Literally Sup Forums the character

Literally Sup Forums the character.

>has a dealer
haha, as if Sup Forums could be so socially well adjusted.

As a weed smoking Sup Forums user can confirm this is true

I buy my weed from a friend, without him i'd never get a contact

He's too much of a wigger

>smokes weed
> loves insult other peoples

If Jimmy is not Sup Forums then he must be at least represent half of Sup Forums

Sup Forums in human form

pretty much

No thats not Sup Forums

This is Sup Forums

>Sup Forums

This is Sup Forums

>smoking weed

Weed smokers ruin every game they are in, please don't let them be Sup Forums

But he's clearly an xbox type of guy and literally nobody on Sup Forums owns an xbone


Sup Forums also ruins every game they touch

>being underage

I don't smoke or drink alcohol tho

Sup Forums is more like Wade

>plays COD
>talks on voice chat
>can interact with mass murderers without pooping himself
>not obsessed with anime and japanese games


>if you dont smoke weed you're a child
i have zero desire to be high after smoking a few times. it's not fun and is a drain on my money on top of all the other stupid shit i buy like video games

>not obsessed with anime and japanese games

this we need someone who obsesses over a 2D titty girl and unironically calls everyone 3DPD

No, this guy is. His name is Vyv for fuck's sake.

How do you even say that name?

Veev. Or vee/v/.

Wasn't implying that, implying that reacting to other people smoking weed does, or is a sign of autism

I still don't understand how Jimmy WASN'T voiced by Jonah Hill, it's literally him and his voice is identical. I guess my real question is how did they cast someone that sounds just like him.

but I have
>never smoked weed or any sort of drug
>never smoked cigarettes
>don't drink
>have never gotten drunk
>never gone clubbing
>never gone on any dates

i agree but so is pushing the weed meme

when i was on chemo all my friends practically harassed me to smoke weed and no joke got genuinely confused when i said i didnt want to.

maybe its just my friends but i dont think so, i think some stoners need to lay off of others

Can't argue against that user, it does get annoying when people can't fathom someone not wanting to get high/drunk.

>got genuinely confused when i said i didnt want to.
They are just stupid people. I've known hardcore weed heads that know perfectly well it's not for everyone and don't judge that

The personality triangle for gamerfags has dudebro, sjw, and neckbeards
Sup Forums falls heavily into neckbeard

SJWs don't play video games user

Only part that doesn't fit is the juggalo shit

I thought Jimmy was hilarious 2bh

It's treason then!