It's sad knowing that Chris will never make a joke like that again.
It's sad knowing that Chris will never make a joke like that again
What did he mean by this
but during the stone age
Legitimately better than Dobson.
This is one of the few things Chris's done that's genuinely pissed me off and not just made me laugh. Apparently Bagget IRL was a really good guy; saved a family from a fire or some shit.
that smug motherfucker
>Did you bathe?
"the "Jerkop of all Jerkops" who arrested Chris at the Target. Not much is known about his personal life, but we do know he was commended by the local House of Delegates for his selfless commitment to public safety after stepping down from his squad car to rescue two people from a smoking restaurant, shortly before it erupted into flames, on 9 March 2002. Ironically, one of the sponsors of the resolution was Robert Bell, who would later on defend Chris in court.[1]"
So.. that give hims free reign to be a douchebag asshole?
Meanwhile, Chris at Target:
>"July 20, 2005: … I was at the new Target store, just hanging around, not bothering anyone. And, from out of the blue, these two Manajerks asked me to leave, because they said that I was loitering; I was NOT! I was there hoping to find an 18-23-year old, Boyfriend-Free girl, like I usually do. Then, from out of the blue, after I told them off, they came back with two Jerkops!
What I don't understand is why cwc's comics are such a grammatical mindfuck. I've seen plenty of his posts on social media and they're almost always at least understandable albeit crazy as shit. Does he do it on purpose? If so why?
Gotchu senpai
Thanks, senpai.
what the fuck does it mean
>May I orbit your belt?
From time to time, CWC can be legitely funny
I get it. Ugly people aren't allowed in public spaces.
someone post it
please don't
>tfw Chris became the boyfriend-free girl
Jesus wept
please i haven't seen it yet
my friend only told me about it i need to see
Why haven't we implemented CWCville style criminal justice yet?
Abscess of God
You have to stop and wonder how you prosecute someone for loitering who has no concept of the crime.
It's not even ignorance of the law. It's ignorance of what it means. Like trying to prosecute someone who doesn't understand the concept of ownership or theft to a shoplifter.
Well, you asked for it
The family of murder victims should get to rip off the murderers cock with their bare hands!
Lay me to rest and bury my eyes in the ocean.
The joke is "neanderthals were dumb."
In a perfect world, they'd explain to them why it's wrong.
But not anymore.
I know that this has been said a million times before but there is just something nightmarish about a man almost into his 30's drawing these comics where he's the hero who does nothing wrong and everyone else is the bad guy.
It's like a fucking real life Flowers for Algernon.
People could write fucking medical papers on this guy using the Cwcki. I'm sure they have.
Sad that chris has become so lazy he refuses to even work on the comics anymore even if he just did a page a week or something.
To be fair he was most likely being creepy as shit to any girl in site.
I don't know if you COULD explain it to him.
Bionic, that's not a Captcha.
This is what true justice looks like.
He's 35 next month.
Git good Bagget.
I'm pretty sure it's just that he's aware of what the internet laughs at
Lets not and say we did
Is everyone ready for Christian Love day next month?
Chris is a pioneer in comic paneling. I've never read a comic that is read left to right, bottom to top because the protagonists are riding an elevator
chris got so boring after the tomgirl saga.
There's something so surreal about how Chris just mentions real life products and uses casual dialog as if that's what everyone talks about.
Also fucking lord drawing himself as some kind of anime hero will never stop being the funniest fucking thing.
Could you explain crime to an autist? Probably (I think).
Will Chris-chan listen to someone who isn't enabling him? No fuckin way.
Nah chris does actually think Sonichu has billions of fans. He's just too lazy to do any kind of work anymore even if it's for his own franchise. Some idiot even paid him 1000 dollars to continue the comics and chris only did like a couple pages and quit.
i miss this era of chris
>black paint
This tickles me to god damned death,
(I'm not gay!)
goes on to declare himself as a lesbian, jesus fucking titchrist I don't know what's real or not anymore
But then again, certain people, and I know a few, are like this in real life.
Did he steal the fucking Independence Day speech?
>ruthlessly torture and kill your enemies
>call yourself the hero
Is Sonichu the Spec-Ops: The Line of comic books?
what in the god damn fuck is this
this is something I've never seen before and I like to think of myself as a pretty avid Chris follower
Chris steals everything. He is so incapable of original thought that when does manage something it ends up like
Chris has zero imagination.
The Dragonair quote gets me every time.
>captcha: NO LOITERING
I can't imagine what his parents are thinking. They must believe they are failures. Absolute depression.
It's his DVD he made. Everyone who follows the man has watched bits of it.
you aren't
>I like to think of myself as a pretty avid Chris follower
I don't know why, but this made me laugh harder than anything else in this thread.
Dads dead and his mother is a psycho.
Bob was pretty disappointed and I think he regretted a lot of his choices in the end before dying. Barb though is a nutcase and probably loves having control over chris.
>you may recognize that name from the numerous letters I sent you
I hope he sent em to Nintendo in Japan.
>Consider himself a christorian
>Dont even know about the DVD project of CWC
Is Chris passing?
Chris's biggest advantage is that after a certain point all fat people with long hair look the same
Why hasn't that faggot killed himself?
Holy fuck this is dark
>Mao spawns a Japanese ghost headband for no reason
I want to say it's because he's asian but I know better that it's because Chris just inserts Japanese tropes randomly into his comics.
He looks like he's passing away.
>calls himself a woman
>literally just looks like a gross-ass middle aged man with long hair, not-even trying
why can't he be saved from his delusion
I've seen worse
Can somebody explain to me why you can get a ticket for loitering?
I'm not a burger and i just don't understand how you can get charged for just standing around somewhere
>one emerald green eye
>one sky blue eye
>spiked hair
>probably AND1 shoes
Holy fuck I've been following CWC for a while but this image really had me rolling
Chris chan... Chris chan had a hard live
>emerald green
>sky blue
sick adjectives dude
I just want him to keep making comics
Trolls ruined everything
because people help further his delusions. i'm expecting one day someone will pretend to like him, and then he'll just go jump off a highway bridge or something after it's all revealed
Private property. I own a business, you're obviously taking up space, it's time to go.
Holy shit that November journal.
Is it true that Tails Gets Trolled is the "Spiritual successor" to Sonichu?
in burgerland loitering implies you have intent to commit a crime and you are waiting for an opportunity i think.
no, it's some guy writing it ironically bad for people ironically enjoying it on Sup Forums