full of weeaboo scum what do you expect

Lara is so high because I liked her in Tomb Raider II as well. I'm not counting the reboot

name 1 (one) good female video game character

protip: you cannot

Because western games are shit.

Delete these images before I call the yama on you.

Gone Home sister

>Freedom Planet
This game doesn't even have good characters, let alone good female protagonist.

no noses




Tewi was literally built for sex

he said good

>name 1 (one) good female video game character
got one right here


Then learn to keep your dress down, perverted rabbit!!

Really does the thing

Rika from Phantasy Star 4.


>mfw when post-2014 western games will never ever have attractive females again

5 problems -

>western game
>indie game
>western indie game
>western indie game lesbian

Name one (1) western female character who even comes close to being as cute as Totori

SJWs are going the way of anti-violence moms. There will be a resurgence soon of sexy western female designs.


Phantasy Star Classic's women were always great. Alis is still my #1 PS girl though.

I heard Reisen's kid sister will show ANYONE her panties! All you need to do is ask!

I sure fucking hope so. I'm getting real fed up with this "trucker dyke with a five-o-clock shadow" shit.

Name a single game like that.

This. They might frequently be sexualized, but japan makes "characters" while the west makes "tokens" and "progress".

what does the West do better than Japan?


I want to lick Tewi's feet.

Mass Effect 1, 2, 3 and Andromeda
Dragon Age 1, 2 and 3
Mortal Kombat and Mortal Kombat X
Injustice 1 (they seem to be trying to fix it for 2, so kudos for that at least)

There's so many fucking games these days where they have a female character, usually a supposedly sexy one even, where my immediate reaction is "you modeled a man and put eyeliner on him".

Grand strategy
Simulation games
Any online game ever

PC support


tewi is fucking pure thats why

Because any other female protagonists look like men.

Tewi is **pure fucking material

That's like jumping from one sinking ship onto another sinking ship


That doesn't make any sense at all. Attractive and sexualized = good. Lack of it = bad.

It's a mystery.

>or the cute loli/titty nee-chan to appeal to guys

this doesnt appeal to guys, it appeals to basement dwellers


It's still pandering, just to a different crowd.

Nah, you're both wrong. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not. Depends on context and execution.

Because Western games always try to be 'progressive' and always add some SJW bullshit into their characters.

They can't let a black character simply be black and gotta twist them into their fucked up liberal agenda.

While Japan doesn't give it being political and just make characters like able.

I'm not against pandering. The whole problem I have with modern western female characters is that they're not pandering enough. People designing these things should keep in mind that these characters only exist for the entertainment of gamers, usually 20-35-year-old males.

Because they're better.

Thank you for posting that. That sums it up nicely.

It's like most western dev just do a facial capture and leave it at that
They don't bother with refining the models and making it better

If you have faith in your point you wouldn't cherrypick bad angles and expressions, you'd show them all at neutral angles and expressions.

Reisen doesn't have a sister, and if she did, she'd be ashamed to be related to such a depraved exhibitionist

Chen is pure

As many anons in this thread have previously stated, part of it is that they're simply more appealing. There's more to it, however.

Japanese writers tend to do whatever the hell they want with female characters. You'll find more women breaking gender roles and exercising own agency in Japanese games than western.

Many western female characters will fall into the same tired cliches, despite pretending to break out of them.

Not shoving pseudo-feminist messages in your face every two seconds helps. Japanese writers allow their female characters to be people.

I'm not saying every character is amazing, but you'll find more from Japan than you will in the west. We're too tied up in identity politics in one form or another to actually make good characters.

probably because female characters in western games are ugly and have shitty personalities

>including a custom character in there

cmon now, don't need to cherry pick that hard to show the difference

someone post the one that has all those good western females on it

name one

someone say iewt?

i don't need to name one, someone already compiled a bunch into a similar image like the one i replied to

that's what I thought, bitch

>hello i am new is this how am shitpost??