Is this the greatest controller of all time (not including 3rd party elite controllers)?

Is this the greatest controller of all time (not including 3rd party elite controllers)?

>No button to turn the fucking light off
>sticks are too small
>d-pad is average.

Nah. DS3 was better imo

don't the rubber sticks wear off after just a few months of use?
Still using dualshock 3, if I had to pick an upgrade I'd go with xboner pad.

you must have some fat hands if you think they're small

Fuck your opinion size queen

DS4 is the greatest controller, battery life is impressive, complete support for PC/Mac

I will only agree with the light, but I just desoldered mine so non-issue.

Battery could be better, and the triggers could be built to be more durable, other than those issues I'm a fan of the controller

My PS4 Pro came with the updated controller, when is Sony selling that one separately? I like the USB option.

i cant name one game that touchpad is used for

>complete support for PC
Yeah tell that to my fucking PC, mate. I tried three different programs that were supposed to make it work and I couldn't get it too. Maybe I'm just retarded.

That aside, though, it really is the greatest controller. When I use it for my PS4.

I hate the sticks on ps4 but I hate the triggers on the ps3 controller

why can't someone fix this

All DS4s can run from USB.
oh, unless you're using them on PS4, in which case software locks them out. software. as in, they program the OS to specifically not allow it unless you shell out for the "new" one which is exactly the same exact with a slightly smaller board and a bit of plastic under the touch pad.

>accidentally press share
>brings up fucking facebook

worst fucking controller ever made

>Ds3 is too light
>Ds4 has a boring light, weird analog sticks, useless touchpad

The Ds2 still reings king and best controller ever built.


What is some good games

For ps4

The DS3 was better.
And the DS2 was better than the DS3.

If the D-pad wasn't a complete downgrade from the Godsent that was the one Dualshocks always had, I would have agreed.

>Is this the greatest controller of all time
>fuck you fuck you REEE REEEE ;_;

no, first gen one i had the rubber on the left analog rubbed off, sent it in and got a new one from warranty

now my new one just broke and won't charge and warranty is over so I'm waiting for board from china to replace usb charging port.

it's good, but i've had problems with them and don't abuse my controllers.

i liked the 360 controller, never tried xbone.

ds4 is leaps and bounds above ds3 but ds4 needs to be more durable and not fail after 9 months


If you can't get DS4W to work then yes, you're just retarded.

Looks like I have my verdict then, because that was the first one I tried. I only tried it for one game (Dark Souls on Steam) but that was kind of the whole point so I didn't try anything else.

Its up there, way better than the PS3 controller with its shitty triggers or the PS2 with its shitty analog buttons and way closer to the glorious PSX dualshock.

>don't the rubber sticks wear off after just a few months of use?

Not for normal human beings.

Xbox Elite controller is better


When I press share the console takes a screenshot.

Perhaps you're retarded.

Have mine for over 2 years with no issues.

I hear they've fixed that problem. That's what had me send my original back, though, and buy an Xbone controller.

Honestly the xbone controller is the one I prefer. I miss the feel of the PS4's buttons and shoulder pads but, that's all. It's too bad they kept the "iconic" shape because it's inferior.

Don't be a bitter babyhands.

DS4 is an upgrade in ergonomics, complete downgrade everywhere else.

> + Grips fixed to fit all hands, big and small
> + Concave triggers to prevent slippage

> - Useless share button that takes the select button's traditional place, PS button could have functioned as share button with press + hold.
> - Share and Options buttons are too small because of the touchpad taking up retarded space
> - DPAD isn't the same as DS1/DS2/DS3
> - Face buttons are now digital instead of analog, completely destroying compatibility with PS2 and PS3 titles for the controller.
> - Triggers still aren't actual analog triggers (DS3 has this problem as well); Sony still uses pressure sensitive buttons with shitty L-shaped springs that press the triggers against the case to "fake" being analog.

No, that guy's a fanboy. DS4W has had so many compatibility issues. The newer updates cover almost all games but, I still have games that don't work with it. Steam has apparently designed their own solution recently, though. Might be worth trying if you still want to play it with a PS4 controller.

it's okay

also, battery life is suprisingly okay. I read a lot about it not holding up very well, but mine lasts for very long. I have disconnected touchpad though, at some point it broke and shorts circuits, everything becomes very hot and gamepad stops working after connecting it. I heard that touchpad eats up a lot of battery, so maybe that's why mine lasts for so long.

it's amazing for PC usage. Sometimes you need to run something from desktop using a mouse, and then remote touchpad lets you stay on couch while playing.

>greatest controller
No. I've used plenty of controllers and this one only felt artificially good to hold. Use a real controller with some meat on its bones like the Duke.

The select button hasn't had a purpose since the NES, its original intention was to select the game mode on the title screen. Also the Dpad is different in the sense that its better and considering the analog buttons on the PS2 would result in extreme finger pain for games like Gran Turismo its not a huge loss.

Maybe if the Xbone controller didn't exist.

What's the best PC controller? My xbone one died in 6 months.


>useless share button
what? it's basically different function of select, when was the last time you had to use select in vidya? super mario bros?

>function buttons too small
those are actually bigger than ds3 ones. also, it's not like you use those buttons every second in game, it's just menu button

ds4 dpad is still great

>pressure sensitivity
yep, this one is valid. shame, it was cool to have it

>nerding out about triggers
who cares? in the end, result is satisfactory. deeper you press it, more it gets pressed.

>xbone one
oh user

Best pc controller is whatever fits in your hand best. It can be xbone, it can be ds4, it can even be ds3. Drivers for everything are user-friendly and reliable now.

X1 by and far away, there's not really a reason to use anything else unless what you're playing requires a touchpad for whatever reason, of if you want a more authentic feel on an emulator, I own a PS2 controller just for PCSX2

xbone controller is by far and away the most ergonomic,compatible and quality controller

faggots suggesting otherwise are blatant butthurt fanboys

good thing you're here to calm all of those awful, objectively wrong fanboys down

why do you guys like the dualshock so much? I remember going to a friend's house for sleepovers and we would play the shit out of his ps2. but I hated the controller. the placement of the joysticks were awkward for my thumbs and the domed shape meant they would frequently slip off

soon after my job as a youth soccer referee paid off and I got the xbox 360 and its awesome controllers. xbox one controllers are even better, though I'm not sure if the bumper buttons are
xbox one. plug it in. the end. no drivers needed provided you have windows 10

DS2 is best controller

Mine died in 6 months. That's why I was hoping for an alternative.

>Died in 6 months
My autist friend threw mine across the room and it's still working a full two years later, have you tried repairing it yourself or is it completely dead?

>even signing onto facebook on PS4
>even having one
pls go back to your respective website

The bumpers are both fucked on it. Solutions online haven't worked for me and they're both sticking or not working even with hard presses. Seems to be a common problem with the controller for these bumpers to fucking break.

If it really did break within six months, contact Microsoft, they're pretty likely to give you a replacement for free

Already tried. It had 90 days warranty. This is why I really don't wanna give these fucks my money twice. It's one of the best controllers I've used but fucking terrible quality.

The options/share buttons are too small and in an awkward position.

my controller with the "day one edition" writing had the left joystick fail after about 1.5 years. pretty gay. the scuf that replaced it is still going strong, but some of the screen printing on the triggers and paint on the gold faceplate have flaked off. pretty disappointing, scuf

>Went PS3 last generation because of the controller. Eventually use the DS3 with my pc
>SCP works sometimes, sometimes I have to uninstall and reinstall the driver and even then, sometimes it doesn't work
>Resort to buy a DS4 or Xbone controller
>Since my previous experience with 3rd party drivers was bad, decide to go for the xbone
>Have used it for 25+ hours, still miss the DS layout

At first I paired it via bluetooth, but having to charge batteries sucks. I just plug the cable and it works everytime. And despite all these benefits, I still miss the DS layout

It's pretty comfortable over the DS3, just don't like the touch pad, and the lightbar.

I really like the share button though.


slippery joysticks, awkward start/select, a fucking touchpad, bright ass light THAT CANT BE TURNED OFF.

um yeah, i fucking love my ps4 and will play it any day of the week over my xb1, but you're retarded to think it's a good controller. xb1 controller blows it out of the water.

the weight, the grooves on thejoysticks, the triggers, the joystick placement... the xb1 controller is godlike. shame the console is garbage.

Not really. And it's coming from someone who owns nogaems4pro.

It's worse than X360 controller. It's worse than Wii U Pro gamepad.

Share button, touchpad and built-in speaker are unnecessary gimmicks.
You can't turn the light off.
Battery time is rather short - it gets depleted after 2-3 days of average use (2-3 hours per day).

It's not the worst controller but it's certainly not the best one.

Why are you a corporate slave? I bet you suck off Aaron Greenberg for fun, faggot!

Why does the light bother you?

it feels like the ds4 joysticks are a little bit closer together than ds3, it's really minor but it feels a little less comfortable to me

>left analog where the D pad should be
>split D pad
>those terrible Sony shoulder buttons

One of the worst controllers of all time tbqh.

Found the Xbot faggots! Kill yourself, bitches!

>playing in the middle of the night, room lights off
>sit at wrong angle
>enormous blue reflection on entire display
one of reasons

>>even signing onto facebook on PS4
You don't need to do that.

Awful nogaems4 system will remind you that you can log with your fb account and share with your friends.

The Xbone Elite controller is better in every single way.

i take lots of screenshots and only a small sub menu pops up and asks if you want to take a screenshot and/or save video of your play. is the facebook thing in that small menu? still -- you'd have to actually click on the facebook part

>battery life is impressive
Why would you blatantly lie like that?

If I'm not playing a game where the gamepad LED is necessary, I'd like the ability to turn the LED off. Firstly, it'll give me a little bit longer battery life; secondly, the light can be distracting.

if it's about PC, driver (ds4windows) allows to turn it off.

NieR: Automata

Did you try inputmapper? I played DMC4SE on my PC just fine with it. Minimal setup.

>useless share button
>menu button is too small
>almost useless touchpad
>touchpad drains the battery
>that huge light in the front
>can't turn it off
i like it more than the xbone controller. it still feels good in the hands but i think we can do better. instead of a touchpad maybe add 2 paddle buttons on the back or something and i still think we can get better sticks than those.
something that grips better.