Scripted impossibly hard enemy appears and one shots you to carry on the plot

>scripted impossibly hard enemy appears and one shots you to carry on the plot
>in new game+ you can defeat this enemy and the plot actually changes

When the fuck has that ever happened?

What game


Name 5 games that do this.

it happens in chrono trigger. surely it happens somewhere else.

Chrono Trigger does something similar.

Well, every NIS game has alternate endings from that.

What episode of Lazy Town is this

Tales of Symphonia 2 had this. You could kill OP bosses that you were supposed to lose to in new game plus, usually by buying the keep your captured monsters at the grade shop.

And it gives you a new cutscene to watch

Also the final boss of the game where your supposed to lose, but you can win and get a different ending

in NG+ you can take a shorcut to the final boss just after some minutes of playtime.

what's happening to her that she's making those faces?

I remember that Yu Yu Hakusho fighting game on PS2 had an impossible boss that you could beat with cheat codes and it gave you an achievement....making me think there was a legit way to beat him.

she's playing some good JRPG from the 90's

Look up Lana Rain and find out.

Is he ok?

>fight boss your supposed to lose at
>do so well you could actually beat it
>scripted that it does a 1 shot move after so many turns

fuck you beatrix! i kicked your ass

He died from a failed sex change

she is in terrible pain user, do something!

>solo play

Yeah no.

I know that there's one fight that you are supposed to lose with the old hag before the tournament, you can bring her down to 1 health but she's immortal.

i still dont know the source of these images

Is she playing FF7 in this pic?

with Big Black Barret

Camwhore by the name of lana rain

>tfw you find out she's not a trap

Im thinking of the ripped guy that becomes the main villain. You fight him and have to lose to progress the story, but using cheats and beating him gives you some unlockable thing so who knows.

mfw i win with 1 just HP left

Glad her pain went away. I was worried for a second

fuck off gay faggot

you are a good guy

i've seen this girl's boobs before

For you