>make a bunch of mediocre to bad game
>Add convoluted and edgy plots
>Get hailed as some kind of eccentric genius
Is Yoko Taro one of the biggest hacks in the Japanese gaming industry?
>make a bunch of mediocre to bad game
>Add convoluted and edgy plots
>Get hailed as some kind of eccentric genius
Is Yoko Taro one of the biggest hacks in the Japanese gaming industry?
Other urls found in this thread:
No, because Kojima still exists.
But Kojima at least makes good games
Way to throw shade on someone because he has a new game coming out soon that people are looking forward to.
Couldn't do this before Nier 2 was announced huh?
Kojima doesn't the dude who he co-wrote those games with that died did.
>new game coming out soon that people are looking forward to.
you mean the sfm 2b porn?
Yoko Taro fans were looking forward to it becaause it is another one of his games.
Platinum fans were looking forward to it because they were involved.
Sup Forums shitposters looking forward to the porn come may.
You can tell who is who because Yoko fans never shut up about the story. Plat fans keep talking about the gameplay and shitposters can't stop talking about robo pussy.
Not even close.
Fukushima didn't die.
first post best post
At least Yokofags admit that the gameplay is shit, they don't go around being preposterous about someone else's taste while hiding in a sheet of anonymity.
>i never played Taro games
would've saved you time.
>convoluted and edgy
I mean, I will give you edgy since it has become such a buzzword nowadays but his plots aren't really that convoluted. They just have a lot of endings and have really weird stuff happening in each of then.
Tarofags love attacking other games and companies.
See Platinum, WRPGs, and RPG-lite games like Undertale. Tarofags are cancer.
Maybe show some examples of what a Tarofag would say about said type of games.
Because this sounds like horse shit to be honest with you.
Jokes on you, I like all those things you listed
sorry to disappoint you, but I don't need to like this faggot to hate undertale
"Platinum is cancer abd was never good. They're devs and fanbasw are going to kill my masterpiece Nier"
>sudden increase in Platinum shotposting in any Platinum or Cuhrayzee thead
"Undertale is shit, Nier had better save file twist."
>shitposting increases everytime Nier is mentioned
Tarofags always pop up when someone tries to shit on WRPGs.
You don't have to be a tarofag to say Undertale is shit. That has been called shit since it's release by everybody on here.
Platinum threads have been getting massive shit since they started doing licensed games for Activision.
You haven't been lurking here long it seems.
>make any game
>fag on Sup Forums hates it even though he hasn't played it
>this nigger likes undertale
Yoko Taro is a national treasure
People were disappointed with Korra, but Platinum didn't get much hate. It wasn't until Nier 2 started attracting people who criticized Taro's previous works did Platinum begin getting hate.
>that pic
It was a different time
No. They got hate for Transformers. until someone found some tech in it. Then Turtles came out and the cycle started again one how it is complete trash. Rightfully so. with your average "platinum was never good" meme that has been around since Bayo 2 was announced Wii U only.
You so very obviously haven't been here long.
>It wasn't until Nier 2 started attracting people who criticized Taro's previous works did Platinum begin getting hate.
>the next stage of shitposting is attacking taro himself
Anyone wanna take bets if another shitpost trend comes up before the game comes out?
Taro is cute
No if you want hack see kojima
>one of
>not THE biggest
Not sure why the thread kept going after this.
The Bayo 2 hates was almost exclusively platform hate. Transformers was liked day 1. Only TMNT and Korra got hate, but none of it came to head until Taroshitters atarted roaming Platinum threads. You can deny all you want, but you're just recycling the same bullshit all SEdrones do.
>Get hailed as some kind of eccentric genius
Only tarotards do that.
Real human beans know his games are comedies you'd better watch on youtube.
At least kojima made a few good games
Taro has literally none
long before Nier 2 was a thing, Taro threads was just a quiet thread with probably the same niche group just replying to eachother/some user posting pics of DoD or other Taro game artwork constantly. /vg/ typical shit. But when Nier 2 happened, it brought all the shitposting, baiting, and droning that comes with a Platinum game releases, which btw, seems to happen with EVERY release regardless.
and just when you think it would die down there would always be a Activision release to spark the shit flinging up again.
Kohima's only good games are the Boktai games.
Everything else he has touched is kind of shit.
>kojima made a few good games
Actually just one (1)
>Is Yoko Taro one of the biggest hacks in the Japanese gaming industry?
>he doesn't remember all the Kaine dick threads before Nier2
>he doesn't remember everyone saying that the gameplay of DoD and Nier is good before Nier2
>he doesn't remember everyone sucking taro's dick before Nier2
Seems to me you are reaching.
Nier 2 is getting shit on by plat fags because it doesn't exactly reach up to their combat standards. Even though the gameplay in the Nier automata demo was far superior to what we have gotten out of Platinum since the Activision licence.
You sure that you're not the shitter you claim all these other people to be just to stir of a war between two groups of fans that are coming together for a game their respective fandom represents?
What are you going to do about it fag? Kill my baby and feed it to your friend?
MGS 1,2,3, ZOE2
> some literally what weebshit
Tarocuck confirmed
I like him and I've always liked Drakengard. I thought Neir was okay. I've always felt that Drakengard as a breath of fresh air because of unpredictable the gameplay and plots were. I've played way too many games, and I just have always felt like I'd never get a handle on these ones.
Flawed, absolutely. But they've always been fun to me. Fun enough that they are memorable.
Nier had shit threads ever since they announced that Kaine was a futashitter, so since before launch. Also just because your threads are peaceful during downtime doesn't mean tarofags don't shit up other threads with unrelated games.
I think Kojima has gained some valid praise. He has made some good and fun games. Obviously he's severely overhyped as some kind of genius for his stories, when they are absolutely some of the worst stories ever written in any medium.
Yoko Taro makes shit games. Period. Drakengard 1 was a musou that wasn't even remotely fun or had a fraction of the depth.
NIER tried to be good but it was the same mediocrity.
Drakengard 3 was a terrible action game.
The only things the game has going for it? The story. The stories aren't good or well written, they're mostly just excessively dark and edgy.
>didn't care to give specifics regarding topics.
>things that literally nobody even the biggest Taroshitter would say with a straight face.
>goes to gay bar & bitches about there being gays.
Don't forget the entire fishing debacle
>I think Kojima has gained some valid praise. He has made some good and fun games. Obviously he's severely overhyped as some kind of genius for his stories, when they are absolutely some of the worst stories ever written in any medium.
Kojima has fucked his playerbase at least twice. People believed the hype he created and then he underdelivered.
Something Taro does know, is who to pay to do the fucking music
How bout you go play it first. First three are very good puzzle action stealth games with a neat sunlight gimmick. Lunar knights remove most of that stuff and turns into an action game broken by shmup sequences and isn't as good.
Imagine a metal gear but good and no bullshit movie stuff, pure gameplay
Nier had a good soundtrack, yes, but Drakengard had droning repetitive horrible bullshit comprising the lion's share of the score.
nier is getting shit on because it's a new game that some people look forward to and some anons personal responsibility is it to drag absolutely everything into the dirt and then point their fingers at everybody else
>>he doesn't remember everyone saying that the gameplay of DoD and Nier is good before Nier2
It's hard to remember things THAT NEVER FUCKING HAPPENED.
If you have one (one) point or less, don't try to pad your list with random lies. No one will address the point you might have but everyone will point out the lies.
>doesn't mean tarofags don't shit up other threads with unrelated games.
still not buying the bullshit.
I absolutely hate people that accept that something is bad, and like it anyway.
It's not even bad.
The combat is enjoyable, just not good. Literal b or c tier gameplay. Still enjoyable as long as you don't play like Bayonetta or something at the same time.
I only play perfect video games aswell
I've yet to play a game
>they're mostly just excessively dark and edgy.
Not really, Drakengard 1 and Nier in particular handle their themes well enough and are very far from "edgy".
Didnt care to finish Drakengard 3 so no comment.
Not if you your a weaboo whos favorite genres are echii, and "slice of life"
I call something bad, and you criticize me for expecting things to be perfect.Your fucking autistic.
you're the one not capable of liking things even if they are flawed
What do their themes have to do with being dark and edgy?
Doesn't matter how well they're executed (well in the case of Nier, horribly in the case of Drakengard), if they're intended to be dark and edgy, and they were, that's what they'll end up being.
I can't say something bad about a video game I like?
Like every new game that anyone shows any remote interest in.
Skepticism is warranted but not blind faggotry.
First of all, Drakengard 1 is much better executed than Nier. We can discuss the particulars another time.
Second of all, I bring up themes because saying they're just "dark and edgy" is just a bullshit catchall term for when you don't know what you're talking about. If you actually know what these stories are about then its very hard to call them edgy, especially in comparison to so much other shit out there.
When you have a character who canabalises children, a character who wants to fuck her bro so bad she kills herself over the shame it causes her, a character who rapes children, and a story revolving around angels and gods being evil for the sake of evil. Your story is edgy, no matter how compelling you make that.
This isn't a bad thing, it's a fact. I really like Drakengard's surreal and extreme story. Me liking it doesn't stop it being edgy, and Sup Forums using edgy as a catch all "it's shit" term doesn't stop it either.
Well one you've admitted you like Drakengard so you're an idiot and I guess we can end this conversation right here, but for another, no, they are dark and edgy, especially Drakengard. Dark because of the setting and tone and characters and what happens to characters, and edgy because it dredges up a bunch of muck with shocking and horrible elements that would be an affront to most people.
And that doesn't have anything to do with theme. Theme is the idea it conveys, dark and edgy describe the conveyance.
>the dark collosus comes to destroy us all starts playing as he rubs his head
You're too hung up on surface details instead of how theyre actually used.
A game like Hatred is edgy because its violence exists for no other purpose than to be a living "fuck you" to the values of some people.
Drakengards violence and bizzarities exist because theyre meant to show how obsession and 'madness' drive people to destruction. The game is completely saturated with this theme from beginning to end.
Infact, Drakengard as a leg up on most games becaue it dosent jerk you off for being a murderous shit. Hows that for edgy? It just tells it like it is.
Leonard never raped anyone
>this one faggot complaining about my bait posting in Nier and other Sup Forums threads for years
Lack of depth doesn't make something edgy, nor does appropriately using the tone and setting of your story make it not edgy.
You're confusing justification and grounding of insane concepts with composure and calmness. They are edgy ideas that are written in a way to make them compelling. This is a good use of edgy.
Cannibal Holocaust uses it's tone appropriately for the story it's trying to tell, and it's edgy as fuck. Where as a movie like Catwoman doesn't use it's tone properly, but still isn't edgy.
Correct usage of tone isn't an absolution from being edgy.
Except he's completely right because dark and edgy describes surface details.
It's dark because it's dour, depressing, and hopeless. It's edgy because it tries to make people uncomfortable.
You could have the same theme but not be edgy. See Moby Dick. You could have the same theme and not have it be dark. See any number of revenge stories where the hero gives up on life-consuming revenge in the end.
So Drakengard, regardless of what theme it chose to have, conveyed it in a dark and edgy way. That's why it's dark and edgy. Theme has nothing to do with it.
So it looks like we all just have different ideas of edgy. To me its when someone is throwing out random negative elements with no other backing aside from "lol isnt that cool?", Drakengard does not have this quality. Some shitty fanboys may think it does, but they just dont get the story.
And no Leonard never raped anyone, look it up, hell if anything he's the only character who actually wants to overcome his issues.
I'd honestly pay a hundred bucks to have every Taro thread insta-deleted.
Tarofags have got to be the most delusional fanbase on Sup Forums who put their goddamned idol on a golden pedestal because he's so quirky and shit.
>but they just dont get the story.
The story is irrelevant. The MC and his team don't do the story, they don't care about what happens to the world and its characters. That's why it seems that the grimdarkness is there just for the edge factor.
Edgy is usually something shocking or over the top, and/or pushing the bounderies of a concept to an excessive length.
Sup Forums defines edgy as trying too hard more or less. Which is where you're being confused.
Pro tip: Sup Forums likes to use it's own made up jargon to dismiss things without needing to detail reasoning. Don't take too much credence into Sup Forums's vernacular.
Try retyping that. Either way I don't think your complaint is even valid since things like
> they don't care about what happens to the world and its characters.
Are very clearly addressed in the game itself.
Angelus and Caim care about each other.
Well your idea of edgy is wrong. Edgy describes anything that pushes envelopes or boundaries or people out of their comfort zone deliberately. When Star Trek had a multiracial cast in the sixties, that was edgy.
Also Drakengard is filled with stupid crazy shit with no bearing on anything. Explain what kind of thematic relevance the giant fuck-you shot down over Tokyo ending had.
All you racist fucks - I bet you glorify and worship Todd Howard, right? BURN IN HELL, FAGGOTS!
>And no Leonard never raped anyone, look it up, hell if anything he's the only character who actually wants to overcome his issues.
Only because the Dev team took a firm stance with Taro about not having any backstory to his paedophilia. It's still a part of his character just not expressed in the game. I suppose we could split hairs about this, but his character still expresses enough of those concepts to make the abductive reasoning that he did fuck a child.
>the abductive reasoning
We call that "head canon" in these parts.
Not really. I shit down every businessman, which is what game devs are at the very core. Literally the reason the video game industry exists is due to capitalism.
Buying games is pretty much a double edged sword.
I guess it's also Taro's head cannon then.
I wonder what fanbase will be at fault in a month or two when everyone jumped to a different game
>Well your idea of edgy is wrong.
lol well excuse me for not buying wholesale into shitty Sup Forums memes. I'm not into Star Trek but that little bit is interesting, I'd say they had the right idea though, hard to call that edgy.
I already told you the deal behind Drakengard 1 and how its events correleate to the theme. Ending E is typically described as a joke ending, but you can easily see it as the ultimate fulfillment of the theme. The battle frenzy took them so far as to another world, and got them killed.
His pedophilia is expressed in the game. The localization nerfed it a little bit, but its clear Leonard never had it in him to rape anyone. If you saw any of the scenes from the game you'd know this.
>LPfags trying to tell anyone shit
Nothing relevant is addressed in the game. The whole story is just the usual "an ancient evil awakens", except badly written. MC either doesn't care so he fails at his task. Or his failure is forced by the writters.
It's like there are two separate "stories" going on: the world slowly approaching its end and Caim killing shit left and right and expose the player to irrlevant grimdarkness.
Damn this dictionary thing is full of Sup Forums memes. Oddly they don't have your meme definition of edgy.
>Sup Forums barely knew about Yoko other than fans of Drakengard and Nier
>suddenly everyone's an expert
Edgy is literally any attempt to make people feel uncomfortable through any means possible. It's a type of hyper-realism where cynicism becomes the absolute norm, and when taken to extremes, will just induce apathy to the audience because who gives a flying fuck to people who will end up miserable in any possible situation anyway.
This is why nobody gives a shit about Africa. It's such a hellhole, that there's not expecting salvation there anymore.
>Leonard never had it in him to rape anyone.
its almost like story is actually important in video games
name one kojima game that's worse than any taro game
you literally can't
As a fan of Drakengard 1 I don't find it edgy or depressing. I actually find it quite funny in an absurd, cluster-fucky, ironic kind of way. Imagine if a laugh track played every time something tragic happens and when the game one ups itself in the absurdity department. The "thank you for playing" message after the E Ending credits is fucking comedy gold.
Fukushima has worked for Sony Japan Studio since he left Konami in 2005; he was a system planner on Rain and Freedom Wars.
>end of the world is being brought by the Watchers who influenced and took over the Empire
>Caim is fighting against the Empire, trying to block their attempts several times in the game
>his doings are somehow irrelevant to the whole plot