How exactly did Adult Link learn the song of Storms?

How exactly did Adult Link learn the song of Storms?

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from the windmill man when he was a kid

The same way Kyle Reese fucked Sarah Connor

But Kid link didn't know the song

Some event hapoened where a lopp was formed an the whind will man would teah link and link the man.

Say for example Link originally learned the song later in life, then taught it to the wind will man. Because the man was selfish he went and told people he invented it, until one day in his old age he taught it to this little boy (Link). Link oriuinally had learned the song as an adult so this started the cycle.

Why didn't Link just try every combination of notes on his flute to brute-force discover the songs that are magical?

I don't really remember the process.

>Some event hapoened where a lopp was formed an the whind will man would teah link and link the man.
But the windmill man learned the song from young link.

Young Link goes to the windmill but doesn't know the song of storms. When he goes back as an adult the guy in the mill says that Young Link played the song and fucked up the windmill. He then plays the song and that's how Adult Link actually learns it.

Adult Link goes to the windmill and sees a guy with an accordion. Accordian Guy is furious because some brat ruined the windmill years ago with a song. He plays the song, unwittingly teaching it to Link.

Link then goes back to the past and plays the song in the windmill because reasons (to get somewhere or unlock a path maybe).

considering varying note length it would have taken thousands or millions of years

It unlocks access to the well.

Why didn't Ganon just take all the treasure chests containing key items out of the dungeons? He was able to put a phantom of himself in the Forest Temple, why would he leave stuff around for Link to beat him with?

Why did he leave the Temple of Time standing even though he destroyed everything else, thus provided Link a way to warp between points in time?

His castle was right next to it.

The hero of time is so strong he can escape causal laws of nature

I want to know why I can't use the fucking boomerang though. What a crock of shit. It's bad enough that I can't use deku sticks and can't go around being some bad ass bowstaff weilding monk.

Also, is the poe collector a sheikah?

Temple of time = key to the sacred realm, to control said realm (his main goal) he needs the temple

Key items = eh, maybe he didn't know they were there? You do have to kill shit to make the chest appear, maybe said items existed in the temple before he took over?

No it's the guard that was complaining about lack of shit to do in the jar room of Hyrule Market.

Or it's the little boy from the graveyard that really likes ghosts.

>Why didn't Ganon just take all the treasure chests containing key items out of the dungeons?
Nigga was busy destroying towns and raping maidens, of course he got no time to fiddle around with some shitty boots. I think it's more important to ask: since he was the new king of Hyrule, how come he didn't have an army or anything like that? I don't recall any sort of soldiers to prevent insurrections, he just stood in his castle.

>Implying a bunch of skeletons in his castle is enough

He does after he learns it as an adult. Is this your first time travel story?

Yeah but

>single red eye
>somewhat powerful (able to handle ghosts and not turned into a zombie while still living in castle

Also, do the gossip stones, mask of truth, and lens is truth being in mm mean the sheikah are in termina

That's not the point retard, the entire plothole is all just focusing on timeline fuckery. Adult Link technically shouldn't know the song.

Why didn't the hobbits go to Mordor on the backs of the giant Eagles? Answer me that you hairy footed manlet fuck.

>>somewhat powerful (able to handle ghosts and not turned into a zombie while still living in castle
I just assumed Ganondorf turned them into demons or gave them demonic powers. Also everyone in Hyrule Market survived, those zombies aren't actually zombies.

>iron knuckles, lizalfos, and stalfos all waiting inside
>to even reach them you have to dispel a barrier by beating 5 mini dungeons
>which you could only get to by getting in his castle which is floating above a molten pool of lava with no bridge
>which is in a city filled with rape zombies

Lack of protection is one thing you cannot fault him for

I call bullshit on everyone surviving. There were dozens of people in the market that you don't see in the village as an adult

it's literally the organ grinder's fault, the song of storms is all the thing plays, so he learned it froom that guy

It's a causal loop. It would only be a paradox if link skipped getting the song and never played it.

But he doesn't have an army or a base outside his turf. What if the villagers come up with a clever plan to infiltrate the castle and kill him while he's taking a shit?


There are only 5 notes and the songs are all 6 notes long. That means that there are only 5^6 songs possible.

15625 songs. Assuming it took 30 seconds to try a song and see if anything happened, it would take 7812.5 minutes, or ~130 hours. He could easily discover all of the magic songs in just a few weeks

Why didn't Bowser empty all the question blocks and not have a fucking axe next to the bridge he was on?

>He could easily discover all of the magic songs in just a few weeks
>implying he would want to do that

Because they needed to sneak in and not be seen. Why do you think they need to create such a huge diversion to draw the eye off of Frodo and Sam as they ascended Mount Doom

Child Link after the End screen went to Termina, finished MM and then came back, only then he taught the song to the windmill guy

They wouldn't even be able to get to the castle, let alone through the barrier and all the other shit

And he has an army: all the moblins, stalfos etc are all his

This but in retrospect it's pretty stupid.

>There are only 5 notes and the songs are all 6 notes long. That means that there are only 5^6 songs possible.
Bolero is 8 notes long

some songs are not 6 notes long though

What if the axe was there because Bowser had planned going to the woods to get a xmas tree

that's not how music works my dude, there's the length of each note and the amount of overall notes in the melody to take into account

>There were dozens of people in the market that you don't see in the village as an adult
Like? Name one person

The point is that guy is enraged because Young Link played that song, but you only ever learn that song because that guy is telling you about that time you played that song 7 years ago. If you never played that song as a kid, he shouldn't be enraged, but if he's never enraged you'll never learn that song. It's a time paradox.

notes can be repeated

even if that was logical, in a couple of weeks Zelda would be impaled to Ganon's cock by then

Not one castle guard in the courtyard or Hyrule Town is alive.

The only one that possibly survived was the guy in the room with the pots who liked the idea of being evil so Ganon probably let him live for shits and giggles.

Also they're not in town, but you never actually see any of the sages after they go to confront whatever entity inhabits their temple. Darunia in particular is obviously dead after you clear the temple because you never see him after that despite him going into the room with the dragon.

>implying an N64 can even handle rendering an army

>give a kid a magic flute
>accidently plays a song that causes the earth to stop spinning killing all life instantly

What if he played a song that caused all of his organs to be ripped out of his body at 274738mph?

Safer to just learn the songs by other means.

All the people at the trading areas to start. Bombchu dude, chest game dude, bowling alley girl, little girl chasing cock and I'm sure a few more I'm forgetting

Link is not affected by the flow of time

It's not a flute, flutes are a different instrument you dense fuck

Song of Storms probably actually existed and Link just accidentally discovered it through time travel bullshit.

Like how it exists in Termina for some reason.

They rendered a crowded stadium just fine :^)

well what is it?


A hollow potato

a whistle?

It's a testament to the stupidity of this board that I can't tell if this is bait

>rated E

but what if he learns the song to make ever girl within a country mile radius of him extremly horny for his shota cock?

I bet that's a fucking thing that the gods won't tell you.
Would put it past Din .


An Ocarina is just a type of flute you fucking retards

next level




Huh that's crazy, I guess they're accepted as instruments now.

Did the first guy to build a working ocarina live in italy or something?

Has a video game ever made an instrument before?

are you retarded or are you just pretending?

Oh my God. You're this retarded.

Young Link still plays the song in the past, because time is skipped to 7 years AFTER you pull the sword. Time doesn't reset to 00:01 every time, you continue off. So if the first sword pull is :00, Young Link plays the melody at :15. You do play the song, it just takes time for it to happen.

Does nintendo have copyright on this?

how does link remember all the songs.
how does the pokemon trainer remember all the phone numbers?

The problem is the song itself shouldn't exist because Guru Guru (His name in Majora's Mask whatever) was taught by Link but Link was taught by Guru because Link taught him the song because Guru was taught by Link but Link get the idea.

>You played the Song of Sudden Disembowelment!

>time stops and the prompt appears
>you can close the window anytime you're ready

>Song of Sodoku

The Song is also clearly magic (and is stored as such in the Ocarina). It's not Guru Guru's song, it's just passed its way through time.

nigga every song repeats notes

No, I believe you're the one that's retarded because you don't understand how time travel works.

Oh and I assume you're an expert on time travel then? Explain it to us then faggot.

Reminds me of the tabletop game "300 Wands."

>You played the Song of Speaking in Tongues!
>You played the March of Growing Tusks!
>You played the Ode to Torch Explosions!
>You played the Hymn of Orc Exsanguination!

>Call someone retarded for not understand how time travel works
>No one understands how time travel works
>Everyone is therefore retarded
>Called himself retarded

Well there ya go folks.

The song isn't Guru Guru's. It's ancient magic.
Adult Link playing the song is irrelevant to his learning of it.


>he didn't know that you could hold z to change the pitch of all the notes


Seriously nigger?

Use more proper nouns you nigger, adult links playing isn't relevant to who learning it?

As the player experiences it, in the future you are taught a song by guru. You then go back in time, to a period chronologically before you learned the song, and visit guru. He at this point doesn't know the song. As such, you teach it to him. The question is, who was the first to discover the song? Link would have never learned it but for guru, but guru would have never learned it but for link.

Everything has a cause and effect. With time travel, you can essentially affect the future by changing the past, but you have to do it before it even happens. What is happening here is that the guy is angry because you taught him the song, but he's the one that tught you the song in the first place. Unless if he's angry about some other kid it doesn't make any sense.

kill yourself

in the original unlooped timeline, the windmill man learned/created the song of storms. the first adult link would be taught the song and go back in time and teach younger windmill man. so what changed was windmill man didn't learn it on his own and discovered sooner, thanks to kid link.

>I learnt Time Travel from back to future

Never watched the movie.

Young Link learned it in Termina and taught it to guru guru, who taught it to adult link.

If he learned it in Termina then he'd not only have access to a shitload of items, but he wouldn't be in the adult future to begin with. This explanation doesn't pan out.

But that doesn't really work since you don't really time travel in the traditional sense. Here you're jumping into your body when you travel in the past so there's never two of you. If you did traditional time traveling, you'd time travel to the past as an adult while you're running around as a kid somewhere else at the same time.

What button is that for 3DSfags (aka non-nostalgiafags who played the game on the superior system)?

hit all the buttons, they al do something

Shit nigga I remember all the songs. Link might not talk but he's not THAT retarded.

circle pad

playing actual music is easier than remembering buttons

Circle pad. On N64 it was the control stick.

I can play the full Song of Time on ingane Ocarina and IRL 12 hole now. It's really cool.