How would you have liked it to end?

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No time skip

Never made after Nomura left.

I don't have a problem with the ending.

I feel like chapter 9 onwards was just depressing as fuck. I don't mind sad endings but it was literally one bad thing after another. Having a streak of shitty events in the second half of the game is a bad approach imo

With Prompto, Iggy, and Gladio walking up and waking Luna and Noctis up.

I wanna see this

"I hear magitek engines"



A happy wedding scene coupled with end credits.

fuckkk it's annoying
wish there was an accessory that made it so they couldn't find you

A scene where we see all of the nice looking girls showing off their armpits from various angles.

I was fighting 2 dualhorns, and had dropships show up 3 times before I could even kill the second dualhorn. This happened twice in 20 minutes.

I really liked the ending.

But it was the only part of the story I liked.

After you push the car to hammerhead the game says congratulations and you get the platinum trophy.

>Knights with machine guns
Why do people even use swords...

Sad because it needed more time to be a masterpiece, otherwise it was pretty good still

I would make you fight ardyn again in the after life with new controls for the kings and be able to link strike with Luna

Maybe in another dlc, like they did with the accessories for unlimited stamina and turning magic friendly-fire off.

this but feet

>luna and noctis fighting together
>both summon astrals and obliterate everything

The bros sacrifice themselves and Noctis is the only one to make it out alive.

The world is "saved" and Ardyn is put to rest, but the starscourge isn't/can't be eliminated. The world still needs a king and an oracle to maintain the balance. The only difference is that without Ardyn/the empire, things can more-or-less go back to the way they were before all the drama.

Epilogue is old Noctis going to sleep on his throne and waking up young again, finally getting to meet Luna/Regis/bros in the afterlife.

The ending was fine, I just wish it didn't feel like the plot was written as literally 15 bullet points.


Working with what's there: No time skip Or least not as long as one. Show that the friends survived the deamon onslaught with scenes of them fighting and flashes on thier last campfire together, with the final scene being them exhausted by seeing the new morning and Noctis's voice saying "You're the best." Then cut to the Luna and Noctis's the throne scene. I'm fine with ambiguous endings but I felt the original just left too much unsaid and it felt lazyl editied

I know I could come up with something else but that's all I got for now. I feel like xv had a decent narrative but Square just forgot how to tell a story.

I did it.

After the third game.

The bros and luna go to fight alongside you in the final battle. Near the end you'll perform link strike with each party member with Luna and Noctis delivering the final blow to Ardyn using Sword of the Father and Trident of the Oracle. They end up rebuilding Insomnia and a few years later, Noctis and Luna get married with everyone celebrating the reign of Insomnia's new King and Queen.

>one user posts a picture of the photo he chose for the ending
>a picture of the ultimate cup noodles
>get to the end myself
>emotional impact ruined as I imagine the user watching his ending, Noctis showing Luna a picture of fucking Nissin cup noodles, and Luna looking back to Noctis overjoyed

Exactly how it did. I just would have liked more content to bulk about the train section and the world of ruin.

damn that sucks, I wonder how the dev team conversations went about the pics being chosen

>no DBZ flying around bullshit
>give Ardyn more moves and make him stronger since he should have OP demon powers instead of being a red Noctis
>explain how Ardyn got Ifrit
>instead of just killing you, actually summoning the Knights of the round to help fend off shit while you fight Ardyn or something
>have an actual dragon Bahamut (that is preferably Aranea)
>make afterlife not just some blue shit
>post credit cutscene of the gang and friends rebuilding the world and honoring Noctis' death
>explorable world of ruin
>be able to see everyone post apocalypse

Is there no way to use the older characters for post game shenanigans? Young Noctis looks like an idiot in the King's Raiment

Ardyn and Noctis struggling to continue to do battle, Noctis realizing that maybe he has to barter the old Kings of Lucis for eternal life as well to keep Ardyn at bay. The gods accept, only if Noctis produces an heir should he ever fail, and he shall know that the Lucis Calleum line is destined to repeat the same story if they wish to keep darkness at bay.

Noctics accepts, realizing his journey was that everyone sacrificed for a prince/king they followed but he never sacraficed for them. Noctis is given eternal life and continues to fight Ardyn unable to kill each other. The shield is retrieved and protects Insomnia again and daylight returns.

Time skip to a future many years down the road, where a young prince is learning about the world from his adviser, bodyguard and best friend. Noctis watches patiently as his great grandson takes his first step outside Insomnia.

He visits an old tomb for King Regis, and steps into a tomb for King Noctis, which tales tell of a purposely empty tomb with a beautiful Ultima Sword stuck in the middle. Four tombs surround his tomb, showing Ignis, Prompto and Gladios tombsx who led full lives.

Noctis one more time takes a trip to Tenebrae where he sees Umbra bring him a book with a note from Luna to come visit again sometime and the sleepy eternal former king sleeps under a tree surrounded by the blue flowers he remembered. As he sleeps, Luna appears to slumber by him and many faceless shapes of friends and family surround him as well.

The game shows the cycle/curse of his family will live on, much to Ardyns disdain, but Noctis also learned self sacrifice, undying friendship, and the story to reclaim his thrown now lives with his family.

My ending gives a canon reason to play late game stuff with solo Noctis, gives a much more satisfying and sweet ending, with sad undertones. My ending also undermines other story elements in the game, but it felt likw FFXV was missing solidarity to itself. Hopefully this wouldve fixed that.

>and turning magic friendly-fire off.
I still don't understand why that is a fucking thing. Fucking stupid "gimmick"

The ending was the only good part, dammit!

pretty much this.

the whole story was a fucking mess.

I never played it, but if it doesn't end with you titty fucking the sexy mechanic lady, that's what I would change it to.

I still don't get how he pulled off being High Commander for two countries at the same time. Even fucking Prompto has a chip in his shoulder, you'd think they would check if their high commander spends his free time working a second job in Niflheim.

I'm a bit unclear on the details. So Noctis and Ardyn both continue to exist on the physical plane? It kind of makes sense if the struggle is more spiritual/symbolic, but if they're actively duking it out in the real world there'd probably be all kinds of fallout. Also the flashforward stuff with the heir etc. makes the plot a little too cumbersome.

I like the direction you're headed in but it doesn't seem thought all the way through.

Shitty plot element.

The emperor tries to pull one over on Regis and Ardyn turns him into Foras for no reason.


I guess it turns into one of those things where they keep each other in check. Ardyn cant make a move because Noctis exists. They exist, just not constantly having to battle. Plus as long as Noctis protects his line, should Noctis ever fall a new line of successors could do the same as him.

In a way Noctis would become the mysterious Ardyn type character without being so faggy all the time. Noctis alwayd watching and slightly guiding. And the heirs was just more a show that the line continues on.

I was really just upset that noctis had to die with his line. There was no chance that the line could continue on. It seemed like fuitility was an unintended major theme of FFXV. No matter what anyone did, someone died or it was all for not. With my ending i just wanted to inspire some hope without everything seeming useless.

Yeah that's what I hated. The second half of the game had no hope at all, they all got fucked in the end and it just doesn't sit well with me.

Sounds like one of the Soul Sacrifice endings.

that "badass" running city fight that i think literally happened in a pokemon tie-in movie once has some actual direction and isn't just two models wildly flailed through some samey streets

>the world's most classically sublime NTR story as noctis hands his soulmate a picture of a sexy fifteen year old girl

For the tactical menu to start responding.

>noct pulls lunafreya's veil down
>it's actually prompto
>queue 20 minute long qte butt sex scene

>there are people that actually didn't take a photo of best girl

>with a beautiful Ultima Sword stuck in the middle
i wish his signature weapon had played some role in the final battle, and that the quest to get it wasn't just some old dude tinkering in a garage

some fucking ultima weapon that was

granted, i can see the appeal of aranea

but i think she's for gladio

if noctis had just impregnated iris before the timeskip this would have never had to happen

Get rid of Luna and have Noctis marry Stella insted.

Noctis and Luna to defeat the final boss through the power of song in the same vain as Rock & Rule

Just do the normal ending except have the bros wake up Noctis who is sitting on his throne day dreaming about Luna and they have them say some dumb shit like "You're people await you, my king." and then credits.

Spoiled shitty kid Noctis who gushes over fishing appeals to me more than the moody guy from the versus trailers i think

Stella should have remained as-is though, if only on the basis of being cuter and literally having a more developed relationship with Noctis in the span of a single trailer scene compared to Luna and all of ffxv, jesus christ

Is this gif from old gameplay or does he actually fight like this in armiger mode when you have all the weapons?

I have a feeling this is probably going to be some sort of DLC.

World of Ruin to be its own arc instead of just being slapped on right at the last second.

Yeah this was retarded as fuck. Along with a lot of other things.

Why the fuck can't we have good eye candy with a good story for once.

think in armiger it already ignores your current weapon and just has noctis flip between stuff orbiting him. I know for a fact at least the warp strike where he lingers in the air and all the weapons turn to the target is still there

instead of just going into that dream sequence where he and the knights of round destroy ardyn and sunlight coming back that he summoned the knights of the round while still in the real world and attacked the sun itself restoring its light and destroying the veil of darkness

It's still in the game. Just use warp strike whole in Armiger mode.

stella cooldown hug

Make use of all the wasted cities and locations instead of sticking us on a train for three chapters.


Wish prompto took a picture of that scene where you can give iris flowers

thanks user I'll try it out, I only used attack
Those are some nice animations

>you kill Ardyn in the train
>go to the imperial capital
>get the crystal back
>celebrate your victory
>reclaim Insomnia from imperial remnants
>Noctis takes his place as the king of Lucis
>10 years of peace, timeskip
>one day
>sun doesn't rise anymore
>daemons overrun the world
>everything goes to hell
>Ardyn shows up and reveals he's immortal and the world is fucked while he lives
>Noctis escapes Insomnia and goes on a journey to find Bahamut while the others try to hold the world together
>he gets the infodump from Bahamut
>the rest proceeds as in the game

Would've made things more effective, in my opinion

gonna start a level one playthrough and just stop when i get iris

i regret not spending more time getting pictures with her

armiger in general is pretty

i like how having a royal arm equipped has other stuff in the arsenal act as an ablative shield for bullets, but i don't know why they didn't just have that as the default even if you're using say, the engine blade. not like it changes game balance that much to be immune to rifles for free

He did tho.

really? i fucked up somewhere

why is aranea best girl?
>leaves the empire
>hates ardyn
>shows up randomly at night and helps you take out baddies
>shits on your chest afterwards

i was expecting /ss/ but after the prettyboy comment in the blueballs fight i'm not sure if she even got battle chatter with noctis

God damn did kingsglaive had a fuck ton of little flaws

>Scene where that one fat guy gets his leg caught to cause the cheap 'suspense'
>absolutely Horrible Dialogue for when the Nix's Kingsgaurd team fight eachother for some really meaningless reasons
King is secretly aware of what enemies plans are, Literally makes the poorest most short noticed effort to try and get vengeance
>After all that bullshit "Coy conversation" They finally decide to call the 'Old Wall' at the worst time in the last moment

Kind Regis is literally retard tier king.

The old kings decide to give nix some extra time because "Hmmm Regis makes a good point i guess"
>At the end, The princess decides to get out of the car and just fucking walk out and is okay with getting left behind with no protection what so ever.

If this game didn't have some good designs and good combat gameplay i probably would have passed this up.

Her character design is ingenious

I wonder if she actually has 4 tits on her 2 breasts?

Ending? The game hardly begun.

When i was 12 i had to write a story for school. I tried really hard to make the longest one possible. After 6 pages of adventure i got bored and just wrote: and then they fell off a cliff and died. The end.

Ffxv is like that


I would have liked it to end in that noctis is dreaming and then he wakes up in the real world and fucks shit up like in versus and e3 2013 trailers. Then another endless road trip begins with bros

You know, this sounds good.

Noct becoming a a summon for future FF games.

feel like nyx was unironically better at using the armiger and ring than noctis was

Holy fuck this is way better.

Wait a second...

This is just Titanic.

Definitely. Also he was a way more driven character along with no whining and actually got shit done.

It's as if Nyx is the only redeeming thing about any of this FF15 nonsense.

>Meet Ardyn in the spirit realm
>He has his demonic face on
>Expect one more final battle with a transformed ardyn as per Final Boss rules in FF games

>Mid air lightning attacks and warp momentum swings.
I really wanted this

i didn't actually like nyx that much, ultimately he's just as shallow as any other given character and i tend to like my protagonists more immature and waffley just as a matter of taste, just think he's better at fighting and using magic powers than noctis is

why is he so good looking

It actually sounds more Titanic-ish than the ending we got, kek.

King Noctis >>>>>>>>>> fuccboi noctis

that said, i also feel like his shenanigans in the movie created a better base for a relationship with luna than any of the implied flashbacks with kid luna and noctis. both were ruthless, nigh-suicidal fuckers, even if luna was a little duller about it

noctis is legitimately paired better with an underaged fangirl and a character who does not even exist, left on the cutting room floor. it's ridiculous. the ending was beautiful but man was the very last scene and the stinger with the logo just completely hollow

looks like a classic action hero

>not including doggos in ending scene

damn it SE

>open world with lots of sidequests and little details in the world, explore a lot and get way overleveled for the main story (level 40 or so doing ice cave)

>Lots of imperial blockades and shit, decide to do main story to check out some other continents
>Game turns out to be more linear than 13 once you get on the boat

It's like they tried to mash two different games together. The fuck was even the point of having altissia be so fucking huge when you're there for a single quest for about an hour

I haven't done any post game shit yet but goddamn. I was starting to run out of items near the end because I ran out of fucking money 8 chapters earlier and there weren't any sidequests to do

>The fuck was even the point of having altissia be so fucking huge when you're there for a single quest for about an hour

You can accept hunts and side quests there the same as on the continent and nobody's forcing you to rush with the story.

kek, it's way more than that

>press O to win

I choose the picture of everyone together just before leaving for altissia, probably the most appropriate picture you could choose.

featuring important characters like talcott and whore in some crappy basement

You mean like how Nomura never started? That what we saw was nothing but just whatever amused him during the time? Fuck off Nomura.