Why are Altmer so damn tall?

Are they truly the master race, Sup Forums?

that's a big elf


How can the other races even compete?

Fucking elf shitstains and damn mer lovers get the fuck out I swear to Talos that I am one fucking step away of starting a fucking purge.


>master anything


You even have to ask that?


I bet they have big feet.

You know what that means.


Big shoes?

>best at magic
>name literally implies superiority



Huge socks

that's it!

>yellow elves
>the best at magic
>have their own super cool island
>secretly control the world
>can literally get any bitch they want
it's like they were designed by r/asianmasculinity

Daily reminder that Dunmer > everyone else


Too bad the yellow vector thing is a joke around here now.

Thalmor have pimpin' robes too.

It's like other races aren't even trying.

tfw someone used this line on me once

What about the one about hairy eyebrows?

I haven't heard that one before but my eyebrows are fairly hairy

Hairy eyebrows = Pube city
At least thats what I've heard works for both men and women.

The bad guys always have the best uniforms.

>trying to free us from the shackles of the mortal world
>bad guys

wew lad

I want to know what a war between mers and humans even looked like, like the big battles they describe in Skyrim but we don't get to see.

Do you think every battle during the Aldmeri-Empire was was just fought between 12 or so people on both sides like they are in Skyrim?

About six guys on each side, and they kind of ran headfirst at each other until one side was dead.

Behold, the future! Behold, the Thalmor!

Did the winning side happen to be supported by a guy that was secretly head of every single guild?

>supporting miscegenation
Absolutely heretical. Kill yourself, chimplover.



>TFW you realize they called us man because we are manlets

by being actually fertile and renewable

Was Wildcat enabled for the duration of the battle? Seriously though the amount of times I've seen entire sides getting shit on by the other just because of that mod is not funny. 100 vs 100 battle and winner is decided by who hit first or decided to use the brain and plink them to death with arrows.

>not the follow-up picture of pelinal piling elven body upon body in the next Elvish Pogrom


>The child will always be the mother's race
Was this a natural fail-safe for races in case the men got slaughter and the women enslaved so their race can still live?

It's the reason Jews still exist.


Just a really good excuse to kill all their women. Then their men will be forced to produce your race.

>He's unironically a human
Nah, I love all races. I don't understand the disdain for certain fantasy races for no reason.

>Just a really good excuse to kill all their women.
>wasting good breeding stock
Shame on you!

Skyrim Altmer women looks like ayys, but they managed to be passable, sometimes quite beautiful, in the potato engine of Oblivion. Shy alchemist lass Ardaline was my merfu back in those days.

Alright time to settle this.

TES female power rankings:

> shit tier
> okay tier
> great tier
> godtier

Every Elf looked alien in Skyrim. I get they don't want them to be just pointy eared humans but come on.

>>secretly control the world

TESO elves look the best.

They're lanklets.

That's just as bad as being a manlet.

If you're 6 feet and not at least 220 you're just a fucking waste.

They could've made halfbloods between races

im 6 feet 240 pounds
of fat :^)

What happened to the Dwemer? Were they cucked out of existence by their own god?

What are some games where Elves aren't shown in a bad light?

>long time ago start playing Morrowind
>randomly pick race, Bosmer
>Bosmer becomes my favorite race

>read some books in Morrowind
>learn that Bosmer got their asses handed by Khajits
>read some lore outside Morrowind, turns out Bosmer are essentially tribal niggers of Tamriel
>cannibals too
>Sup Forums constantly shits on them
life is suffering


75% of JRPGs featuring elves.

>>Sup Forums constantly shits on them
we shit on all the races

Yeah their gods, Reason and Logic, led them to zero-sum.

The only race off the top of my head that actually has alternate bloodlines are the Khajiit, what with how the moons affect how they are born.

I like how Dunmer always look pissed off

Their arrogance led them to their doom.

Being a merlet Bosmer male is suffering

Don't you have some relatives to eat?

>he didn't read that copypasta floating around
someone post it

yeah but at least furfags and memers like khajiits

nobody even THINKS of Bosmer. They're the elves that are neither the evil nazis nor the cool wizards.

technically there's different ethnicities and sub-races of all races, only they never, ever come up or are represented in any way.

Oblivion actively erased a lot of the differences between Nibenians and Colovians.

>tfw There are Khajiit who look like housecats who can give birth house size tigers
Khajiits are the funniest race ever

Argonian confirmed master race?

>Implying anything that exists within time can be master race.
>not be a comfy dreamer.
You guys are not We.
I like bosmer women.

Heh, but I wish there was one with Ayleids too.

literally everybody and acknowledges each of your guild leaderships and mention it from time to time while still treating you like an irrelevant little shit

I bet you don't visit cloud district often

itt: n'wahs

All the races have their good points and their bad points. Me personally prefer Dunmer for my main characters, something that carried over from Morrowind I suppose. Honestly they had the most unique architecture I had seen in games at the time. Then Oblivion shat on everything, gave us potato people, and fairly generic buildings.

Nah, imagine this plus mages steamrolling puny humans and their retarded heavy steel

are any of those morrowind inside oblivion or morrowing inside skyrim mods worth playing?

or should i just mod up the original

just stick to Skyrim sex mods that let you play with sexy womyn and get impregnated by dogs

Jesus, what is wrong with people?

Argonians aren't even a real race.

they're remotely piloted animals.

they built a machine that fucked with reality and it kinda fucked them back and deleted them from existence


Not the worst thing ever. They already have CP mods

>unironically plays Skyrim for gameplay
>asks others what's wrong with them

I thought they fucked up the tonal magic or some shit and became the numidium's skin.

>Be legionaire
>holding formation, battle line tidy, if a bit sweaty from the manouvering and standing in the sun all morning
>horns coming from the distance, scouts coming back signaling the enemy finally stopped dicking around and is advancing on us
>cohorts form checkerboard pattern, battlemages form screen at the front, skirmishers form screen at the back
>auxiliary light units fall back to protect the camp instead of holding the flanks because we're cut off reinforcements
>five cohorts including mine ordered to move a few yards forward to tempt an attack and suck them into an encirclement
>an hour passes and no Altmer in sight
>realize they never made it to our formation
>they got cut down by enchanted artillery pounding a kill zone because they got too arrogant to do their own scouting and their magic shields were weaksauce
>bro in the cavalry brings me an elven dagger after routing the rest

That guy needs to adjust his stance. Looks like he's going to fall over backwards.

I guess that's why you're not allowed to worship Talos now.

>ywn be tenderly carried by a tall altmer

>good breeding stock
You miss the part where it was noted that the child is always the mother's race?
Why would you willingly bring more elves into this planet?

he won't mind not being worshipped for a few years as long as his empire recovers and finishes the job

>their own god
>implying they had a god

To fuck of course! Why else would you breed them?

Elves live too long and take too long to mature. They wouldn't make for practical, or safe, sex slaves.

You'd wind up fucking the same sex slave that your grandfather owned. That slave may well have raised you more than your actual mother. And the slave will outlive you and probably help raise your human children. Eventually, they'll brainwash future generations and the tide will turn.

Talos himself said in morrowind that the empire should be done

That's pretty hot desu senpai.

maybe but i bet he would like it to destroy the dominion first

Altmer trash pls go
Nords are Lords

>Aldmeri fleet greatest in the world
>Ulfric Stormcuck doesn't have a fucking clue about ships
>Summerset has the most patrician tier academies, high mages and magical artifice in all of Tamriel
>Nords live in a glacier full of ruins with more bandits than barely-civilized townsfolk living in sparsely populated shantytowns
>High elves have hundreds of years of governing experience who outfoxed the Empire every time
>Stormcuck is a useful idiot daddy's boy weakening his own people with a civil war instead of a focusing on killing elves
Snowniggers BTFO


we'll see about that when Bethesda makes their next game in Summerset :^)