Just pre-order the digital deluxe edtion of this. What should I expect?
Just pre-order the digital deluxe edtion of this. What should I expect?
Think of a more refined Dark Souls with a sweeeet mix of Ninja Gaiden.
fuk me why does this have to come out basically next year i want to play it nao
You got a month dude, Don't worry I know the feeling. I have like 4 games between now and Feb 7th that I am getting. I'm a bit overwhelmed.
No its more like Dark Souls with Onimusha
This game don't got ninja flippin' action
>I just pre-ordered this game and I have no idea why
>help me Sup Forums
>Nioh and Nier getting released in close proximity to each other.
>tfw getting them both.
2017 off to a rockin' good start.
the controls feel a lot more like NG only without the crazy flipping and wall running
It's like Jurassic Park mixed with Yugioh
In my country digital is more expensive than physical so I'm not preordering it.
Missed the beta (I bought my PS4 near the end of November) but I have a good feeling about this game.
some pretty good shit
Refined Souls.
I wish I could get into this game but both demos just made me want to play Souls instead.
My only gripe is that this and Automata come out so close to each other.
It's the game dark souls should have been 4 games ago.
But that's Bloodborne user
A game that is not as near as good as Shenmue or Onimusha.
Burn Pot, Not People
Wars Will Cease When Men Refuse To Fight
Love is Lovely, War is Ugly
War Machine Off Campus
Bring all the troops home now
It will a great day when our schools get all the money they need and the Air Force must hold a bake sale to buy a bomber
Bread Not Bombs
Give Peace a Chance
All Weapons are Boomerangs
Swords into Plowshares
Drop acid not bombs
If pro is the opposite of con the is congress the opposite of progress
Either you get tired of fighting for peace or you die
These colors don't run the world.
When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.
How did our oil get under their sand?
Go Solar, not Ballistic.
Who Would Jesus Bomb?
Buck Fush!
Say can you see my democracy? (With pictures of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld) Asses of Evil.
It's the oil, stupid.
War is expensive, Peace is priceless.
Read between the Pipelines
No More BuSh.
Smart weapons, Dumb president.
The only thing we have to fear is Bush himself.
How many Lives per Gallon?
"1, 2, 3, 4,
we dont want your racist war.
5, 6, 7, 8,
no more killing, no more hate."
"Whose streets?
Our Streets.
Whose war?
Their war."
A much better version of Dark Souls.
2017 is pretty top heavy with good games.
I just hope there are good games sprinkled throughout the entire year.
Fuck, I'm already at the point where I will buy 3 games, get close to beating one, play a little of another, and don't even touch the 3rd before I have another set of 3 games come out that I need to buy. 2017 is going to fuck me over even worse than that...
A cool game that should have been a hell of a lot cooler.
>basically next year
It's literally a month from now, which is the same fucking year.
Play the Onimusha games in the meantime. It's what I'm doing
Jesus I must've been fucking high when I saw the release date because I remember it saying 12/30/17
the psn store says that for any game where they don't input a specific date.
Nioh is better than Bloodborne.
I'd play that.
I basically bought a PS4 for this and Yakuza. Shame I missed out on the two demo helmets you could get.
OnimuSouls Gaiden with a Diablo loot system.
You're all rereading James Clavell's Shogun in the next month, right Sup Forums?
No, but I'm watching the miniseries instead.
Gomenasai, my name is William-Sama.
I’m a 36 year old English Anjin (Navigator for you gaijins). I plot courses on my charts, and spend my days perfecting my map-reading and playing superior Nipponese games. (Hanafuda, Mahjong, Janken)
I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my scroll of sword mastery two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.
I speak Nipponese fluently, both Kanji and the Kyushu dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Nipponese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%
When I get my Nipponese Red Seal, I am moving to Edo to attend a prestigious Academy to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become a vassal to the Shogun or a merchant!
I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Nippon, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Nipponese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.
Wish me luck in Zipangu!
something something ask for an alpha mode
Never knew this existed before today while i was out shopping i saw the preorder thing for it. Just saw some of the gameplay now. Holy shit ive been waiting for something like this
It's pretty cool, shame you missed the Alpha and Beta. Suppose I'll post some random tapes to keep the thread alive.
weeb shit
Why would you ever pre-order anything?
because I want to get the cool bonuses and I want to support the developers
I also think the game is going to be good from the alpha and the beta I played so why not
I've got Gravity Rush 2, Nioh, and Yakuza 0 pre-ordered online, cause I want to get them on release day, and the only place in my shithole town that sells video games is a big department store that only gets big AAA releases like COD, GTA and Fifa in, and even then the staff there won't even bother to put the stock out on release day.
Oh, didn't even post the most recent stuff. I'll do two in that case.
What's your excuse for not playing either of the demos? Those should tell you all you need to know.
In case it gets brought up at some point when I sleep, all the stage demos are the balance that we've gotten in the versions we've played as the stats and enemies were all a match, so what we're seeing from these is in fact what we were and are getting.
Fuck off shill