>be friend of a friend
>goes out with a stripper
>she gets pregnant
>he is in no way financially able to support a child
>she insists on having and raising it
>she admits she cheated on him but says she "knows" that the baby is his
>ask him to show me a picture out of curiosity
>shows me her instagram or something account, her username is "gamergirl" followed by a number
I shit you not.
Be friend of a friend
video games
That was an extremely disappointing story, user.
The baby is black, hes not.
What am I suppose to take away from this story?
Then the baby isn't his and he should bail.
video games
is there a continuation for this story?
seriously, fuck this bullshit thread
Why the fuck wouldn't he just leave her?
If she insists the baby is his get a paternity test and then sack her ass.
You don't know that. White people can have black babies, it happens all the time. Stress causes it, that's why it's usually military families it happens to. Being a stripper is a stressful job, I'm not surprised her baby turned out black.
fuck (You)
uh... uhuhuhuhuhAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Wouldn't that be racist tho?
That joke has potential, just not in this abortion of a thread.
Its better to be a racist then to be a godless cuckold user.
Then whats the problem, get a dna test and bail out. The whole black baby white parent thing is a meme that betas and whores came up with.
Who cares?
Better tell you friend to sign no papers, demand a dna test and to get as far away from that girl as possible. Having something in hand for possible rape accusations wouldn't be a bad idea either.
If he is the father, he's fucked.
Well he's not entirely wrong, certain genetics can skip generations or have certain pigment problems, sort of the opposite of an albino, but its extremely fucking rare and isn't just a stress thing.
Is that actually a real thing? I thought that was a joke.
He did leave her (and she apparently has a new boyfriend), but yeah I'd imagine he'd go the paternity test route.
Is this some sort of next level bait?
Holy fuck this literally happened to me.
Are twitch women fucking insane or what?
But in my life she miscarries so it's all good man.
The feels hit hard randomly though
I know it's healthy to go out and meet ladies and find a girl to go steady with eventually but come on, you guys are so gullible it hurts existing with you in the same universe
I'm pretty sure we can force this (((meme)))
No. Its actually certainly possible, like I said, its so rare though that its an extreme chance. Its like one in every ten million or so.
Basically the genetics are based on the parents and their grandparents. Such as lets say the grandparent was 5% black and 95% white, then the chances of the grandchild being black despite both parents being white is a certain possibility.
Genetically not every is actually 100% white or black, or in some cases dependent on the dominant gene despite say a black father and white mother the child could just straight up be white, a good indication is the singer Halsey.
Genetics just work like that, the chances of two white parents having a black child though as I said, is extremely rare and OP's friend was just cheated on and not his, but the slight possibility does exist, its highly highly doubtful though.
Certain genetic features such as hair color, eye color, dimples, etc. don't work like that though.
>its healthy to go out and meet ladies
Why would you ever willingly interact with women?
OP here, what is your first name?
Good point, I retract my thought
whats the name of this twitch slut?
>women claiming pregnancy for free paycheck for rest of their life
yeah this isnt a rare thing, its literally all they have to offer in life
>>she insists on having and raising it
This is why I got a vasectomy at 18.
You can always use your permavirginity status to argue against these claims and demand a DNA test to validate it and then dance when they lose all credibility because they just lied to try and get you to pay their way through life
there's just something too purposeful about this post to make it actually funny
Wow, OP! ...great moves. Keep it up!
Where... can I subscribe to the blogs, haha!
Don't post shit unrelated to vidya, dumbass.
You guys are just as bad as the nigs who leave their baby mammas and kids. You need to step up to the plate and be a REAL man. Marry her, support her financially and take care of your wife's son.
please do not use my waifu Miss_Rage's likeness for stories like this when they have nothing to do with her
I don't think that's legally possible.
was honestly expecting this to be a mother will die in her sleep post
either way it's not vidya
didnt knew she was dutch, where she at, the hague? utrecht?
>waifuing fat girls
You were never going to have kids anyways lol
Sup Forums 2017 everybody
somewhere, in the deep south of the united states, exists a stripper with a white, military boyfriend who is currently pregnant with a black baby and she is shitting her pants, this warms the cuckolds of my heart.
Depends on the doctor, some won't do it, some will. Most will as long as you are a consenting adult.
she is not fat delet this
>and she has a dick
I shit you not.
Your waifu is ugly without a kilo of make up on her
well aren't you a lucky one then
where I live they flatout deny doing that unless you're 25
you can reverse it too if you're ready too settle down.
Oink oink.
Oh that wasn't me, I can still make babbies. It just really depends on the doctor/surgeon. Depends on the country too really.
I technically already do but that was when I was 13 and 15 they couldn't prove it was me without implicating themselves!
fucking yummy
Is this a new meme?
That actually looks better than 90% of chicks sans makeup
how is that ass even possible
>she admits she cheated on him but says she "knows" that the baby is his
I hope for my dick that the baby comes out black
fuck I hope it's black. there's nothing hotter than getting cucked by a black men and raising his child
Stupid questions but, can you still cum? Or does nothing come out?
this has potential. ilikeit.jpg
Jesus, those hips were made for a huge black cock.
It's sad not a lot of twich girls do interracial porn
bitch walks around like a raptor
her spine is fucked
its just a puff of air, like a deodorant can
user you might want to go to the doctor, you can still cum just fine after a vasectomy.
Those thin chainsmoker lips, jesus christ.
I don't understand how they get away with this shit. You're blatantly just accepting money to be a whore.
>Blessed with that fat ass
>Blessed with those thighs
>Cursed with those small tits
>Their not even cute small just small
>Cursed with that disgusting face
I feel bad in a way
uh oh
Drop the twitch part and the answer is yes.
some people figured out theres a large amount of lonely virgins who will pay you money for softporn
If there's a market to exploit, exploit it. Don't blame someone for seeing an opportunity to deprive others of their hard earned cash, blame the idiots that throw it away.
>without makeup
>is clearly still wearing makeup
>that very clear line at the base and coloring that shows its just a strapon dildo made to look big
Oh my sides
..It's an elastic around his dong dude. Man you people are fucking dumb.
looks too prominent to be fake, something else is looped around there
If that was the case then you'd see it on the underside too, which you do not.
don't worry, just yet another insecure white boy straight outta Sup Forums
are you stupid